Chapter 210

Ji Cang reached out his hand to shake Chu Yin's hand: "Thank you very much for your care during this time."

"Though it's useless to me."

Chu Yin: "Aren't you coming back?"

It's like saying goodbye.

Ji Cang shook his head and denied: "I will come back, I am just expressing my feelings during this time."

Chu Yin let out a cry.

When Ji Cang speaks, he is always so serious, explaining what is in his heart very seriously.

He said: "I think it's very interesting, but you have your business and I have nothing to do, so I'm going to walk around and see if I can find something interesting."

"Finding lost memories."

"But how can you call me back if you need my help?"

"How do we establish a connection?"

Chu Yin felt that this was indeed a problem, but not a big one.

"Let me see."

Chu Yin opened the mall, found a communicator, and glanced at the suffocating price, seeing it in his eyes and hurting his heart.

One hundred merits, I didn't get a reward of one hundred merits for doing the whole task before.

The cost of this task is quite high.

But as long as you think that you agreed to take him with you, you have to be responsible for what you said.

If he wants to go out, he really needs a communicator to summon him back when his mission is completed.

With one hundred merits, this is the most expensive thing Chu Yin has ever exchanged for.

Reluctantly giving up one hundred merits in exchange for a communicator, Chu Yin got such a gadget.

Two small chips, boxy, as small as a child's fingernail, almost transparent.

Chu Yin handed one of them to Ji Cang: "Stick it on your body, you will feel it when I find you, and you will know where I am."

"This kind is for the soul body, and it can be connected on the same plane."

Because Chu Yin is a soul body, if you buy products for people, you will not be able to use them in the next world.

Ji Cang asked: "If I look for you, will it be the same?"

Chu Yin nodded.

"I think you are the only one in this world who can come up with such fun things." Jicang smiled: "I think I am a person with a unique vision, so I will choose you."

Whether he smiles or not is dazzling, and even more so when he smiles.

Chu Yin: "Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?"

"I'm talking about what's on my mind." Ji Cang spoke without any scruples.

Chu Yin always felt that Ji Cang seemed to be like this by nature.

Or maybe you are born with a lack of mind, and say what you want to say every time.

Most people think carefully during a conversation, but he doesn't.

But it's good that Ji Cang can figure out how to walk around on his own, in case he regains his memory through some things.

"I think I need some silver taels. You told me with your actions all the way that you can't do without money here." Ji Cang spread his hands towards Chu Yin.

Chu Yin silently took out a bank note from her body and gave it to him.

To be honest, after buying the land, her savings were really meager.

"It's enough, if it's not enough, I will work by myself." Ji Cang smiled slightly.

Chu Yin supported his forehead.

After parting with Ji Cang, Chu Yin chose to be the first to pick up Yue Zhao. When he arrived at Yue Zhao's house, he only saw Yue Zhao's mother.

"Have you come back to pick up Yue Zhao?" She asked happily.

Chu Yin nodded and glanced at the child in her arms.

"It's great that Yue Zhao can follow you, her father thinks that she eats too much at home every day." The woman said.

Chu Yin asked, "What about you?"

The woman immediately lowered her head in shame.

Chu Yin didn't say anything else, and went to the field to find Yue Zhao. Yue Zhao was working in the field, and when she saw Chu Yin, she rushed over happily.

"Sister, sister."

"You finally came to pick me up."

She wrapped her arms around Chu Yin's waist and gave her a big hug.

It was only later that she realized that she had soiled Chu Yin's clothes.

Apologize to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin smiled: "I don't mind."

She touched Yue Zhao's shoulders and arms, and she became thinner and thinner.

"At that time, I should have left you a little silver to buy food, so that you could exercise every day to lay a good foundation, but you forgot that you couldn't get enough to eat every day." Chu Yin felt guilty.

Yue Zhao shook his head frantically: "I belong to my sister, so my sister should treat me as she should."

"After calling Master." Chu Yin scratched Yue Zhao's tall and straight nose. The girl's facial features are still pretty.

"Master's sect has been established."

Yue Zhao cheered happily around Chu Yin, finally going to follow the master.

In this family, father hates mother.

After being happy, Yuezhao still felt reluctant to part with her sisters.

"When you are successful, you can give them a hand." Chu Yin squeezed Yue Zhao's thin shoulders: "I must make it up for you."

"You are too thin."

It's painfully thin.

When walking away with Yue Zhao, Yue Zhao stood behind Chu Yin and said to her father: "If you treat your mother and sisters kindly, I will definitely stand out in the future. As long as you treat them kindly, I will treat you kindly in the future."

"Don't worry, I won't dare to mess around!" The man looked at Chu Yin in fear.

After receiving Yue Zhao, Chu Yin took Yue Zhao to find other people on horseback, and bought two beautiful clothes for Yue Zhao.

Originally, Chu Yin wanted to find rich people to earn some more money, but, heck, now he can be regarded as a teacher, and he should set an example.

You can't just come up and teach Yuezhao how to cheat rich people.

According to the client's previous model, he treated diseases and practiced medicine normally, and conveyed some doctors' spirit to Yue Zhao by the way.

Yue Zhao also had a feeling, and said to Chu Yin: "Master, I thought that the suffering in the world was nothing more than this, but after following Master a lot, I realized that there are many people who are suffering more than me. "

"And I'm much luckier than them, I can follow Master."

Chu Yin stroked Yue Zhao's small head: "There are many sufferings in the world, and one level is better than the other."

"But we must always hope."

"So this is also the meaning of Master's establishment of the sect. I want to cultivate more doctors with more benevolence, to truly help those in need, and to relieve those who are suffering from illnesses."

"Among the sufferings in the world, the pain caused by the disaster of disease is the greatest."

Chu Yin thought about it, and felt that the client was really kind and loving, which made him admire him.

After picking up the rest of the people one after another, Chu Yin also told them clearly that the conditions of the sect will not be as good as imagined, let alone such a comfortable environment as the sect, but they are all willing to follow Chu Yin. Chu Yin was very pleased.

There are more than 20 boys and girls in total, girls occupy most of them, and all of them are full of vigor. Chu Yin brought back the sect, and the house was built.

"So beautiful!"

"The blue tiles and red walls, and this place, are so beautiful."

"Yes, is this what Master said about the poor conditions? My house often leaks, so this house will definitely not leak!"

"Master lied, Master is humble."

Everyone chattered non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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