Chapter 214

The next day, Chu Yin took the new prescription and used it on the patient to observe the patient's condition. With the relief of symptoms, Chu Yin finally found a way to cure the disease.

Immediately wrote it down and asked the magistrate to convey it to the other two cities.

All the models of the other two cities are now copied from Qizhou's side, and Chu Yin will pass on the treatment plan. With the treatment plan, the overall situation can be stabilized.

Once the situation stabilized, Chu Yin was finally willing to sleep well.

When I woke up the next day, the dark circles under my eyes were much lighter.

The first patient recovered, and the magistrate informed the court of the good news.

As the situation stabilized and there was a cure, Chu Yin was not the busiest one, but Ji Cang was the busiest.

All beauties need silence.

They will feel better when they see Ji Cang.

Said that only when Ji Cang took care of them, they would recover.

And with treatment, they healed.

Instead, he was reluctant to leave here, and stayed here to help Ji Cang.

Chu Yin looked at the flower-like women staying here for Ji Cang, and couldn't help feeling: "Your charm is so great."

Ji Cang looked indifferent: "People have the right to yearn for beautiful things. Obviously, I am that extremely beautiful person."

"It's common for them to yearn and admire."

"I didn't deliberately make them like this."

"After I leave, they will return to normal life."

Chu Yin hissed, really speechless.

This Ji Cang, speaking and doing things, is so sincere and irrefutable, even though he is always boasting and Versailles, but it is really hard to hate.

I don't know what kind of person Ji Cang was before he lost his memory.

I have been busy here for a long time, fought a protracted battle against the epidemic, everything is working hard to develop in a good direction, and finally ushered in victory.

It is said that Chu Yin saved countless lives in the three cities.

Chu Yin said that it is inseparable from everyone's efforts.

The credit is not for her alone, but for the entire group.

Being able to save so many lives, she felt satisfied and happy from the bottom of her heart, realizing her meaning.

Chu Yin led his disciples to retire, but Anhua Valley's reputation spread far and wide.

And Ming Rou'er also led the Changming faction to retire, and the status of the Changming faction in the Jianghu has been greatly improved, and their reputation has become louder.

"Zi Lan, after I send them back, can I come to Anhua Valley to play with you?" Ming Rou'er brought her team, and the two teams were about to part.

Chu Yin gave Ming Rou'er a big hug: "You are very welcome."

"You take this, you buy some food for these disciples to nourish their health." Ming Rou'er handed the silver ticket rewarded by the court to Chu Yin.

That was rewarded by the imperial court to these two sects for their meritorious treatment.

Chu Yin also has it.

"No need, I have it too." Chu Yin refused with a smile.

"It's true that they have suffered a lot during this period, and I will make up for them when I go back." These children have good conduct.

Chu Yin liked them very much.

In her heart, these are children.

But in the concept of this era, these can't be counted as children, and many of them have reached the age where they can marry.

So Ming Rou'er regards them as disciples.

"Take it." Ming Rou'er also heard from Yue Zhao that Chu Yin came to Qizhou to buy medicinal materials and spent all his money.

It is guessed that Chu Yin is in short supply now.

Chu Yin shook her head: "I don't get paid for nothing, how can I ask you to give it to me? It's really not necessary. You use it to reward your disciples of the Changming Sect, and they have worked very hard."

She is also principled, and she asked for the bank note from the head of the Changming faction before, because she really helped the Changming faction get rid of a wolf.


Now this money is not available.

Especially with so many disciples watching, cough...

To be a teacher, you should lead by example.

"Our Changming Sect will reward them individually, so naturally we won't treat them badly." Ming Rou'er said.

Chu Yin still insisted on refusing to take it, and Ming Rou'er sighed when she saw that she couldn't give it away.

Back in Anhua Valley, Chu Yin bought a lot of delicious food to nourish the children's health, and with the fame of Anhua Valley, many people came to worship the sect.

After all, it was Chu Yin who found the cure for the epidemic, and let the world see her exquisite medical skills, calling her a famous doctor.

But Chu Yin's requirements were also very strict, and he persuaded many people to leave.

"It's time to go out and find someone to settle the score." Chu Yin watched the children practice martial arts, their fists were vigorous, and they had begun to take shape. He stood up and sighed.

Thinking about it, arrange the sect's affairs tonight and set off tomorrow morning.

At that time, I planned to let the children grow up a little bit, deal with the sect's affairs well, so I went to find Xiang Ji's affairs.

Later, what happened in Qizhou, she didn't care about Xiang Ji, and hurried to Qizhou.

Once it was delayed in Qizhou, it took almost a year to ensure that the virus was completely eradicated before returning to Anhua Valley.

"Master, master, there are many people from outside the valley." In the evening, when Chu Yin was arranging the school's affairs for Yue Zhao, some disciples shouted.

Chu Yin went out to look, and saw a large group of people and horses in the distance, and countless carriages approaching.

When they went to the place and asked, it turned out that the people in the three cities of Qizhou had prepared some things and sent them to Anhua Valley as a thank you.

The people of Anhua Valley saved their lives, and saved the lives of their relatives and friends. They will never forget this kindness.

Chu Yin said that he was really moved.

The gifts are all good things, such as cloth, horses, livestock, food, medicinal materials, salt, and various daily necessities.

They immediately offered to entertain them well, but they refused, insisting not to cause trouble to Chu Yin.

There were also some young women in the convoy, looking obsessively at Ji Cang who was carrying things.

"It's so beautiful when you're doing something."

"It's obvious that they are moving things, but their manners are so elegant."

"Master Jicang..."

"Young Master Jicang, will you come to Qizhou in the future?"

"I told you before that I would take you to eat delicious food, do you remember?"

A woman yelled at Ji Cang.

Proper fan girl.

Chu Yin laughed from the bottom of his heart, feeling sorry for Ji Cang, who is not a human being, but has done so much work.

But every time he is so proactive.

Just do the job, no complaints.

This simple and simple Ji Cang ah!
"They probably all came to see you." Chu Yin approached Jicang.

Ji Cang just glanced at Chu Yin, but didn't speak.

Chu Yin stayed for another day, sorted out the materials sent by the people to thank him, made a simple plan, and planned to go out to find Xiang Ji.

Before going out, I asked 3308 where Xiang Ji was, and 3308 said, "He's coming in this direction too."

Chu Yin chuckled: "It seems that he has practiced two brushes, otherwise he wouldn't come to me."

"But after so long, if he has practiced two brushes, I will have practiced five brushes."

"When the time comes, don't scare him to death."

(End of this chapter)

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