Chapter 208

"I can help you with things." Ji Cang looked at Chu Yin sincerely again.

Chu Yin opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Question 3308: "Can I take him to the system space?"

3308: "Yes."

"There won't be any potential danger, he's so strange." Chu Yin was still not at ease.

3308: "It's not a big problem. If we leave him in a certain world, he won't be able to find us."

"The system space is your private domain. If you don't let him go, he won't be able to go there. If you lose him, he won't be able to find you."

"Of course it's up to you to decide. You should think about it. I see that your heart is moved."

Chu Yin: "... makes sense."

Under Ji Cang's expectant eyes, Chu Yin nodded slightly: "Then it's settled, you will leave after you recover your memory."

"no problem."

"Also, if I take you anywhere, you can't make any trouble."

"no problem."

"Don't mess with me either."

"no problem."

"You can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. In short, you can't add chaos to the world. I don't want to bear the karma."

"It's all right."

Seeing that Jicang readily agreed to everything, Chu Yin was speechless for a while.

Ji Cang said: "Anyway, I just listen to you in everything, is that okay?"

Chu Yin chuckled: "That would be the best."

"If you cause me trouble, I will beat you, and I don't want you to follow."

Ji Cang nodded: "It's up to you."

"Is there really no treasure here?" Chu Yin looked at Jicang suspiciously: "You said that if you are obedient, then you should tell me frankly."

Chu Yin looked a little wretched.

What if I didn't detect my mental strength?

She is still a little unwilling to give up.

"No, I'm the only one here, Treasure Treasure? Am I not Treasure Treasure?" Jicang asked Chu Yin back.

Chu Yin: "I want to find it myself."

Ji Cang said thoughtfully: "It's so obvious that you don't trust me, but I don't mind."

"I don't know what kind of person I used to be, but I think I should be a person with a big heart."

Chu Yin: "..."

Please, stop bragging about yourself.

"Have you been here for a long time? Do you know how you got here?" Chu Yin didn't intend to ask anything, it was just that he had already started to find the treasure in this palace, and he was bored talking to Jicang.

Ji Cang followed Chu Yin, walked slowly beside Chu Yin and said, "I don't know how I got here."

"I seem to have fallen asleep for a long time, and when I woke up, I sat here alone for a long time."

"Until you come."

Chu Yin snorted, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to pat Jicang's shoulder. He is real, like a flesh and blood person.

Chu Yin thought that her soul body did not have this kind of touch, and 3308 said that Ji Cang was just a soul body.

"3308, you said that he is a soul body and has no power to hurt me, but I think he should be stronger than me. His soul body is different from mine. He is like a real person. My soul body Very empty." Chu Yin asked the question in his heart.

3308 said: "I told you to treat him as a soul body."

"His situation is very complicated... I don't know too well."

Chu Yin: "Okay."

Who cares, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it, anyway, you have already agreed to Ji Cang.

Who made himself unable to refuse Ji Cang.

It's not that she was fooled by Ji Cang's beauty, her heart was like still water.

It’s just that I somehow feel that although Ji Cang is weird, he really looks pitiful and has no malicious intentions. Ji Cang has been releasing friendship all the time, so let’s take him with him.

Chu Yin searched the small palace around and around.

In the end, the reality of empty hands made Chu Yin realize that there was really nothing in it.

"Do you need the treasure very much?" Jicang saw Chu Yin unwillingly facing the wall and thinking about it.

Chu Yin: "There is indeed a little bit."

Seven days, seven full days...

God knows how hard she worked.

Is it doomed to have no treasure?Is the so-called treasure the person Ji Cang?

"Oh." Ji Cang said, "I'm different, I don't have these worldly desires."

Chu Yin looked at him silently.

Didn't Ji Cang realize that he really loves to praise himself?

So serious and sincere!
"Because I have something to do, I need it." Chu Yin told Jicang.

Ji Cang said seriously: "Yes, it's not like me, I have lost my memory, I have nothing to do, and naturally I don't need it."

Chu Yin was speechless for a moment.

Sure enough, sincerity is the nirvana.

"No, the walls of this palace are made of very special materials. Although I don't know them, I feel huge energy fluctuations. I plan to move them away." Chu Yin looked at Jicang: "Will you help me?"

"Will you demolish my house?" Ji Cang glanced at the palace.

"Okay, I said I would listen to you."

Jicang put his hand on the wall, thinking about how to tear it down, Chu Yin wiped his face.

"You don't have to feel guilty. Maybe this is not my home, it's just a place where I'm trapped. I have no feelings for it. Let's tear it down quickly." Jicang looked at Chuyin and said again.

Chu Yin looked at him in surprise: "Do you have the ability to read minds?"

"No." Ji Cang said: "If I have mind reading skills, I can learn more."

"I'll then know why you're wearing this skin and what you're going to do."

Chu Yin muttered in a low voice, "Fortunately, you don't have mind reading skills."

She took out the tools and started to tear down the wall with Ji Cang.

These wall tiles must be useful. Chu Yin really doesn't know what they are, but there is energy in them, and if there is energy, it will always be useful!
Save it for now, just in case you need it later!

With the efforts of He Jicang, Chu Yin dug out all the wall bricks of the entire palace, exposing the rocks with pits and holes. The palace was originally built under the rocks.

With the support of rocks, even if Chu Yin hollowed out the bricks of the palace wall, it would not collapse.

Standing on the passage outside, Ji Cang suggested: "It's better to dismantle this passage as well."

Chu Yin glanced at that the materials used in the passage were the same as those in the palace, and adopted Ji Cang's suggestion.

Not even the channel was spared.

"I hope these bricks will bring me good luck." Chu Yin and Jicang actually worked for a day or two to get these bricks.

During the period, Ji Cang had no complaints and worked with peace of mind, but Chu Yinfan was so tired that he took a break from time to time.

Ji Cang said: "Yes, I will also bring you good luck."

Chu Yin smiled wryly: "I hope so."

They went out, walking in the middle of the desert, under the scorching sun, Chu Yin asked Jicang, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

"No." Ji Cang raised his head and glanced at the sun: "It's very warm."

"Are you tired? I can carry you." Jicang asked Chu Yin who was walking hard in the desert.

"I won't feel tired even if I carry you on my back."

Chu Yin waved his hand: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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