Chapter 216

Chu Yin smiled: "Okay."

"I think I'm also good and won't let others down."

After looking at Xiang Ji's body, Chu Yin squatted down to check Xiang Ji's condition.

Find out what evil kung fu this person Xiang Ji is practicing.

Although he can't beat himself, such a short period of internal strength growth is still very scary in this world.

After checking it, it really looks like an evil kung fu. Practicing it affects the mind as well as the body.

Chu Yin thought, if he let Xiang Ji run away again this time, Xiang Ji would still practice evil skills when he went back, and then sooner or later he would practice abolition and send himself to the west.

"Go back." Chu Yin planned to go back.

Jicang stopped in place and looked at Xiang Ji's body, and asked Chu Yin: "You checked his body, what judgment did you get?"

"Can you tell me something?"

Chu Yin said.

Ji Cang asked again: "What are the points that support your conclusions?"

Chu Yin spoke again.

Ji Cang said: "Understood."

"Are you learning from me?" Chu Yin asked curiously.

Ji Cang said: "Maybe the more I know about the world, the faster I can retrieve my memory."

Chu Yin hummed thoughtfully.

"Yue Zhao, I'm back." As soon as Chu Yin went back, she called Yue Zhao to her side and looked at her.

Now Yuezhao has also grown taller, her appearance has grown, and her skin has turned whiter. The girl obediently snuggled up to Chu Yin's side: "Master, I miss you so much even if you're not here."

"Yue Zhao..." Thinking that she was leaving, Chu Yin couldn't help telling Yue Zhao more.

Most of them are telling Yue Zhao how to behave in the world in the future.

"Master hopes you, your character is precious."

"I will follow Master's instruction, and I will never forget every word Master said." Yue Zhao looked at Chu Yin with eyes full of admiration.

Chu Yin sighed slightly.

From now on, these children, mostly girls, will be handed over to the client.

For more than a year, I have taught them reading and martial arts and some medical skills. After the incident in Qizhou, I have also exercised their minds and abilities. They are all people who can stand the test.

Chu Yin left a medical book for the client, which she wrote from time to time after she came to this world, and left two exercises for the client.

She practiced one by herself, and gave the other to anyone she wanted.

They are all good exercises and can be used as sect exercises.

For a sect, one has to have a good book and advanced exercises in order not to be bullied.

As a doctor, while treating others, you must also protect yourself.

After the client came back, she was very satisfied with the situation Chu Yin had left for her, especially the fact that she had carefully selected so many outstanding disciples.

She doesn't want to want anyone, and doesn't want to spend her heart and energy on those who are not worth it, and these disciples are all excellent, and they will definitely be able to pass on what she wants to pass on.

Medical skills must be passed on, and she still wants to carry forward and do her best.

Ten years later, Anhua Valley's status in Jianghu is already one of the best, and no one in the Jianghu knows how the people in Anhua Valley are so against the sky.

It's normal to have good medical skills, after all, that's what people mainly do, right?

But the key is that their martial arts are terrifyingly high.

All of them have high martial arts skills.

They are brave when they go out to see justice, act chivalrously, save lives and heal the wounded, all of them have such high martial arts that no one in the world dare to make mistakes in front of them.

In addition, the people in Anhua Valley are serious about doing practical things and doing good deeds. Ordinary people respect them very much and treat them like gods.

Lin Zilan and Ming Rouer became good friends, and Ming Rouer got married later, but Lin Zilan never got married.

Yue Zhao's status in Anhua Valley is very high, Lin Zilan is almost the first, Yue Zhao is second, Lin Zilan trusts Yue Zhao very much.

And Yue Zhao didn't forget her family. With her help, her younger sisters lived a good life.

Chu Yin brought Ji Cang back to the system space, and Ji Cang asked this simple space: "Is this your home?"

Chu Yin chuckled: "Yes."

"How, are you okay?"

Ji Cang said: "Personally, I think it's a bit rudimentary, without anything."

"Oh, no, there are a lot of messy things lying there." Jicang pointed to Chu Yin's book, some nutritional supplements, energy supplements collected by Chu Yin, and the pile of 'wall bricks'.

"It's not pretty to have these bricks piled up here."

Chu Yin looked at the wall bricks piled up as white as a mountain rice, and nodded: "You are right."

"I'll pile it up." She chuckled, trying to justify herself.

"Didn't you have time to clean up before? Didn't you just come back?"

Chu Yin began to tidy up the bricks.

Ji Cang came over to help, and he said, "We can make it into a nice shape, which will be more beautiful."

Chu Yin agreed very much, and suddenly had an idea: "Jicang, how about we use it to build a small room?"

"That space is for you."

"Let me tell you first, in my space, you can't play things that you want me to see, but don't let me see if you don't want me to see them."

"It would make me feel very insecure, because you can see me at any time, but you have the ability to prevent me from seeing you."

Chu Yin always felt that this was not good. In her own space, if she was suddenly not sure of Ji Cang's position, and then appeared from another position in the next second, it would not feel very good to her.

Ji Cang shook his head and said, "That thing can only be done in front of ordinary people, I can't hide myself in front of you."

"As long as I'm in front of you, you can see me."

Chu Yin is now happy and balanced: "This is the best."

"You said just now that you want to build a house for me?" Jicang asked.

Chu Yin nodded as a matter of course: "I was still thinking about whether I should buy something to separate us, but you just reminded me."

"Just build a house, so that we all have our own space, and if we want to rest here, we won't disturb each other."

"You can't see me and I can't see you."

Ji Cang: "Very good."

"If possible, I would like to raise some fish."

Chu Yin nodded: "It's not difficult."

"I agreed."

The system space is neither too big nor too small, and Chu Yin is at the edge of the system space, using these wall bricks to build a house for Ji Cang.

It was enough to build a room, and the two began to work. From the feeling, the material of this wall brick is very special. The magic is that it does not need other auxiliary materials when stacked together without falling down.

As for the bed and table inside, Jicang also chose to use wall bricks to build them.

Ji Cang said, if you don't do this, those wall bricks will never be used up, and if they are piled aside, it will not look good.

Chu Yin agreed with Ji Cang's statement.

Chu Yin and Jicang cooperated tacitly, and after working hard for some time, they finally built the house.

Since he lived in Jicang, he built it in the way he likes, a small off-white house with a unique shape.

(End of this chapter)

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