Chapter 202

Chu Yin left the boundary of the Changming Sect, stopped, and said to Xiang Ji and Song Wei who were chasing after him, "You must follow me?"

"Miss Lin, I just want to invite you as a guest." Song Wei cupped his hands in embarrassment.

Xiang Ji also followed Song Wei's example and cupped his hands and said to Chu Yin: "Miss Lin, I'm different, I want you to be the wife of the owner of the Shaozhuang."

"When the time comes, Wuwen Zhuang will be yours."

Chu Yin looked at Song Wei and pursed his lips. He still had a fragment of a map on him, and he hadn't got it yet.

Or just...

Just kill these two people now?
They just happen to be the ones who need revenge in the mission.

A killing intent flashed in Chu Yin's heart, it was really annoying to be entangled by these two people.

Chu Yin felt a killing intent in his heart, but Song Wei immediately said after thinking for a moment: "If Miss Lin really doesn't want to, I'll go back to Tianfeng Sect first. Miss Lin can come to Tianfeng Sect to find me at any time. Welcome Miss Lin."

"Farewell!" Song Wei said and left without hesitation.

The speed was very fast, he practiced Qinggong and left in the blink of an eye, Chu Yin died speechless, this Song Wei left as soon as he walked, and he also practiced Qinggong and left.

"He's gone, Zilan, come with me." Xiang Ji thought he was cool and handsome, but he looked at Chu Yin wretchedly, and approached Chu Yin.

Chu Yin sneered and understood why Song Wei ran so fast.

Song Wei knew that Xiang Ji would not let him go, and he would try every means to bring him back to Wuwen Village. If he lost his martial arts, he was destined to be brought back to Wuwen Village by Xiang Ji, then Song Wei could come to Wuwen Village save people.

Staged a "hero to save the beauty" drama.

At that time, being tortured by Xiang Ji will no longer look like a human being, and if he appears like a hero again, he can't be grateful to him!

I still have to regret that I didn't follow Song Wei to the Tianfeng faction as a guest!

Song Wei really has a routine.

In fact, Song Wei really planned this way.

Now that he has left the boundary of the Changming sect, walking on the rivers and lakes, chasing after a young woman like Chu Yin is not in line with his status as a sect.

Especially being with someone like Xiang Ji who acts arrogantly and is both righteous and evil, makes him feel that he has polluted himself.

It is expected that Xiang Ji will not let Chu Yin go, and in Song Wei's cognition, Chu Yin's strength must be weaker than Xiang Ji, even if Chu Yin has already escaped from Wuwen Village once, but in Song Wei In his heart, it was just luck, or something went wrong with the people in Wuwenzhuang, or Xiang Ji let the water go on purpose.

Because he already had a very clear understanding of Lin Zilan's strength before, and he was confident in his own judgment.

How could she have imagined that Lin Zilan had changed to someone else, and this person was a tasker, she had already enhanced a lot of internal strength by relying on the crystal nucleus and spirit stones that are not available in this world.

Chu Yin drew out his sword and pointed it at Xiang Ji: "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it."

At the same time, Chu Yin said to 3308: "3308, help me locate Song Wei, I will go find him later."

"If he returns to the Tianfeng faction, it will be even more troublesome to find him. There will be many helpers."

3308: "Okay, I will tell you his location anytime."

Xiang Ji had a hippie smile on his face: "Are you really going to fight me?"

"Aren't you murdering your own husband?"

Chu Yin made a move, too lazy to talk to this psychopath, with a murderous intent, and a strong internal force was displayed, Xiang Ji's unruly expression dissipated, and turned very serious.

"When did you have such deep internal strength?" Xiang Ji was very puzzled, his body slid back several steps to resist Chu Yin's attack, his shoes rubbed against the ground, leaving two lines of deep marks on the ground , struggled to cope, and asked Chu Yin again.

Chu Yin began to be serious: "This is called the awakening of the blood, understand?"

Xiang Ji frowned and looked at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin laughed: "Dog, haven't you heard of this stuff?"

Xiang Ji's frown deepened, because he realized that even if he exhausted all means, he could only cope with her, and could not fight back.

I can only defend as hard as I can, and I can't attack. If this goes on, it is inevitable that I will lose, and I will lose very quickly. If I insist on fighting her without running, I will die on the spot within half a stick of incense.

Her internal energy is too strong, her moves are too subtle and there is no way to resolve them, it is really too much to bear.

Xiang Ji backed away quickly, suddenly started to use lightness kung fu, and ran away!

"A good man doesn't fight a woman!"

"Zi Lan, see you another day!"

"In this life, in this life, you must be mine!"

His voice grew further and further away.

Xiang Ji was very decisive and rational. He knew that he was invincible within two moves, so he immediately decided to save his internal energy for escape and chose not to engage in unnecessary fights.

Chu Yin gave up chasing Xiang Ji, not because he couldn't catch up, but because Xiang Ji ran in the opposite direction from Song Weigang.

If you go after Xiang Ji, Xiang Ji is so good at running, and after Xiang Ji is dealt with, and then go to Song Wei, he may return to the Tianfeng faction, or go to a crowded place, and it will be more difficult then .

It's not good to go to the Tianfeng faction to find trouble openly. After all, outsiders seem to have no grievances with the Tianfeng faction. The Tianfeng faction has a high status in the Jianghu. door, and then let the client be criticized by people in the world for a lifetime.

But she could kill Xiang Ji blatantly, because war had been declared after the enmity was settled.

Then go to Song Wei first, and get the map first. As for Xiang Ji, it’s okay to let him live for a while. Anyway, Chu Yin firmly believes that even if he doesn’t go to Xiang Ji, Xiang Ji will come to her sooner or later.

Chu Yin asked 3308 the specific location of Song Wei, and then used lightness skills to go there, trying to block Song Wei's way in a sparsely populated place.

Song Wei walked quickly in the forest, and suddenly felt movement behind him, instantly became vigilant, and clenched the sword in his hand.

"Who!" Song Wei drew his sword and looked around.

"It's me." Chu Yin stood up and finally caught up with this guy.

When Song Wei left, he used Qinggong and ran for a long distance. Fortunately, Song Wei still walked a short distance normally. In order to catch up with him, she hurried to catch up.

"Why is Head Song running so fast?" Chu Yin asked.

Song Wei cupped his hands, and didn't speak for a while, the vigilant look on his face didn't go away. He observed that there was no Xiang Ji around Chu Yin, and he was puzzled, how could Xiang Ji give up so easily?

His character must be entangled endlessly, if he gave up following her, there must be some important reason.

"The Tianfeng faction is in a hurry." Song Wei explained to Chu Yin casually.

The reason why he walks so fast is of course to stay away from right and wrong, Xiang Ji is destined to attack Miss Lin, if Miss Lin catches up to him and asks him for help, whether he should make a move or not.

I always think that it is better to wait for Miss Lin to suffer more in Xiang Ji's hands before saving her, so that she will be more grateful and let go of her arrogance.

He didn't like Miss Lin this time, she was too arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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