Chapter 215

"I'll go find him." Although he knew that Xiang Ji was coming to find her, Chu Yin didn't plan to wait for him in Anhua Valley.

Killing people in front of children is too bloody and not suitable for children.

Chu Yin took the initiative to go out, and Ji Cang followed behind Chu Yin: "Where are you going?"

"Kill a lot of people, and leave this world after you kill them." Chu Yin spoke in an ordinary tone.

Ji Cang's expression flashed with relief: "It seems that your work is finally done, congratulations."

"Then I won't go anywhere, I'll be with you, with you."

Following the location given by 3308, he drove towards Xiang Ji, and finally met him in a place where no one was around to kill people.

Chu Yin was startled the moment she saw Xiang Ji.


Xiang Ji's eye sockets were sunken, and the dark circles under his eyes were as if he had put on smoky makeup. His hair was all white, his face was thin, and his pointed chin was obvious. Chu Yin felt that chin could stab someone to death.

His skin was so pale that he could faintly see the winding blood vessels underneath.

She was covered in a black robe, which was very strange.

"It's you, Zilan?" Xiang Ji was also surprised to see Chu Yin.

Hoarse voice.

Chu Yin said sarcastically: "Your face, if you don't know it, you might think you have practiced evil skills for 50 years."

"How did you make it look like neither a human nor a ghost?"

Xiang Ji opened his arms and shook his sleeves, looked down at himself again, and asked Chu Yin, "Am I not good-looking like this?"

"Do you feel sorry for me practicing martial arts for you these days?"

Chu Yin sneered: "I feel sorry for why you didn't practice to death."

Xiang Ji looked almost crazy: "My martial arts should be comparable to yours now, do you know how much I paid for you?"

"These days, my mind is full of you, and all I think about is how to get you."

"For the sake of paying so much for you, don't you refuse me?"

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee what I will do. You don't want to be obsessed with me for the rest of your life, do you?"

Ji Cang was originally watching the play, so he couldn't help but walk behind the tree next to him, and then walked out from behind the tree, giving Xiang Ji the illusion that he had been hiding behind the tree.

"Who are you?" Before Ji Cang could speak, Xiang Ji immediately hated Ji Cang as if in a stress reaction.

Ji Cang ignored Xiang Ji and said to Chu Yin: "Is he your suitor and the one you want to kill?"

Chu Yin: "Cough..."

"You are so smart, you made a wrong judgment this time. I want to kill him, but he is not a suitor," Chu Yin said.

Ji Cang's head moved slightly, and he denied it: "You are wrong in your judgment, paranoid and crazy emotions are also emotions."

Chu Yin: "Okay."

"perhaps you're right."

Ji Cang: "No maybe, how could I be wrong? I'm right."

Xiang Ji, who was beside him with a distorted expression of jealousy, pointed at Ji Cang: "Zi Lan, please explain to me, who is he?"

Chu Yin laughed angrily: "I have to explain to you what relationship I have with you."

"You're really crazy."

"No, in this life, you must be mine, so you need to explain to me who he is." Xiang Ji looked at Ji Cang, jealous of Ji Cang's astonishing appearance, and his murderous intent instantly arose.

Ji Cang looked at him and said firmly, "You want to kill me."

"Kill him, I don't mind if someone looks at me like that." Ji Cang looked at Chu Yin.

Xiang Ji couldn't help looking up to the sky and laughing: "So it's a waste!"

"Relying on a woman's waste, I have nothing to do with this skin!"

Chu Yin was about to start: "It's really noisy."

"Zilan, I miss you very much, do you know? It's just that you were in Qizhou before, and the situation in Qizhou is complicated, so it's inconvenient for me to come to you." Xiang Ji said to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin asked back, "Why is it inconvenient?"

Xiang Ji was silent for a moment.

Chu Yin laughed: "Greedy and afraid of death? Afraid of getting sick?"

"But it doesn't matter, no matter how afraid of death you will die soon."

"Zi Lan, are you really going to kill me for him?" Xiang Ji glared at Chu Yin angrily.

Chu Yin: "I'll go, of course."

"What are you, can you be the same as him?"

"Die, stupid." Chu Yin pulled out the whip from her waist, which she specially made for Xiang Ji.

The purpose is to avenge the one whip at that time, as well as the client's revenge for several whips.

A whip was swung towards Xiang Ji, accompanied by surging internal energy, fierce and murderous, Xiang Ji's eyes were shocked, he did not expect that Chu Yin's internal energy had reached such an exaggerated level.

I have paid too much for the growth of my internal strength, but in the end, I am even more vulnerable in front of her?
Is she a monster?
Xiang Ji realized that he had no ability to resist at all, and the whip was so fast that he was unable to dodge it. After being whipped abruptly, he felt the desire to retreat.

Chu Yin snorted: "Want to run again?"

Another whip was swung across, Xiang Ji resisted two whips, his whole body was bloody and his face was distorted in pain.

"You are too cruel." Xiang Ji wanted to run but couldn't run Chu Yin, beat him but couldn't beat Chu Yin, so he had to be whipped by Chu Yin forcefully.

The flesh and blood from Chu Yin's beating finally lost the strength to resist.

"Kill me, give me a good time." Xiang Ji looked at Chu Yin desperately: "If it is destined that I can't surpass you in this life, I can't get you, I might as well die."

"Can you die by yourself?" Chu Yin looked at Xiang Ji playfully.

In the plot, when the client was tortured and wanted to die, Xiang Ji also looked at the client with the same eyes.

Ji Cang watched all this silently, without any expression on his face, not even a subtle expression.

Chu Yin glanced at him.

Suddenly he said to Xiang Ji, "Do you know?"

"He's that treasure."

Xiang Ji looked at Ji Cang.

Chu Yin: "He is the so-called treasure."

"I'm sorry, but I have obtained the treasure you wanted to obtain with all your heart in the past."

Xiang Ji was shocked and puzzled, terrified and desperate.

"So you rely on treasures to achieve your current martial arts?" He asked.

"How did you know about the treasure?"

"Aren't you the treasure key?"

Chu Yin smiled, "That's not it."

"I've never been a treasure key, understand?"

"All your hard work is in vain."

Hearing what Chu Yin said, Xiang Ji was so angry that he spat out blood.

"So what is the deep hatred between us? You want to use such a cruel method to beat me to death with a whip." Xiang Ji said with difficulty: "Even if I love you and decide to pester you, is that why you kill me? ?”

Chu Yin did not answer Xiang Ji, but swung his last whip towards Xiang Ji. The whip went towards his neck, and his life was cut off with one whip.

Ji Cang nodded: "It's over."

"Aren't you curious about the deep hatred between me and him?" Chu Yin asked Jicang.

Ji Cang: "I think I have a certain understanding of you. You will not do this kind of thing for no reason. I trust you. If I question you now, I will question myself."

(End of this chapter)

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