Chapter 220 Interstellar Return (3)

Chu Yin smiled slightly: "That's fine."

"Now I'm alone, and you can do whatever you want."

"I'm going outside for a walk, I'm curious about this world." Jicang said and stepped out the door.

After Ji Cang left, Chu Yin didn't care when he would come back, she looked at a white bucket in the corner of the room.

There is some water in the bucket, and the bottom is full of silt.

Water is rare on this planet, such turbid and polluted water.

In fact, Chu Yin felt that if he could live to adulthood here, his physical fitness was already so strong.

Just like a poisonous person.

Gu Ya is really ruthless. He directly treats the newborn Xiang Li as polluted garbage. If he hadn't met Xiang Shan by fate, he wouldn't have survived at all.

Even if he met Xiang Shan, if his physical fitness was not strong, he still wouldn't be able to live now.

Chu Yin got some water to wipe Xiang Shan's face, and Xiang Shan's facial features gave off a fierce look.

"Xiang Li." Xiang Shan woke up and saw Chu Yin sitting cross-legged beside him.

Chu Yin is practicing, and there is spiritual energy in this world, so in order to make her body stronger, Chu Yin plans to practice when she has nothing to do, and accumulate some spiritual energy in her body.

There is still body training in this world. For families like the Feng family, the body training in their hands is unique and advanced.

After Xiang Li returned, he taught Xiang Li, and Chu Yin, who had a plot, planned to practice privately when he was free.

But because it belonged to the Feng family, Chu Yin planned to let Xiang Shan practice it after returning to the Feng family, otherwise it would be illogical to teach him the unique body training technique of the Feng family now.

Chu Yin stopped practicing and looked at Xiang Shan happily: "Uncle, are you better?"

"The head is heavy, very heavy." Xiang Shan's voice was a little weak, and he asked Chu Yin: "I fell straight, how did you turn me over?"

Chu Yin clapped her hands: "It's been a hard struggle anyway."

"I'm afraid, uncle, you'll be suffocated to death with your face on the ground!"

That can't be done, the client's first wish is for the uncle to live, so from now on, he has to take care of the uncle's body by himself.

At least they have to survive their days on this star until Feng Xinlin comes to this star to take them away.

At that time, I have to find a way to get Feng Xinlin to agree to take Xiangshan with me. I have to take Xiangshan with me. Whether I use acupuncture to detoxify Xiangshan or use Chinese medicine to detoxify, I can only continue Xiangshan's life, but I can't completely remove the toxins. .

Because the toxin really penetrates deep into the bone marrow, it needs the help of high-tech medical equipment in this world.

"How can I be so fragile!" Xiang Shan denied it immediately, and then a strange sad look appeared on his face: "Xiang Li, here, do you have someone you like?"

"Who can I like?" Chu Yin couldn't help but chuckle, thinking of the people outside, most of them were in miserable situations.

Xiang Shan shook his head and said firmly, "You have to quickly like one."

"It's better to be a strong person like me who can protect you."

There was a trace of sadness on his face: "If one day I die, there will be someone protecting you, and you will not be bullied."

"You are the most beautiful girl in this star!"

Chu Yin patted the back of Xiang Shan's hand. His hands were so big, in stark contrast to Chu Yin's slender hands. Chu Yin said, "Don't worry, you won't die!"

"How can a person not die? I'm in my 40s, and it's not the first time I've fainted. I feel like I'm getting closer." Xiang Shan's voice was deliberately lowered, as if he was afraid that the walls would have ears.

In fact, they are the only ones living here, no one dares to approach this simple house, as long as they approach, Xiangshan will drive away.

Chu Yin said: "But I saw from the optical brain that the human life span is about 300 years."

"That's a high-level star." Xiang Shan stared at Chu Yin's face, and the strong man felt distressed.

He always thought that the little girl he picked up was a high-level star, but he was thrown here for some reason.

Very poor, very poor.

She probably won't be able to go back for the rest of her life, if she can be left here, she never thought about letting her live!
"I believe uncle can do it too, uncle, don't worry, I learned a new thing on the optical brain." Chu Yin said to Xiang Shan mysteriously.

Xiang Shan showed his yellow teeth, his teeth were huge, and he grinned and asked, "What?"

"Ancient method of detoxification!" Chu Yin said: "As long as uncle finds the materials for me, we can make silver needles by ourselves, and I can detoxify uncle."

Chu Yin did not tell Xiang Shan that he had detoxified once.

But in fact, if you want to maintain Xiangshan and ensure that he does not die during the death time of the plot, you will have to detoxify many times in the future, so you can't knock him out every time.

Obviously, with Xiang Shan's size, unless he fainted himself, and wanted to knock him out, the difficulty factor was very high!
So I can only fool the uncle like this. Things like acupuncture have been lost for a long time in this interstellar era and have become a real ancient method.

And her optical brain, because it was discarded by others, is only used to go to the big star network and see the outside world.

Moreover, I have never had my own account, and the optical brain has no account restrictions. It is limited to browsing, and there is no way to communicate with the outside world.

Chu Yin couldn't help recalling Xiang Shan's excitement when he picked up this optical brain, because the optical brain was not polluting garbage, but it appeared here.

But this is not the only optical brain on this star, there are still a few, but they are not as good as Chuyin's, and because they don't have an account, they can only browse.

Only people with identity information can have an account. No one here has identity information, because there is no order and nothing here.

So seeing the ancient video on the optical brain suddenly doesn't exist. Anyway, if Xiang Shan asks him to find it for him to watch, he will say that the publisher deleted it.

Obviously, Xiang Shan believed in Chu Yin's words, and did not doubt how such a precious ancient method of acupuncture and moxibustion could be spread on the optical brain.

Immediately sat up excitedly and looked at Chu Yin: "It means, you can also detoxify yourself?"

"This way you will suffer less."

Chu Yin was a little moved, and Xiang Shan was thinking about her immediately.

"That's right, we can all suffer less." Chu Yin smiled slightly, looked up at the transparent skylight, and said, "It's still early, we'll go find it after you rest!"

Chu Yin really couldn't say that he already had a silver needle in his hand.

Xiang Shan knows better than anyone else what Xiang Li has in his hand, how could it be such a coincidence that he happened to have a silver needle and just happened to watch the ancient method video.

Too fake.

"I'm fine now." Xiang Shan stood up, standing really tall.

Chu Yin looked up at him.

Originally, this body was already 1.7 meters tall, but it was too tall to support Xiangshan.

It is tall and strong, standing in front of it like a solid mountain.

His true father loves him like a mountain, and Xiang Li regards Xiang Shan as his father in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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