Chapter 218 Interstellar Return (1)

This is the interstellar era, and technological civilization has developed to an extremely high level.

Humans have created spaceships to connect and communicate between planets, and created a powerful optical brain to realize a common network.

There are also mechas controlled by spiritual power, terrifyingly powerful laser guns, and body training techniques that prolong life and strengthen the body.

But there are also underdeveloped and extremely backward and barren planets.

For example, the purpose of the existence of some planets seems to be to put garbage on high-level planets.

People from high-level planets call these planets low-level planets, low-level star people.

Garbage from high-level planets is sent to low-level planets.

However, garbage can also be divided into ordinary garbage and polluting and harmful garbage.

The planet that pollutes and harmful waste is sent to is the most low-level and barren, and the client Xiang Li lives on such a planet.

And because the entire planet is covered with polluting and harmful garbage, the people here are affected, not to mention short-lived, and weird diseases.

Those who live here are suffering.

The client was lucky and unlucky.

She was originally born in the family of the high-level planet Zhixing Planet, but because of being dropped after birth, she was discarded to this planet like garbage.

It is difficult for babies to survive on this planet. Even if they are lucky enough to grow up, they will suffer from various diseases, and their appearance is also horrible.

The toxic and harmful waste here has too much impact on the human body.

But luckily for the client, after being discarded here, he was picked up by the big brother of this planet and kept by his side.

Surrounded by a big brother, the client survived. Although life is hard, compared to people on this planet, it is already very good.

The eldest brother also protected the client very well.

I also picked up a discarded optical brain and repaired it to the client, and the client learned a lot of knowledge on the optical brain.

And because the eldest brother is the eldest brother, he has occupied some good resources. Therefore, the client was lucky enough to avoid some seriously polluted food, and the food he imported was as good as possible, so the client looked like a normal person.

But the body actually has various hidden diseases, but it is not directly mutated or highlighted on the surface like other people.

The eldest brother named the client Xiang Li, and hoped that the client would go to the light in the future and stay away from this dark and appalling planet.

The client did walk out of this planet after the eldest brother died.

Once the elder brother died, the client had no one to protect him. A woman, especially a beautiful woman, is very dangerous on this planet. The client was almost bullied, but was rescued by Feng Xinlin who came to this planet to find important materials that were discarded as garbage.

Later, Feng Xinlin discovered that the client's mental power was very strong, reaching the S level.

S is the highest level, followed by A, B, C, D, E.

Such a rare talent, Feng Xinlin, naturally would not let him go, and brought the client to Zhixing Ball.

He wanted to train the client to work for the family, but after that, he accidentally discovered that Xiang Li was his own sister.

The report can't be wrong, so, what happened to the younger sister in the family?

The client has returned to his own identity, Zhixingqiu Feng's family, one of the top ten families.

Officially recognize Xiang Li.

Feng Xiyi, who was raised as the daughter of the Feng family, panicked when she saw the Lord returned.

Everyone knew that she was not of the Feng family's blood, so they looked down on her.

However, the Feng family did not say to drive Feng Xiyi out, because the aristocratic family must take the opinion of the unexpected world, if the adoptive daughter was kicked out of the house because of the return of the biological daughter, it would be very bad for the Feng family.

After all, children are innocent, and they have been raised since childhood, so they will not be without feelings.

Therefore, with Xiang Li's consent, Feng Xiyi was recognized as an adopted daughter and kept in Feng's family.

Feng Xiyi felt very sad, and wanted to get rid of Xiang Li. As long as Xiang Li died, she would still be the daughter of the Feng family, and the Feng family would not drive her away, because the Feng family always needed a daughter to marry.

Started to play tricks in secret.

The Feng family is also investigating the child's replacement, but it's been too long and the evidence has been destroyed, so they haven't found out how the child was replaced.

In fact, back then, Feng Xiyi's aunt Gu Ya's sister was pregnant out of wedlock and was unable to raise the child, so she turned her attention to Feng's mother Bai Qijing who was about to give birth that year.

And Gu Ya is the personal doctor of Bai Qijing, Xiang Li's mother.

So it succeeded.

And until now, Gu Ya is still the exclusive doctor of the Feng family because the matter of the year was not found out by the Feng family.

Gu Ya is responsible for the health of the entire Feng family. Gu Ya graduated from an advanced medical school and is a very professional and capable doctor. Everyone in the Feng family also trusts Gu Ya.

So when Xiang Li returned, he handed over Xiang Li's body to Gu Ya for treatment.

And Gu Ya is very cautious, in order not to reveal her secrets, after so many years, she has never met Feng Xiyi.

Moreover, he deliberately kept a distance from Feng Xiyi.

Until Xiang Li returned, Gu Ya found out that Feng Xi wanted to get rid of Xiang Li's heart.

I plan to help my niece.

So when Feng Xiyi approached Gu Ya, although Gu Ya did not reveal that she was her aunt, she expressed her willingness to help her.

The aristocratic family has a proud status and occupies most of the resources, and the aristocratic families often need to marry to strengthen their relationship. The vines are entangled and twisted into a stronger force.

The Feng family was no exception.

So when Zu Jin, who originally intended to marry the Feng family, also saw Xiang Li's return, his mind was shaken.

If there is no return to Li, his only choice is Feng Xiyi, and before that, Feng Xiyi has been waiting for Zu Jinyi to propose marriage to the Feng family, she likes Zu Jinyi very much.

But from Zu Jinyi's point of view, their ancestral family is also a big aristocratic family, and they cannot marry a Feng Xiyi with a bad blood.

In particular, Xiang Li still has an S-level mental power, which means that her genes are excellent!

As for Xiang Li, who grew up on a low-level planet, and his body was not very good because of the food on the low-level planet, but with advanced technology, his body can be recovered quickly.

Moreover, after Xiang Li returned to the family, she performed very well in all aspects and was very smart. Some people thought she was a malleable talent.

She is a person who has taught herself a lot with a discarded optical brain!
So Zu Jin also proposed to the Feng family that he wanted to marry Xiang Li.

Xiang Li has been hesitant to agree, and she and Zu Jin haven't understood yet.

Seeing this, Feng Xiyi hated Xiang Li even more. Later, under her and Gu Ya's control, Xiang Li died.

Xiang Li's wish is: to keep the uncle alive, to take revenge on those who hurt her, not to marry Zu Jinyi, and to achieve certain achievements, to be respected by everyone, and to keep her position in the Feng family. She has suffered enough, I don't want to suffer anymore.

Because after her return, many people still think that she grew up on a low-level planet, and she has no ability to make Feng Shi look good.

She understood that her hesitation was because she didn't like Zu Jinyi, so she didn't want to do it again.

(End of this chapter)

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