Chapter 188

Chu Yin: "..."

Ah bah, pervert.

"Eat this." The man walked towards Chu Yin slowly, with a cold breath all over his body. Chu Yin felt that he had practiced evil skills for ten years, otherwise his whole body would be like a big block of ice?
It was really cold.

As he approached Chu Yin, his whole body felt chilly, and he felt that his blood was completely cooled by the icy breath that came with him.

He took out a pill, but Chu Yin couldn't move it, so he had to sniff it vigorously to make sure whether it was poisonous or not. After some judgment, Chu Yin confirmed that the pill was not only not poisonous, but also made of high-quality materials. Will leave scars.

"Open your mouth." Seeing that Chu Yin did not open his mouth, he reached out and pinched Chu Yin's chin, forcing Chu Yin to open his mouth. Chu Yin opened his mouth, and the pill melted in his mouth. He sniffed drunkenly at the neck.

"Even in this dark cage, my body still smells so good."

Chu Yin felt a chill.

They looked at each other silently.

Before the plot came, Chu Yin chose to remain silent.

Seeing that Chu Yin was silent, the man hooked his lips and smiled, releasing most of the restraints for Chu Yin, but also left the deadliest restraint for Chu Yin.

The ankle is still firmly trapped by a heavy iron chain.

"I was eloquent before, but today I am honest." The man stared at Chu Yin arrogantly.

Chu Yin braced himself up, looked at him, and understood, this is to reward him with a few words to make him feel comfortable?

This person has practiced evil skills to the point of madness, not only is he a pervert, he also likes to be scolded by others.

"Get out, get out!" Chu Yin stared at him fiercely.

Then the man smiled: "I will come again tomorrow, you know, I like you, I like to see you."

He picked up his whip from the ground, the whip was stained with Chu Yin's blood, strode out the door, someone came over and closed the cell door, waiting for them to leave, Chu Yin hissed in pain.

It hurts.

She looked down at the long welts on her body, thinking whether to get some medicine from the system space to relieve the pain or accept the plot first.

After thinking and thinking, let's accept the plot first, the plot is fast.

The pain is bearable for now.

The plot of this world takes place in the Jianghu martial arts world. The client, Lin Zilan, has followed a generation of famous traveling doctors around the world since she was a child.

Later, Lin Zilan's doctor You father died suddenly of a serious illness, and Lin Zilan became completely alone.

Before his death, Master told her to persist in practicing medicine and treat the sufferings of the world.

Lin Zilan also has martial arts in her body, coupled with her master's last wish, she continued to practice medicine in the world.

Not knowing what was going on, Lin Zilan was involved in a strange situation.

There were three men staring at her.

One is trying to touch her with emotion, to harvest her heart, hoping that she will reach the point of ignoring devotion to herself.

One locks her up to torture her, and wears away her pride, hoping to make her surrender, become his slave, and achieve the state of selfless devotion to herself.

But if she was arrested, someone would come to rescue Lin Zilan. Rescuing Lin Zilan also put her in another place to restrict her freedom.

This one coaxed her with the righteousness of the rivers and lakes, hoping that she would reach the point of selfless devotion to herself.

Moreover, these three men are all well-known in the arena.

Lin Zilan felt that all this came incomprehensibly.

After going through a lot, Lin Zilan realized that what these people wanted was her willingness to sacrifice all of her blood to open a legendary treasure.

Because of her special constitution, she is a key to unlock the treasure.

They want her, but only so that when they find the treasure one day, she will be willing to sacrifice herself for love.

Because according to the legend, she must be willing to sacrifice herself to open the treasure.

So they all want to get her heart, or make her surrender, and want to take her with them when they are looking for treasure, and use her as a sacrifice.

But they all want to take her with them, and she is only alone, and these three men only want to find this treasure alone, and they absolutely don't want the three parties to search together.

From the standpoint of each party, regardless of whether the treasure can be found or not, if someone else finds the treasure and happens to bring Lin Zilan with them, the treasure can be opened.

So from another perspective, even if someone found the treasure, it would be useless without Lin Zilan.

So before going to find the treasure, it is necessary to decide who Lin Zilan belongs to.

In the end, Lin Zilan was tossed to death in the fierce struggle between the three men.

Seeing the client died, the three parties regretted that they had died, only regretting that the fighting was too fierce and the key was destroyed.

Although Lin Zilan is a medical practitioner, she also resents these three men. Her wish is to take revenge on these three men.

Although the methods of these three men are different, their purpose is the same. Her death was directly caused by these three men.

Moreover, these three men are all benevolent and moral, but actually selfish.

Then she hoped to fulfill Master's last wish and try her best to save the world.

Chu Yin accepted the plot, and finally knew who the man who tortured her just now was, one of the three men, Xiang Ji, the young master of Wuwen Village.

Wuwenzhuang's status in the Jianghu is proud, and he acts recklessly. Most people in the Jianghu are afraid of Wuwenzhuang's powerful strength and dare not offend them.

This man's thinking is very weird. He tortures you and treats you better from time to time. It belongs to the kind of slapping a candy.

Then I hope to use this method to make people completely afraid and completely surrender, and willing to give everything.

In fact, this method does work for some women.

After all, there is a disease called Stockholm Syndrome.

But the client's mind is normal, he only thinks that Xiang Ji is sick.

Chu Yin agrees with the client's idea that Xiang Ji is sick.

"3308, is there any plot after Lin Zilan's death? Did they open the treasure in the end?" Chu Yin asked.

She is quite curious, these three men are all prominent figures in the Jianghu, each of them has more or less obtained a bit of the incomplete map fragment of the so-called treasure in the rumors, just for the treasure, so toss so much Long time, did you find the treasure?

3308 said: "There is no further plot."

"Just after Lin Zilan's death."

Chu Yin said twice: "I'm quite interested."

"I plan to look for it when I'm free. If there is a treasure, I can save the world better."

Money is also the foundation of a foothold.

3308 said: OK. "

Chu Yue took a moment: "But I am the key, do I really need to sacrifice myself to open it?"

"There must be other ways."

She made this plan in her heart, and soon turned her attention to her wound, which was really painful, and this was the first whipping she suffered here.

In the plot, in the next few days, the whip will increase every day.


Whenever the client was in pain, Xiang Ji gave her a little favor.

(End of this chapter)

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