Chapter 205

"But I would rather die than live in a dirty place." She became more determined.

Chu Yin looked at her knee: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." She shook her head.

Chu Yin didn't speak any more, boiled the medicine in the pot, and with the firewood burning, he sat down on the chair slowly, and said to the girl, "Come here, I'll give you the medicine."

Roll up the girl's trouser legs, which are covered with various scars.

She treated the girl's wound carefully.

The man was too violent, and when he dragged her so hard, the stones rubbed her knees out of shape.

"What's your name?" Chu Yin asked.

The girl shook her head: "No name."

"My mother calls me a big girl."

Chu Yin's chest heaved and he looked at the girl's handsome face.

"Why are you so afraid of dirty places?" Chu Yin asked.

The big girl said: "I had a childhood playmate who was sold in and then tortured to death. The death was miserable and terrifying."

"Her body was sent back, I looked at it."

Chu Yin lowered his eyes slightly.

"I'll buy you when I give your father two taels of silver later. The price of two taels of silver is higher than that offered by that place."

"You have already sold someone, your father has no right to sell you again, you can stay at home or choose to leave this home."

"In short, you are free." Chu Yin said.

The girl burst into tears: "Sister..."

"If you do this, how can I repay you in this life."

Chu Yin applied the medicine to the girl, touched the girl's bones, probed the girl's body, and couldn't help smiling.

With such a good foundation, people are also smart.

If this girl sincerely wants to follow her, it's okay. In short, if she wants to establish a sect in the future, she needs someone.

Of course, if she heard what she said and didn't mean it, she wouldn't mention it again.

"Sister, what on earth do you do? Can you give me a chance to repay you?"

"Don't let me drift with the wind in the world, how can I get a chance to repay you?" She knelt down and looked at Chu Yin devoutly.

Although the little face was dirty, Chu Yin was moved by the longing eyes in those dark eyes.

Chu Yin nodded slightly: "Maybe it's the fighting and killing in the rivers and lakes."

"In short, the risk is relatively high, and you may die in one day."

"I'm not afraid, sister!" The girl is really smart, and immediately understood what Chu Yin meant, and bowed to Chu Yin: "Sister, I'm not afraid of anything."

"I just want a chance to follow and repay my sister."

"Sister, I have to leave this house. I'm already 12 years old. If I don't leave, I will hate my mother!"

Chu Yin said with a smile: "I like people who know how to seize the opportunity."

This girl knows how to seize the opportunity and is working hard to grasp her own destiny.

With the memory of the client and the analysis of the character of the client, Chu Yin also believed that the client would like this kind of person.

Because the client will get along with her in the future, Chu Yin's priority is whether the client will like it.

"Sister, did you promise me this?" The girl's eyes widened in surprise, her face flushed red.

"Sister, please give me a name!" She knocked on the ground with a thud.

Chu Yin frowned. Sure enough, when the girl raised her head again, her forehead was scratched.

"Be careful, if you have a scar on your face, you will care about it when you grow up." Chu Yin urged.

"I'm just too excited." She called Chu Yin expectantly.

Chu Yin said: "You have a name you have in mind. Choose one you like."

The girl said awkwardly: "I can't read..."

Chu Yin: "Do you want to follow your father's surname or your mother's?"

The girl replied: "Since I was bought by you and followed you, no one has a surname. This is the rule, and I still understand it."

"I don't even dare to ask for your last name."

Chu Yin waved his hand, forget it.

Respect this era.

The client is also a person of this era.

"Yue Zhao."

Chu Yin wrote the word Yuezhao on the ground.

"After you learn how to read and write, you will know the meaning of these two words."

After the medicine was ready, Chu Yinduan gave it to the mother and told her that she wanted to buy Yue Zhao.

The mother agreed immediately.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "If the big girl can follow the girl, it is her blessing, it is better than suffering in this family."

"And avoid being abused by her father."

The man brought the baby in his arms. Chu Yin glanced at the baby and said to the man, "Take care of her well. I will come back later. If you kill her, I will kill you."

Now that the child has come into the world, Chu Yin still hopes that she can live.

"But...but the girl came here..." The man looked at Chu Yin with a troubled expression, but before he could speak, Chu Yin gave him a glaring look.

The man stopped talking.

Give the children a bite to eat, even bark and weeds. It's not that they can't grow up, but it's unnecessary to raise them.

Chu Yin took out two taels of silver: "Two taels to buy your big girl."

"Let her live here first, and I will pick her up in a few days."

If Yuezhao is promising in the future, she can help her family.

The man's eyes lit up when he saw two taels of silver, but he didn't expect that the heroine would be willing to give two taels of silver, which was worth more than sending it to that kind of place.

The shot is really generous!
Immediately asked Chu Yin: "Nvxia, I have a few more daughters, do you want them?"

"It can be sold to you."

Chu Yin smiled sarcastically: "How much is your life, I will buy your life."

The man fell silent.

Chu Yin stayed here for two days, mainly to teach Yue Zhao the basic skills, and she had to lay the foundation well during her absence.

Walking the rivers and lakes requires martial arts.

Before Chu Yin left, Yue Zhao looked at Chu Yin expectantly: "Sister, you can go about your business at ease."

"Yue Zhao will definitely practice the basics well, and Yue Zhao is here waiting for you!"

Chu Yin smiled slightly, and touched Yue Zhao's head: "Practice hard."

"The hard days are yet to come."

"Things that can't be learned in the future."

"The main thing is to study medicine."

Yue Zhao became more and more excited: "Yue Zhao is not afraid, Yue Zhao is happy!"

Chu Yin set foot on the road to the north again, encountered many people and things on the way, treated many patients, and went to replenish the medicinal materials when they ran out.

It must be that the head of Ming gave a lot of money, and the money was generous!
Of course, it's not that Chu Yin doesn't charge all fees. She still has to accept those who are able to give money. When she meets someone who is particularly rich, Chu Yin will even set up a conditioning package or something to earn a little more money.

How can you have no money in the rivers and lakes!
But they have never bought anyone like Yue Zhao.

She just promised some people on the way that if she establishes a sect in the future, she will accept them as disciples at that time.

Chu Yin's journey can be regarded as recruiting troops, and some personnel have been prepared.

That is, there is little progress in the accumulation of money, and as much money is earned as it is spent.

(End of this chapter)

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