Chapter 203

Chu Yin hummed: "Master Song, don't rush back to the Tianfeng Sect."

"Let's leave something for this girl first!"

Song Weiyue felt bad, and frowned deeply: "What does Miss Lin want?"

"Your life." Chu Yin's voice was indifferent.

"I have no grievances with you. What does Miss Lin mean by that?" Although Song Wei was puzzled, he immediately made a fighting posture, and Chu Yin had already launched an attack.

The sharp edge of the sword went straight towards Song Wei. After a few back and forth, Song Wei realized that he was invincible and had no chance of winning like Xiang Ji.

Ask Chu Yin: "Miss Lin's tricks are fatal, and she insists on killing me. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"There is no misunderstanding, I just want to kill you for fun." Chu Yin looked at him: "I don't like you, a hypocrite."

A person who usually pretends to be a dog, but in the face of such a huge interest as a treasure, he never treated the client as a human being and killed the client.

In fact, Song Wei didn't really do any good deeds to accumulate virtue, and he always talked nicely.

"Take your life." Chu Yin snorted. Seeing that Chu Yin's eyes were full of murderous intent, Song Wei finally realized that he couldn't communicate with Chu Yin and had no chance of winning, so he wanted to retreat...

But Song Wei was not as cunning and decisive as Xiang Ji, Chu Yin had already noticed his desire to run, and it was too late.

As long as he has the intention of retreating, Chu Yin will take the opportunity to find his weakness and attack. Song Wei is so messed up that he can't fight, and he can't retreat.

He could only rely on that mouth to accuse Chu Yin of his inhumanity, trying in vain to make Chu Yin give up killing him.

In the end, he was doomed to lose to Chu Yin, who was pierced through the heart by Chu Yin's sword, and fell to the ground to die.

As soon as he died, Chu Yin found the map fragments from him. So far, Chu Yin has collected three map fragments.

And two of the mission objects who needed revenge had already died.

Yuan Huaxiu is the hero of good luck, but in the face of absolute strength, there is really no way to do it. He cuts the mess with a quick knife and directly destroys him.

Death didn't want him to die that much, he hoped that he would suffer, but he couldn't do it, his mouth was too cheap, so death succeeded.

For Song Wei’s words, just kill him, and just took the map. Chu Yin thought about abolishing Song Wei and letting Song Wei live and suffer, but as long as he is alive and the map is gone, he will publicize this matter and bring unnecessary trouble to himself. trouble.

It is still the safest way to kill and silence.

Chu Yin was thinking about Xiang Ji's life and death, he must have gone a long way!

Now that the three maps have been collected, should we first find the treasure or seek revenge?
Chu Yin asked 3308 where Xiang Ji was, and when 3308 told him, Chu Yin pursed his lips, and all the items went to the bustling market.

Xiang Ji's character, if he was attacked in a prosperous place, he would easily hurt innocent people in order to save his life.

This is not what she wants to see.

Chu Yin took out a fragment of a map that was drawn based on the plot, combined it with the two fragments of the map in his hands, researched it, and roughly determined the location of the treasure, which was far away.

I don't know what is in this treasure. It would be best if there are a lot of gold and silver treasures. She hopes to have money.

The client wants to heal the sufferings of the world, but she actually has a model. She mentioned to her master before, that is, to establish a sect with more people and more power. She always thinks that she can do too little by herself.

But the master was already old at the time and didn't have much mental energy. In addition, master Xi Jing didn't like crowds of people, so he only expressed support for the client's idea, saying that the client could do so if he had the ability after his death.

So Chu Yin is obsessed with treasures. If she can get more money, she can establish a sect and help the client do what she wants. Once the client is satisfied, the reward will be high at that time.

This task has already earned [-] points, and Chu Yin also hopes to gain a little more.

The more Chu Yin thought about it, the more she felt that the treasure was important, and Xiang Ji Chuyin was confident that it would be easy to solve, so she embarked on the road to find the treasure.

The journey was long, so Chu Yin bought a horse and kept practicing during the rest time while driving there.

What she used was the cultivation method of the cultivation world, and what she absorbed was the aura of heaven and earth, and the accumulation of spiritual power in her body was far faster than that of any internal energy accumulation method in this world.

This is also the difference in skills, so the reason why Xiang Ji was able to compete with the big masters at a young age is also due to his special skills.

As for the skills that Chu Yin had inherited before, if he casually took out a copy in this world, it would definitely cause a sensation in the whole world.

Chu Yin guessed that although Xiang Ji would come to her, he would definitely increase his internal strength through a lot of hard work, so he had to increase his strength to come to her, otherwise wouldn't he be courting death?
So Chu Yin didn't stop growing his spiritual power.

It's time to give Xiang Ji a surprise!
After Xiang Ji went back, he hid on a small island and went to practice hard. Although he only played against Chu Yin for a short time, he thought that he had roughly figured out the opponent's strength.

He must be stronger than her, and Xiang Ji became very interested in Chu Yin, and he vowed to get Chu Yin.

Xiang Ji was still thinking about the awakening of his blood.

Did the other party really awaken their blood in the dungeon of Wuwenzhuang?
It seems that I have seen an ancient book before, and it did mention the awakening of the bloodline...

How can I increase my strength, Xiang Ji's heart is itchy like a cat's scratch, he has never been so frustrated in his life, how can he be so angry!
With a bohemian personality, he inexplicably regards Chu Yin as his lifelong obsession.

Even forgot about the treasure.

The further north you went, the more desolate it became. Chu Yin was riding a horse on the road, and there was a man walking hurriedly on the side of the road, as if he was in a hurry, and behind him was a little girl who was tied up with a rope.

The little girl was very reluctant to be dragged by him, and she kept begging: "Daddy, Daddy."

"Forgive me, don't sell me, okay?"

"Father, don't sell me!" The little girl cried out hoarsely, and suddenly looked sideways at Chu Yin, who was riding past her on horseback, and shouted sharply, "Father, if you want to sell me, sell me!" Can it be given to this sister?"

"I don't want to be sold to a dirty place, I don't want to!"

Her voice caused Chu Yin to look sideways at the girl, who looked eleven or twelve, with a sallow and thin face.

"Shut up, this kind of chivalrous woman won't want you to be such a fool. Just follow me obediently, and you'll save your mother's life!" The man glanced at Chu Yin in fear.

Chu Yin was riding a tall horse with a sword on her body. Although the clothes were not gorgeous, they were made of good materials. If a woman dared to walk alone, she must know martial arts. A man would not want to provoke such a person.

"Sister, please buy me, please." The girl fell to her knees with a thud, and the man pulled her mercilessly, causing the girl's knees to be dripping with blood from the sand and stones on the ground.

It can be seen how hard the man is.

Chu Yin frowned slightly and snapped, "Stop!"

 Thanks to Mi S Yue for the reward, and everyone's monthly ticket recommendation ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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