Chapter 179

Chu Yin looked down at Yin Yan who was lying on the ground, her red lips parted slightly: "Remember, it was you who ruined your son's everything."

"Yin Hao, if you want to blame, blame your mother and your sister, understand? They have been doing it all the time, and they don't know how to cherish me."

Chu Yin packed all her belongings in a bag again, and asked someone to help her move down. So far, the move has been completed.

"Let's go, go get a divorce tomorrow morning." Chu Yin turned around and patted Yin Hao's shoulder.

Leaving gracefully.

As soon as Chu Yin went out, she heard Yin Yan burst into loud cries. She was so angry that she was about to die of anger.

I couldn't accept this situation for a while, my son couldn't have a baby, my relatives and friends laughed at me, my daughter-in-law was vicious, and all my valuables were taken away. I suddenly felt like everything was over.

Yin Yan suddenly felt that losing this daughter-in-law would make her life very sad.

The son has no money, and the daughter-in-law's property will not belong to his son.

Why is it like this, how did it become like this.

Yin Yan was out of breath, her eyes darkened, she passed out, and the house was in chaos.

Yin Hao's car was gone, and Yin Yan was dizzy again, so she had to stop going to work and send her mother to the hospital first. Yin Zhu was sad that her brand-name bags and jewelry were all gone, and she didn't want to go with her at all, so she turned annoyed at Deng Xinxin said, "You go."

"It's up to you to take care of your future mother-in-law."

"The scourge, if it weren't for you, these things of mine would be gone, it's all your fault."

Deng Xinxin looked at Yinzhu in shock, Yinzhu had always been kind to her, and usually said that she was a good sister, why did she turn her head and blame herself?

He wanted to refute something, but he was powerless, so he could only follow Yin Hao to the hospital first.

After leaving here, Chu Yin did not go back to the company, but went to Yin Hao's company, and reported Yin Hao's kickbacks in front of Yin Hao's entire company.

He also publicized in the company the fact that Yin Hao cheated at home and fought fiercely with Xiaosan.

Infidelity and divorce are all moral issues, and Yin Hao's company can at most mean that Yin Hao is a morally corrupt person and a bad person.

But taking the kickback seriously violated the company's system and violated the contract signed at that time. According to the contract he signed with the company, Yin Hao would not only be fired, but also pay the company three times the money he got from the kickback.

After Chu Yin found out that he had taken kickbacks for the first time, he became more courageous, and he took two more kickbacks afterwards.

Add up to twenty thousand.

Especially when Chu Yin reported him in front of so many people, even if the leader wanted to cover up Yin Hao, it would be all right.

Now Yin Haoguang has to pay [-] yuan to the company, and he still has more than [-] yuan in foreign debts.

Yin Hao was still guarding Yin Yan in the hospital, and suddenly received a call from the company asking him to go through the resignation procedures.

Yin Hao looked at Deng Xinxin blankly, and Deng Xinxin asked, "What's wrong?"

Yin Hao didn't speak, but asked about the specific situation of the company's personnel. When the other side said it, Yin Hao was so angry that he dropped his phone.

"I've never seen such a ruthless person. An Rui ruined my job. She went to the company to report me!"

Deng Xinxin was stunned: "Are you unemployed?"

"Yeah." Yin Hao was extremely irritable, and said to Deng Xinxin: "You take care of my mother first, and I will go to the company."

After speaking, he ran away.

As soon as Yin Yan woke up, she saw that Deng Xinxin was the only one beside her, and she immediately turned pale: "Where is my son?"

"Going to the company." Deng Xinxin looked at Yin Yan with some anxiety, knowing that Yin Yan was in a bad mood, she didn't dare to provoke her.

Yin Yan suddenly felt lonely: "My son."

"Leave me alone at this time."

"This unfilial son!"

Yin Yan is now also feeling dissatisfied with Yin Hao in her heart. Seeing Deng Xinxin, she couldn't help scolding: "If you, a vixen, hadn't seduced him, would he have made such a mistake?"

"Now kill us like this..."

Deng Xinxin felt a great grievance in her heart, she bit her lip and said nothing, when a message came from her mobile phone, it was someone from her hometown asking her how she was doing outside.

From the population of her hometown, Deng Xinxin also knew that she was known as a junior by her hometown.

His face was ashen.

This matter should be done by An Rui, An Rui wants her to be ruined.

Being a mistress is not honorable at all, and if others know about it, others may not know how to mock her mother, how can my family hold their heads up.

My mother is a patriarchal and mercenary person. Whenever her own affairs hurt her a little, she will always scold her.

Thinking of this, Deng Xinxin's whole body was cold, and her heart was weighed down by a heavy stone.

Chu Yin returned to An's father's company, and An's mother was sitting in the office, looking at the pile of things that Chu Yin asked someone to send back.

He stretched out his foot and kicked: "What is this?"

"Dear mother, I have good news for you. I have moved out of Yin Hao's house and I am about to divorce." Chu Yin was in a very happy mood.

It also messed up Yin Hao's work, and made Yin Hao owe so much money, which was enough for him to have a headache.

Mother An: "?"


"Am I having auditory hallucinations? Or am I dreaming? Is there such a good thing?" She got up and ran over to pinch Chu Yin: "Does it hurt?"

Chu Yin: "It hurts..."

"Mom, let's just say, shouldn't you pinch yourself?"

Mother An: "Isn't it the same to pinch you and pinch me? It's fine if it hurts or not."

Chu Yin sighed helplessly: "Okay."

"Then what are you going to do with these things? Just throw them away, cut off the past, and let's start a new life." Mother An gave a disgusted look.

Chu Yin: "That can't be done, it cost a lot of money to buy."

"Especially these." Chu Yin opened the snakeskin bag, which contained clothes, bags and jewelry. She poured it out and said, "This family sucks blood really well."

"Let me buy valuable things for them. All my savings have been spent, and my father gave me a lot of money."

Mother An took a wide look: "It's really a bit stupid to buy them so much."

"It's hard not to spend all the money."

Chu Yin looked at An's mother pitifully: "They are very greedy. I used to think that if I bought them for them, I would make them happy and let them treat me as a family member. Who knows that their desires are hard to fill, so I simply took them back."

"Otherwise, leave these things to them, and they can sell them for a lot of money!"

"You do have a brain. Your brain is bigger than mine. I only hope for your divorce. I haven't thought that you can take back the things you gave away. After all, I'm too embarrassed to do this. It's just your excuse, haha..." An's mother laughed out loud, overwhelmed with joy.

"Didn't they stop you? Just watched you take it away?" An's mother didn't think this was like that family's character.

Chu Yin shook her head: "How is it possible?"

"I invited a few powerful and domineering handsome guys to stand there, and they were scared, who would dare to stop me."

Chu Yin talked about the bathroom incident again, and Mother An finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and said to Chu Yin, "My child, I really love you."

"Come on, mom hugs, mom comforts you."

 Thank you for the rewards of the second plane and everyone's monthly ticket recommendation ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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