Chapter 189

Fortunately, there are a lot of medicinal materials in the system space, and there are still many medicines. Chu Yin took some medicines, and made some medicines to treat the wound, and began to absorb the crystal nuclei.

The most important thing now is strength.

Only with strength can one walk in the rivers and lakes, how dangerous it is to fight and kill in the rivers and lakes!

Chu Yin absorbed the crystal nucleus much faster than the technical plane with thin aura.

She thinks that the body already has exercises and internal strength to complement each other.

Running the exercises practiced by the client, Chu Yin quickly absorbed a lot of crystal nuclei, and there was a lot of energy in his body.

Here, they call this internal force.

But the energy provided by these crystal nuclei is not enough to crush the item.

Chu Yin absorbed all his crystal nuclei non-stop, and accumulated some energy in his body, but because he absorbed too much energy in a day, it was equivalent to a sudden surge of a lot of internal energy, and his body's meridians were a little uncomfortable.

Chu Yin rubbed his stomach.


Just hungry, there were footsteps outside, Chu Yin listened for a while with his ears open, and when the footsteps came closer, Chu Yin released his mental strength to check, it was Xiang Ji.

He came with a food box.

Chu Yin sat on the ground indifferently, ignoring the heavy iron chains on her ankles, straightened her blood-stained clothes, and combed her hair with her hands.

As soon as Xiang Ji came in, seeing Chu Yin's face was rosy, he put down the food box and asked her condescendingly, "I thought you would be pale and unconscious from the pain."

His whip is infused with internal strength, and most people can't stand this whip.

Chu Yin twitched the corners of her mouth. In the plot, the client was the whip. She couldn't sleep that night because of the pain of the whip.

But she used potions and herbs.

"I advise you to let me go." Chu Yin said lightly.

Xiang Ji raised his eyebrows: "How?"

"Sit down first, I hate looking up at you like this." Chu Yin didn't like Xiang Ji's crazy and cool look.

Xiang Ji looked at the ground: "Such a filthy place is also worthy of sitting on the chairman of Shaozhuang?"

Chu Yin chuckled.

"Self-righteous, do you think you can make me fall in love with you and dedicate everything to you, even my own life?"

"You have a bit of arrogance, but it just so happens that I like to tame arrogance the most in my life." Xiang Ji looked at Chu Yin with interest.

It was as if the whole eyes were saying: Woman, you have successfully caught my attention.

Xiang Ji was also a little puzzled in his heart, he was thinking, how could the other party know what he was thinking?
One's own mind has always been unfathomable, and ordinary people cannot pry into it.

Or, had someone told her something?
About the treasure, and the fact that she is the key to the treasure, now there are two parties who know about it besides herself, and at least those two parties will not be stupid enough to tell her about it now.

And he really doesn't like the means of those two parties.

One side wanted Lin Zilan to fall in love with him, and asked Lin Zilan to sacrifice in the name of love, and maybe in the end they would tell Lin Zilan that there was something very important about his life.

The other party wanted to attract Lin Zilan, who was full of benevolence and morality. He estimated that in the end, he would tell Lin Zilan that there was something to save the common people in the treasure, and she could save the common people by sacrificing herself.

Lin Zilan is a doctor, and it is well known in the world that she takes saving the lives of the world as her mission.

Xiang Ji squatted down and looked at Chu Yin at the same level.

"Sooner or later, I will make you willingly surrender to me and worship me as a god." After finishing speaking, he stood up and looked down at Chu Yin again.

Chu Yin laughed, stood up and looked at Xiang Ji: "I treat you as crazy."

Xiang Ji: "!"

"Do you know that a stubborn woman will not end well and will suffer a lot."

"You don't want to eat tonight's meal." Xiang Ji kicked off the food box, and the food spilled out of it. Chu Yin glanced at it, and there were meat, vegetables and two small fishes in it.

She dismissed it, and was very disgusted: "If you spill food here, mice will come to eat it in the middle of the night."

"Then you will be with the dark mouse, and you will not be alone!" Xiang Ji turned and left angrily.

Chu Yin secretly gritted her teeth and looked at the food all over the floor, the door was locked again, Chu Yin sneered, she was successfully fed up by Xiang Ji, a foolish thing, and not hungry anymore.

It is that the whole body absorbs too much energy in one breath, which is very uncomfortable, and needs to be adjusted carefully.

While Chu Yin was adjusting his breath, two mice ran out smelling the smell, and kept chattering and eating. Chu Yin was disturbed by the noise, so he used his internal strength to slap the two mice to death, and then tore them off from his body. A piece of fabric held the two rat carcasses.

After the breath was adjusted thoroughly, Chu Yin rummaged through the system space and found a wire. Using his mental power to spy on the situation inside the keyhole, he unlocked the lock on his ankle and got rid of the heavy chain.

After getting rid of the heavy iron chain, Chu Yin relaxed all over, stood up and stretched his muscles and bones, cough...

How about exchanging some spirit stones.

Get an express version.

Chu Yin was not willing to waste time on cultivating internal skills. The spiritual power in this world is said to be abundant, but it is only better than the technological plane, but it is not comparable to the real world of cultivating immortals, or even comparable.

Therefore, it would take too long to deepen martial arts by one's own accumulated practice.

The quick version, Chu Yin likes to walk around freely, practicing medicine everywhere like the client did before, and doing his best to heal the world.

It can be seen that the client loves this job very much.

Chu Yin opened the mall and looked at the price of the spirit stone, ten points per piece, Chu Yin looked at the size of the spirit stone, and felt that the price was not bad.

Spiritual stones are not only judged by their size but also by their quality. It didn’t say what quality the spiritstones are, and Chu Yin didn’t bother to search for them.

Let's start with [-], I feel that the [-] are almost absorbed, and with the previous crystal nucleus, I should be able to become a martial arts master here.

It will cost [-] points. Chu Yin feels that the investment in this task is still a little high this time, but she just doesn't want to suffer from it. She doesn't want to stay in this poor place for a day, and she doesn't want to be caught and trapped. sleepy.

After ordering the exchange, I got fifty spirit stones soon. Chu Yin felt that the quality was not bad and met her expectations.

What's more, after absorbing these spiritual powers, she can meet her expectations, and then match them with exercises, and then forge a good weapon for herself. At that time, martial arts masters will make their debut.

However, this body's endurance is limited. It will take some time to absorb the fifty stones, and there is no way to absorb them all at once. The energy contained in the spirit stone is much higher than that of the crystal nucleus.

Let's not absorb the spirit stone for now. After absorbing so many crystal nuclei, although he can't take Xiang Ji's life now, he must be better than everyone here, and now she wants to leave, but Xiang Ji can't stop her.

Xiang Ji is now the young owner of Wuwenzhuang, and he is also better than blue, and his martial arts surpassed his father.

Take a look outside and plan to go out now.

(End of this chapter)

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