Chapter 207

With the help of 3308, Chu Yin quickly broke through the formation.

3308 said that this formation is actually a kind of seal.

During the whole process, what Chu Yin thought was that relying on 3308 to break through this formation this time was also because he had too little experience in this aspect and knew too little.

If you have the opportunity, you must study this aspect in the future.

As a tasker, you should be able to develop in multiple ways, because you have to go to many worlds and encounter many problems. The best state is to solve all problems by yourself.

Don't overwhelm your skills!

Chu Yin thought about it secretly, kept this matter in his heart, and expressed his gratitude to 3308, who said that he just understood and it was just a matter of little effort.

The palace door opened slowly.

The entire palace is made of special materials, bright as day, and in the center of the palace, sits a man.

The man just stared at Chu Yin like that, which startled Chu Yin.

His clothes are black embroidered with silver borders, and are tuniced with wide sleeves. He just sits there quietly, like a rare painting, his eyelashes are as thick as splashed ink, his skin is as jade-like as snow, and he is extremely delicate. The facial features have a cool look.

When her eyes stared at Chu Yin, Chu Yin felt that the eyes were so captivating, as if she could see her soul.

But Chu Yin only felt that the man sitting in the center made the palace flourish!

Beautiful boy, stunning!

"Cough..." Chu Yin cleared her throat and said to the man, "Unfortunately, I didn't know there was a master here."

She looked around the palace and searched with mental power, but there was no gold, silver and treasure as imagined, which made it hard to conceal the disappointment on Chu Yin's face.

Since there are no gold and silver treasures, why not leave?
Chu Yin felt that this man was not easy to provoke, he looked so weird!
Hiding in this underground treasure, God knows where it came from.

Is this the result of searching for seven days?Not a long way off.

"Why are you wearing someone else's skin?" the man asked Chu Yin curiously.

Chu Yin's back was covered with cold sweat, but his face remained unchanged, it was still the same relaxed expression just now.

She said, "What did you say?"

"What other people's skin?"

The man said: "You are wearing a simple lavender long dress, your eyes are big, your appearance is better than this skin, why do you use this skin?"

Chu Yin: "..."

I will really thank you!
Her hairs stood upside down, no wonder just now she felt that this gaze was captivating, as if she could see her soul.

It turns out that he can really see her soul!

She was indeed a lavender dress.

And now this body is not lavender.

"3308, I have one more thing to trouble you with. Help me find out what's going on with this man. I'll go, and I can actually see what I look like." Chu Yin was a little flustered.

3308 said: "Don't worry, he has no power to hurt you now, he is the same as you, but different from you."

"He's not a human being, just treat him as a soul body."

"Soul body, is it a tasker like me?" Chu Yin asked curiously.

3308 said: "How could it be? There are so many taskers in the world. It's hard for me to judge his specific situation."

"I don't know how he can see your soul." 3308's voice was also puzzled.

Chu Yin: "Okay."

Since she is not a tasker and has no strength to hurt herself, Chu Yin is much more relaxed.

"Hello." Chu Yin waved to the man and squeezed out a friendly smile.

The man smiled, and his tone was more friendly: "Hello."

"What's your name?" Chu Yin asked.

Man: "My only memory is that my name is Ji Cang."

"To tell you the truth, I have amnesia. I don't remember the past."

"I've been here for many years." Ji Cang's voice was a little long, but not sad.

It seems that he doesn't care that he has lost his memory, and he doesn't care how he has been alone all these years.

Chu Yin pursed her lips, but felt a little sympathy for Jicang, but not much, and it was fleeting.

After all, people themselves don't feel anything.

"Then what, I'll go first." Knowing that there was nothing inside, Chu Yin planned to leave.

"I want to follow you." Ji Cang walked up to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin scratched her head: "It's not appropriate."

"I don't know how to explain it to you. You know, I'm using someone else's body."

"I will leave this body in the future. When I leave, do you want to follow the owner of this body?"

Wouldn't it be that if the treasure is not found, the client will get a strange person by his side.

"If you leave, I will follow you." Ji Cang thought for a moment and said.

Chu Yin wanted to refuse, but Ji Cang suddenly grabbed Chu Yin's sleeve and asked sincerely, "Can you help me?"

Chu Yin stared at this beautiful face, so harmless to humans and animals, it was hard to refuse!
"I won't trouble you, I just have nowhere to go." Jicang said, "I hope to follow you."

"Why me?" Chu Yin asked.

Ji Cang said, "Because there is only you in front of me right now."

Chu Yin: "..."

Ji Cang said again: "You are still different. Their lifespan is short, not enough for me to follow. Maybe I will die after following for a while."

Chu Yin: "..."

She asked incredulously, "Are you going to be with me for a long time?"

"I don't know, I want to follow first, you will find it troublesome, right?"

"But I don't really understand..." Ji Cang's face showed puzzlement.

Chu Yin asked, "What do you not understand?"

"Who in the world doesn't want a beautiful boy to follow?" Jicang's words made Chu Yin's eyes widen in shock.

"In addition to knowing my name, I also know that I am a beautiful man, so how can someone have the heart to reject a beautiful man? Seeing a beautiful man often makes you feel better, doesn't it?"

Chu Yin's lips moved.

Speechless for a while.

How can someone be so serious and narcissistic.

"You..." Chu Yin waved his hands weakly: "Let's talk about it later."

"You let me follow you, and I will help you do something." Jicang smiled slightly at Chu Yin: "What do you think?"

His tone was extremely polite and polite.

Chu Yin felt that she was going to be overwhelmed.

"Help me, I think you are special, maybe there are more places with you, I can find my lost memory, if I find it, I will leave." Ji Cang leaned on Chu Yin again Got some.

"I think you are beautiful, very beautiful. I think such a beautiful, kind and special woman is willing to help a poor man who has lost his memory."

Chu Yin likes flattering and being flattered the most. This time she was even more emotional, but she held back and moved her lips: "Come on..."

"Come and see."

(End of this chapter)

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