Chapter 180

Mother An gave Chu Yin a suffocating hug.

Chu Yin managed to break free from An's mother's arms: "Cough..."

"I'm not sad at all, don't worry."

"Really, don't think I have anything. I'm fine. Mom, you don't have to comfort me."

Chu Yin felt that Mother An's arms were too tight, and it was difficult to breathe.

"I packed them up and sold everything that could be sold. By the way, I also asked someone to drive the car back. It was parked downstairs. Mom, tell Dad to see if anyone wants it. It's cheaper. "Chu Yin thought of Yin Hao's car.

Mother An snorted, "That's easy. I have a cousin who just wants to buy a car to practice driving. I think that car is very suitable."

Chu Yin had one thing in mind.

Work in peace in the afternoon, Chu Yin wanted to deal with those things at night, but An's mother said to leave it to her, and insisted on taking Chu Yin out for a big meal to celebrate the divorce.

As soon as Chu Yin arrived at the hotel, she found that all the seven aunts and eight aunts were there, even some of An's father's business partners.

so many people.

Chu Yin can be regarded as a person who has seen big wind and waves. She looked calm and announced her divorce to everyone. An's mother immediately said happily that she would pay for all the consumption tonight.

During the dinner, Chu Yin also specially posted a circle of friends, and posted a video of the full house guests, accompanied by a literary copywriting.

Anyway, it means congratulating yourself on getting divorced and getting out of the sea of ​​suffering.

When Yin Hao saw Chu Yin's circle of friends, he was dizzy and dizzy with anger. Why the hell are you even entertaining guests to celebrate the divorce.

Don't go overboard!

Chu Yin went to Yin Hao's house early the next morning and dragged Yin Haosheng to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In fact, Yin Hao wanted to drag Chu Yin down. He couldn't get used to Chu Yin being so complacent and so ruthless.

But Chu Yin is so strong, he has no ability to resist, and there is solid evidence of cheating, even if he doesn't want to, Chu Yin sues for divorce, he still has to leave in the end.

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Chu Yin smiled brightly holding the divorce certificate: "Goodbye, little trash."

She was about to turn around and leave, but Yin Hao stopped her, and stopped talking. Chu Yin thought that if you don't say it, I won't listen, and walked on.

Yin Hao stopped her again.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Chu Yin said impatiently.

Yin Hao said: "You have already reached this point, enough is enough, let the anger in your heart dissipate."

Chu Yin: "And then?"

Yin Hao hesitated for a moment: "You also lost your job, you took all the things you bought, and your home is a mess. Even if I deserve what I deserve, it's miserable enough."

"Can you lend me 20 yuan to tide me over?"

"Rui Rui, miss the friendship in the past, you really want to help me this time, give me a hand, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life, divorce doesn't mean we can't be friends, does it?"

Chu Yin: "?"


"There is really no thick-skinned person like you."

"It's outrageous, you dare to ask me to borrow money." Chu Yin raised his hand and clenched his fist: "Believe it or not, I will give you a hammer."

"Trash, wish for luck."

"But there is no one to help me except you." Yin Hao still wanted to pester him, but when he saw Chu Yin's fist, he felt afraid again.

How could there be such a shameless person who dared to borrow money after doing such a nasty thing.

Going back with the divorce certificate, An's mother couldn't help laughing while holding the divorce certificate. An's father was worried that Chu Yin was in a bad mood, so he told An's mother to stop laughing.

"Last night I was laughing in my dreams, and my daughter's divorce is not such a big happy event." Father An was speechless.

An's mother: "Why is it not a great happy event, you just say that you are happy or not?"

"Could it be that you are so fond of Yin Hao?"

Father An was silent for a moment: "But my daughter is always sad, happy is happy, so you can't restrain yourself."

Chu Yin has become accustomed to it, and shrugged: "It's okay, just be happy if mom is happy, I don't care."

"I was able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering and see the scumbag clearly. I'm also very happy. It's a happy event. Dad, you can rest assured and be bold and happy."

The marriage was also divorced, and Chu Yin's life centered on work, frantically working on her career and negotiating orders.

Expand the recruitment of talents and carry out a series of changes in the company.

Choosing to keep up with the times, although An's father is also very smart, but after all, he is getting older. Chuyin recruited many high-quality students and injected a lot of fresh blood into the company.

As for Yin Hao, his job was gone, and he tried every means to borrow money to compensate the company.

Staying at home, Yin Hao had had enough of living without money, thinking about starting a business.

He had thought this way before, but this time he was bullied by Chu Yin with money again. After suffering enough losses from having no money, he held his breath in his heart, always thinking that finding a job was not the way out, until he had money You can also slap your ex-wife in the face.

It's just foreign debt.

Deng Xinxin has already moved into Yin's house directly, taking care of Yinyan and Yinzhu's life every day, and still using her small savings, even using her own money, Deng Xinxin thought, the most difficult thing for her in Yinhao Accompany him through the most difficult time, he has to be grateful to her in his life, and will remember her kindness.

It's a pity that Yinzhu and Yinyan have revealed their true colors in their irritated and depressed life.

Because Deng Xinxin didn't have a lot of money, she lived more and more carefully, and the food became more and more mediocre, which made Yin Yan Yinzhu feel dissatisfied, thinking of how good their ex-daughter-in-law was when they were here.

How well used.

How well dressed.

And Deng Xinxin couldn't give them.

There are many complaints against Deng Xinxin, blaming Deng Xinxin for everything. If Deng Xinxin and Yin Hao didn't do that kind of thing, would the ex-daughter-in-law leave?
Deng Xinxin sometimes refuted them, but An Rui didn't treat you very well in the end, she didn't care about your life, even if there was no such thing, wouldn't she?

Yin Yan said: "As long as she doesn't divorce my son, I don't believe she won't care about it for the rest of her life."

"At that time, there was anger, and there will always be a day when the anger will disappear."

Yinzhu echoed: "That is, as long as you don't find out about your affairs, I think Yinhao will be able to coax her well sooner or later. Even if she suffers from illness for a while, she can't suffer from it for a lifetime."

Deng Xinxin was a little annoyed: "Since An Rui is so good, don't you all cherish it?"

"Yin Hao is still with me, so it proves that I am better than An Rui in his heart."

Yin Yan glared at Deng Xinxin: "You still dare to talk back, do you still want my son to marry you?"

"Don't respect us now, believe it or not, I won't let my son marry you."

Deng Xinxin suddenly lost her voice.

Now the news of being a mistress has spread in my hometown, and my parents and younger brother have called me to scold me, saying that I am embarrassing to them.

If you can't marry Yin Hao again, it will be a big joke, anyway, you must get married.

At least Yin Hao's conditions are not bad in the eyes of the old family. After getting married, there will not be so many people talking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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