Chapter 211

Chu Yin hired a literate teacher to teach them to read and write, and also to teach them various medicinal materials, medical knowledge, and martial arts.

The daily classes are very full, so Chu Yin hired people to plant the land.

The children have to get up before dawn to practice martial arts, read characters, and study medicine. They can't rest until late at night. They have no other time except sleep, and Chu Yin is the same, busy raising these children.

It was named Anhua Valley for the sect.

This was the name that the client had considered in his heart before, so Chu Yin picked it up and used it.

Considering that this group of disciples has not yet been cultivated, Chu Yin temporarily gave up recruiting disciples from abroad and concentrated on cultivating this group of disciples.

He couldn't leave for the time being, so he cultivated these disciples in the valley with peace of mind.

There have been no major changes in the world, except for some turmoil in the Tianfeng faction after the death of the leader of the Tianfeng faction, Song Wei.

And Xiang Ji, the young owner of Wuwen Village, seems to have disappeared from the rivers and lakes. No one knows where he went and what he was doing.

Ji Cang has been out for a long time, and Chu Yin doesn't know where he is, so he wants to call him when he leaves.

"Master Gu, I heard that there was an epidemic in Qizhou, and many people died." The aunt who came to deliver food to Gu Zhong said to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin was surprised: "Epidemic?"

She counted the days, and before she knew it, the day of the client's death had already passed, and the current plot was gone.

It turned out that after the client died, the plague broke out in another place.

"What's the specific situation?" Chu Yin asked.

The aunt shook her head and said, "I don't know about that, I just heard people say that."

Chu Yin pondered, if she was the client, she would definitely choose to go to Qizhou to treat patients at this moment.

In this era, the death rate of the epidemic is very high.

Many people will die.

Of course, there will also be a shortage of doctors. In ancient times, there were not many doctors.

Then how can I sit idly by? Chu Yin made a decision in his heart and said to his disciples: "There is an epidemic in Qizhou, and I want to go to Qizhou to see the situation as a teacher."

"You can stay in the valley with peace of mind."

"Master, I'm going." Yuezhao was the first to stand up with firm eyes.

Chu Yin said, "This is very dangerous."

"If you are infected with a disease, being a teacher cannot guarantee that you can be saved."

"If you want to go, you must be prepared to sacrifice."

Chu Yin hasn't gone yet, so he doesn't know what the virus is like. If he hasn't seen it, he can't guarantee that he will be 100% cured.

Yue Zhao shook his head: "I am not afraid."

"The apprentice belongs to the master, and the master is in danger alone, so how can the apprentice back down?"

"Now I can read and understand some medicinal materials. I can always help Master."

"Master, I'm going too."

"I also need to go."

"Master, take us with you!"

"We are not afraid of death!"

"If we don't dare to stand up at this time, how can we hang the pot to help the world and practice medicine to save people in the future!"

"Aren't they waiting for us doctors to bring them hope?"

Chu Yin was very pleased. They were all only teenagers, but since they chose this path, they dared to face it head-on.

That's right, when this disease breaks out, people infected with the virus will definitely be desperate. Waiting, isn't it the hope brought by the doctor?
"Wait for the teacher to go out and inquire about the situation in Qizhou before making a decision." Chu Yin left Gu Zhong and went to the government to inquire about the situation in Qizhou.

Qizhou City is very large, and the whole city has been sealed off, but the disease is spreading very fast, and now the people of Qizhou are in deep misery. Although the imperial court sent many people over, there are still not enough people.

In particular, the source of this disease was a businessman who traveled to and from Qizhou and nearby cities, so not only Qizhou broke out, but even the cities near Qizhou had this disease, and now a total of three cities have been sealed off. city.

It is the most serious in Qizhou, especially the sick people have reached the final stage of the disease, and some people have begun to die.

And there is no cure for this disease yet.

Chu Yin felt that the response speed of the imperial court was quite fast. The three cities were sealed off very quickly to avoid the spread. Fortunately, the mobility of people in this era is not strong, so as long as the blockade is fast, it can be controlled.

Time was running out, Chu Yin found a few people, and used the limited conditions of this era to make dozens of sets of protective clothing day and night to isolate the virus as much as possible, and then used up all the money on his body to buy a lot of medicinal materials.

Take his apprentices to the hardest hit area in Qizhou.

The magistrate of Qizhou came out to greet Chu Yin in person. After all, at this time, there are still sects from Jianghu who took the initiative to go, which surprised him.

Looking at the carts of medicinal materials behind Chu Yin, the magistrate was very moved.

I just don't know when there was an Anhua Valley in Jianghu.

Chu Yin asked about the prefect's situation. Now Qizhou is short of food, medicinal materials, many patients, and extremely short of doctors.

People with a little knowledge of medicine have also used it, but many of them have also been infected.

Qizhou City is in a mess, and has been waiting for the imperial court to send people to help. The imperial court has also sent vehicles to deliver food one after another, but the manpower is far from enough.

The magistrate looked worriedly at Chu Yin bringing these 20 people, maybe they also became patients soon.

After getting to know the magistrate, Chu Yin got to know the situation in detail with the people below, and discussed the symptoms of the patients with the doctors in charge, and asked about their treatment plan.

At first they were quite disdainful of Chu Yin, but when Chu Yin brought up the name of master, they no longer questioned it, they were all colleagues, and almost all of them had heard of Master Chu Yin's name.

Chu Yin and his disciples were all wearing self-made protective suits, made dozens of sets, and there were still some leftovers. Chu Yin distributed these to the doctors, and asked the prefect to arrange someone to make another batch as soon as possible.

The cloth in the city should be enough.

Protective clothing is a necessary thing. Although the conditions and resources of this era are limited and 100% protection cannot be guaranteed, it can also achieve a lot of effects.

Chu Yin also asked the magistrate to send the production method of this protective clothing to the other two cities, and they also needed it.

Afterwards, she began to contact the patients and began to understand their conditions. Chu Yin made up her mind to come up with a treatment plan for these people to recover.

"Master, the magistrate said that a woman named Ming Rou'er is looking for you." Yue Zhao walked over wearing a protective suit, and Chu Yin could only tell who this person was from his eyes.

"Ming Rou'er? Is she here?" Chu Yin was surprised.

Yue Zhao nodded, and took the things in Chu Yin's hand: "Master, leave it to me, you can go to work."

"The patient in bed 210 is under special observation. He is coughing up blood badly." Chu Yin glanced at the temporary shed, which was full of sick people.

They looked pained and desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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