Chapter 217 Good Man Card

Start to use wall bricks to stack the objects inside, bed, table...

Ji Cang said: "I also want to make a bookcase."

"You help me prepare some books, and you can use your spare time to pass the time."

Before Chu Yin could refuse, Ji Cang said, "Any book is fine."

"I'll do something for you."

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing: "Dare you come to work with me."

"It doesn't matter, I will provide you with some books."

In short, I agreed to others, and I will treat the guests I invited by myself well, and try my best to satisfy them when conditions permit.

"Thank you, I think you are a good person." Jicang looked at Chu Yin very seriously, and sent Chu Yin a good person card.

As soon as Chu Yin received the good person card, she went to buy books for Jicang without stopping.

Because Ji Cang is already making bookcases.

Chu Yin thought, since any book is fine, let's do wholesale.

Win by quantity, no matter what book.

The price of this kind of book with a large quantity and no specific content is relatively cheap. In the end, Chu Yin spent a thousand points to buy a bunch of messy books and returned.

It's not self-operated by the mall. The self-operated ones in the mall are more expensive. Chu Yin doesn't know who sells them. Anyway, he buys the cheap ones.

People packaged and sold second-hand books in bulk.

The quantity is huge, and Chu Yin feels that it can fill the bookcase. When she bought it, Chu Yin even felt a little happy in her heart. One thousand points will do this for Ji Cang, which is a good deal!

No other store has such large quantities and cheap ones, so she must be lucky.

"Very good." Ji Cang casually flipped through the pages.

After the bookcase was built, he put it up one by one.

He doesn't mind if these books are second-hand, if some books are curled up, he will calmly smooth them patiently.

The house and the interior are finished, and there are still a lot of wall bricks left. Jicang said: "Let's use the wall bricks to build some flower beds first, and then build a pond to raise fish."

"It was built right in front of my house."

"It's almost finished."

Chu Yin nodded: "It's okay, it's okay."

"Look at your aura..." It was Meow who planned to live forever.

Forget it, Chu Yin didn't say the next thing, which made him look so stingy.

Anyway, Ji Cang is really serious about helping her with things, especially when he was in Qizhou, he was always busy in an orderly and unhurried manner.

"These wall bricks are really special. They don't need any auxiliary materials, and they can firmly form a house." Chu Yin couldn't help feeling.

Like a magnet, it is very tight and firm.

"I firmly believe that this thing must be a good thing." Chu Yin said to Ji Cang, "If one day..."

Ji Cang: "Don't worry, it's all yours, I don't want a piece of it."

"I don't mind your greed."

Chu Yin chuckled: "How can you call it greedy? Didn't I pay?"

"Besides... Even if I'm greedy, I won't hide it. You don't have worldly desires, but I do."

Ji Cang said calmly: "These belong to you."

Only then was Chu Yin happy: "Then if I can use these wall tiles one day, I will use them."

"If you're still here at that time, I'll rebuild a residence for you. Don't blame me for tearing down your home!"

It's better to say it in advance. Chu Yin feels that these things are good things more and more, although he doesn't know what they are now.

Ji Cang nodded: "No problem."

The flower beds are done, the pond is done, and the wall tiles just run out.

When it came time to buy fish, I didn't know what fish Jicang liked, so Chu Yin opened the mall and watched it with Jicang.

pick together.

Taking a general look at the price, the fish is not expensive, and Chu Yin is even more generous, saying to Ji Cang, "Choose whatever you want."

"Buy what you like."

Ji Cang looked around and finally chose eight whitebaits, all of which were silver in color. The fish arrived and were very beautiful. They also came with water and fish food, including some special nutrient solutions for fish.

Put the fish in the pond, and the whitebait swims nimbly in it, and Chu Yin suddenly became alive in this space.

He said with emotion: "The power of life is really amazing. Just some fish can add color. From this point of view, it was too lifeless before."

Ji Cang nodded: "I have collected the seeds of flowers and plants myself, and I can plant them. You just need to prepare some soil for me."

"Do you still want to plant flowers and plants?" Chu Yin looked at Jicang in surprise.

Ji Cang nodded: "Flower beds are for growing flowers."

"Wait for the flowers to bloom and the vines of the plants to spread throughout your space, and your place will become very beautiful and full of vitality."

"At that time, when you come back from the outside, you will be in a good mood when you see these, and the blooming flowers and plants will heal your soul."

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that I have been doing it for a long time because I dislike the monotony and lifelessness here."

"It's too simple." Ji Cang said: "You should be very busy, so you neglected your home."

Chu Yin fell into deep thought.

It seems that I am always busy with tasks and neglect too many beautiful things?

But when he was alive, he was also a busy workaholic.

She fits the mold.

Chu Yin went to the mall again to buy soil, and together with the fish he bought earlier, he spent a total of [-] points.

Together with the book, a total of [-] points will be consumed.

Ji Cang went to plant flowers, and Chu Yin thought that he hadn't checked the task rewards in this world yet, so he clicked on it.

The tasker Chu Yin numbered 3308 completed the task of the client Lin Zilan and received task rewards: points: 3000 points, wish power: 210 points, merit: 220 points, soul power: 4 points.

No.: 3308
Name: Chu Yin

Race: Terran

Gender: Female
Rating: two stars

Points: 3000+9300
Willpower: +210
Merit: 220+610
Soul power: +4
Seeing the mission reward, Chu Yin patted her chest thankfully, the mission reward this time is okay.

It can make up for the 'high consumption' of these few times.

There are more than 200 points of merit alone, which should be the highest in history!
Chu Yin went to help Ji Cang plant flowers. In fact, she wanted to do the task a little bit, and she had never been delayed in the system space for so long.

But after thinking about it, what do I always do so busy, it seems that I don't lack this time.

And in the future, I also want to appreciate these flowers myself, so I should help.

Planted the seeds with Jicang, everything was arranged, Jicang said: "Then I will stay in my room."

"Okay." Chu Yin thought it was very good.

Each has its own space, which is better than looking at each other all the time.

Jicang returned to the room, Chu Yin thought about it, absorbed both the power of the wish and the power of the soul, and then organized her things.

Looking at Jicang's small house, his site is relatively small and does not occupy a lot of space in the system space.

"I'm going to the world, you might as well stay here, I'll let you out when I get to the world." Chu Yin said.

Ji Cang came out from inside, holding a book in his hand: "I'm looking forward to where you will go next."

Chu Yin: "I don't know either. I'll find out when I arrive."

(End of this chapter)

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