Chapter 206

In the desert, Chu Yin looked around, but there was no one around.

The boundless yellow sand, the wind blows, the dust is flying, Chu Yin squinted his eyes, looked up at the hot sun, this is the location of the treasure on the map?
The endless stretch of desert made Chu Yin stand in it so small.

She scratched her head, took a sip of water, and stomped her feet. Could it be that the treasure was buried in the ground.

Also, the location of the map is not accurate.

Maybe the map means that the treasure is in this desert. Where is it in this huge desert? Do you need to find it yourself?

Treasures, you must find them by yourself!
How could it be easily obtained.

It takes hard work to get something, this is the norm in the world.

Chu Yin comforted herself, and then began to search for treasures in the desert.

Fortunately, before entering the desert, I put a lot of water and food in the system space, which saved me the burden of moving forward, and now there is no shortage of water and food in the desert.

But running around like a headless chicken like this is not okay.

Chu Yin pondered for a long time, and realized that there is a set of treasure-hunting methods in the inheritance obtained, because the owner of the inheritance is a master craftsman who needs to find a lot of refining materials, and he obtained many resources in that space by himself at that time, and also benefited from His set of treasure hunting skills.

And this method of treasure hunting is his own original creation.

It is this method of treasure hunting that requires strong spiritual support, using one's own energy to sense the existence of things that contain energy around it.

In this treasure hunting method, gold, silver treasures and even medicinal materials and precious elixirs are all energetic substances, and they can all be sensed by this treasure hunting method.

The greater the self-energy, the wider the range of sensing and the more accurate it will be.

Although Chu Yin doesn't have much spiritual power now, and his own energy is not too great, Chu Yin still plans to practice and try.

This treasure-hunting method is like a book of exercises. After you practice it, you still need to master it. It is also divided into realms and levels. Chu Yin feels that there will be more opportunities for treasure hunting in the future, so let's practice first.

As the understanding of the exercises deepens, the higher the realm, the more precise and subtle the induction will be when he is hunting for treasures, and he will be able to sense more accurately.

Chu Yin really didn't want to exchange for that kind of treasure hunting equipment. The mall has it, but it requires points!

Let's use the treasure hunting method to find it first, and I'm actually not that anxious.

After Chu Yin learned the treasure hunting method, he began to use himself to sense the existence of other energy objects. Seeing this, 3308 suggested to Chu Yin: "You can try to integrate a little bit of your own wish power."

"Although you have absorbed the wish power after completing the mission, you have never seen it used before."

Chu Yin slapped his forehead: "That's right!"

"Thank you for reminding me, I didn't think of that before."

The main reason is that my wish power is not too much, and if I use it as power, it is useless, so I didn't think much about my wish power.

3308 said: "Although you have very little wish power now, it belongs to another kind of power, and the effect of fusion will be better, and it will help you better sense."

"Auxiliary role is the icing on the cake."

Chu Yin used the treasure hunting method, combined with spiritual power, to search for it in the desert for seven days.

For seven whole days, Chu Yin felt that he had traveled every inch of the desert, and was really annoyed by this treasure.

Sometimes it is indeed possible to use the treasure hunting method to faintly sense some energetic substances, but the things obtained are not satisfactory.

Seven days!
Chu Yin looked up to the sky and sighed.

If it weren't for a system space to help her store food and water, it would be even more difficult to last seven days.

Fortunately, the emperor paid off, and Chu Yin finally sensed a huge energy substance with the treasure hunting method at noon on the eighth day.

Gold, silver and treasures are all energy substances. Chu Yin feels that the energy fluctuations are so large, it should be a large pile of energy substances!

Chu Yin was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Such a large energy fluctuation, how much should it be!

"Fortunately, there is a system space. I can move as many treasures as possible." Chu Yin laughed with her arms crossed.

Chu Yin worked hard to roughly determine the location, and with Chu Yin's unremitting efforts, at sunset, Chu Yin lifted the veil of this small palace hidden under the desert rock.

The gate of the palace is small, but very delicate. You have to walk through a long passage to get to the gate of the palace.

Although it is underground, it is as bright as day because of the special materials used on the two walls of the passage.

Chu Yin lingered at the gate of the palace. The gate of the palace, as well as the ground, were covered with lines.

Chu Yin said to 3308: "The lines look very mysterious and profound."

"And what's under my feet is a formation, right?"

3308: "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

Chu Yin laughed and patted her chest: "I'm so smart."

It really is a formation. Chu Yin has studied this formation. This is not a formation that people in this world can set up, because this formation is very advanced.

Even after exhausting all the knowledge inherited from the masters of the cultivation world, they can only come to one conclusion, that this magic circle, using blood sacrifices, will not work.

So why the client somehow became the key to the treasure, and the blood sacrifice would not work at all.

Whether it's a rumor or a trick...

Because the client's birthday is really special.

Maybe many years ago, someone discovered this treasure, but he couldn't find the way to open it. After years of hard work, he left a map for future generations, and also left a wrong way to open it that he imagined.

The person who discovered this palace failed to open this place in his entire life, and it was useless to exhaust all the methods he could think of.

So I don't know how to judge in the end, but I feel that a human blood sacrifice on a special birthday that is rare in a hundred years is needed. Such a person happened to not exist in his time, so it happened to give him a reason why he missed this treasure.

It's just self-comfort.

Years later, the client was also involved in a fierce fight and lost his life.

Chu Yin didn't know whether what she deduced based on her imagination was right or wrong, but her intuition told her that maybe it was.

So even if the client didn't die at the time, one of them brought the client, and the client's blood was useless.

But Chu Yin gritted his teeth and didn't want to understand the specific method of opening.

Finally, I chose to ask 3308 for help: "Do you have a solution?"

"Yes." 3308 said.

Chu Yin was very happy: "Great, I didn't expect you to understand it, so would you like to teach me?"

"Tell me, I've had a hard time finding this treasure." Chu Yin's voice weakened, and she began to play pitiful.

3308 explained: "I didn't tell you directly just now, but I want you to learn more about this formation, think about it yourself, and want you to remember this formation, don't be angry."

Chu Yin: "Of course I won't be angry."

Help is friendship, if you don't help, you don't help.

(End of this chapter)

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