Chapter 219 Interstellar Return (2)

And after her death, the Feng family didn't know that her death had something to do with Feng Xiyi's Guya, Feng Xiyi was still in the Feng family and married Zu Jinyi.

After receiving the plot, 3308 told Chu Yin: "The plot of this world, because of the capture problem, there may be hidden plots that have not been captured, or there may not be."

Chu Yin didn't understand for a while: "What do you mean?"

3308 explained: "How would I describe it to you? It's like a weaving net to capture the plot in the world. The previous net was densely woven to ensure that there is no trace of the plot left."

"This time, because of the world, the net has been woven larger, and everything that can be caught has been caught, but I'm not sure if there are any fish that slipped through the net."

"There may not be a plot that you don't know, but it doesn't necessarily mean that this is a 100% complete plot. There is an uncertainty. Let me tell you in advance and be prepared."

Chu Yin knew it clearly: "Understood."

"thanks for reminding."

3308: "It should."

Chu Yin was thoughtful. There was an uncertainty in the plot of this mission alone, and there was no guarantee that there would be a so-called hidden plot.

It's just that there is no guarantee that there is something she doesn't know.

This time I still have God's perspective, but I'm not sure it's a complete God's perspective.

I can only take one step at a time, and use the plot in my hand to walk down and watch.

"Xiang Li, Xiang Li!" The deafening voice sounded, and the footsteps were hurried. Chu Yin just stood up, Xiang Shan walked in from the outside, and fell straight to the ground with a bang, shaking up a lot of dust on the ground.

Chu Yin froze in place, watching the small room being occupied by the body that fell to the mountain.

Xiangshan was more than two meters tall, and his body was exceptionally strong. To be precise, there was some variation, which reminded Chu Yin of the superhero Hulk in a movie he had seen.

He was bluish all over, because he was poisoned by the pollution and garbage here.

In Xiang Li's heart, Xiang Shan is her superhero. Xiang Shan has a strong physique that defies the sky and can always pick up the best garbage for Xiang Li to eat.

Outsiders call him Big Brother, and Xiang Li calls him Uncle.

With Xiang Shan around, no one dared to bully Xiang Li, but now Xiang Shan's body has reached the point of crossbow, and he will die in a short time.

The first item in Xiang Li's wish is to keep the uncle alive.

The planet is extremely barren, with almost no grass and no minerals.

Originally, no one lived on this planet. This planet was specially used to take out polluted garbage, just like some planets are specially used to take out ordinary garbage.

Later, some planets sent prisoners from their planets here to be punished, and the prisoners multiplied here, and only then did the present people come into being.

It has been many years since prisoners were sent to this kind of planet, because it was canceled by the Federation.

Therefore, the people living here today are basically the descendants of prisoners. Even if the prisoners are no longer sent here, no one will come to rescue these prisoners and let them fend for themselves.

In the eyes of advanced planetary people, the people on this planet will become extinct sooner or later, and there is no need to worry about it. At that time, this planet will simply be a planet that throws polluting garbage, and then it will be set as a restricted area, and no one will set foot on it.

The fact is exactly the same, there are indeed fewer and fewer people on this planet.

Living on a planet that dumps polluted garbage is more painful than living on a planet that dumps ordinary garbage.

Most people living here dare not aspire to go to high-level planets or medium-sized planets, even if they can live on a planet that dumps ordinary garbage, it is also a distant dream for them.

Xiang Shan's illness broke out, and he held his breath so he didn't faint outside but chose to come back and collapse, just to prevent others from finding out that he was dying.

Chu Yin squatted down, trying to turn Xiangshan, who was facing the ground, but he couldn't turn over even after exhausting his strength.

So heavy, so heavy, this tonnage!

"Jicang, I need your help." Chu Yin summoned Jicang.

As soon as Jicang came out, he looked around and saw that the house was full of all kinds of rubbish, and the air was filled with complex and comprehensive smells, sour, smelly, rotten, and so on.

There are also some meats hanging on the wall. The reason why those meats are thrown into this planet as polluted garbage is because the meat itself has been experimented with and injected with various medicines.

But the people here have no choice but to eat these. The food here is basically polluted.

If it is not polluted or harmful, then you have to go to the planet where ordinary garbage is dumped to pick it up.

Looking at Chu Yin again: "You have changed your identity again."

Chu Yin said: "It's not important, Ji Cang, I need you to help me turn this big man over. After turning over, you can go wherever you want."

"Remember, just don't let others see you."

There are so many planets here, enough for Jicang to walk and play for a long time. With so many planets, what if we can help Jicang retrieve his lost memories.

At that time, you can wave goodbye to Ji Cang and send this distinguished guest away.

Ji Cang nodded: "Okay."

The two of them worked together to turn Xiang Shan's face up, and Jicang looked at Da Shan's livid face and pondered for a moment: "I think he must have been poisoned."

Chu Yin was amused by Ji Cang's serious look: "Yes, the poison is obvious."

"I think he needs detoxification urgently, otherwise he won't live long." Jicang said again.

Chu Yin was a little surprised: "You know that too."

"I followed you and watched you treat so many patients, so I have some experience." Ji Cang actually looked at it all over.

"I think I'm a person with a super high IQ, which is different from you." Ji Cang took a serious look at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin: "..."

"This doesn't prevent me from being your master now. I want to give him acupuncture, do you want to learn it?" Chu Yin took out the silver needle from the system space and waved it proudly in front of Jicang.

Ji Cang fixed his eyes on Yinzhen: "I want to learn."

Chu Yin: "Call Master!"

Thinking that Ji Cang would not follow, but Ji Cang shouted without hesitation: "Master."

Chu Yin was about to be complacent.

But I heard Ji Cang say again: "If calling you Master can make you happy, and you can perform silver needles for me, I won't hesitate. I don't think I have any loss."

Chu Yin took a deep breath and couldn't help frowning, feeling that something was wrong.

3308 Silence, good guy, the IQ of the host has been crushed at this moment.

"Look, silver needle detoxification." Since they promised to teach him, Chu Yin did what he said.

He took off Xiang Shan's clothes, revealing his bluish-purple skin, disinfected the silver needles, and thrust them into Xiang Shan's hard skin.

His skin is so hard, it is equivalent to a mutation that has been tortured by toxins!
Every stitch of Chuyin was very strenuous, her forehead was covered with fine and dense sweat, and she still had to mutter to tell Ji Cang these principles.

After giving Xiang Shan some of the poison with silver needles, Chu Yin was already sweating profusely.

Ji Cang also said: "I have learned."

(End of this chapter)

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