Chapter 226 Interstellar Return (9)

Xiang Shan shook his head: "You are already an S-level spiritual powerhouse, your future is boundless, and they won't let you be bullied."

"It's useless for uncle to go to a high-level star. Uncle is nothing when he reaches a high-level star. Uncle won't hold you back."

He dodged his eyes, lowered his head in inferiority, his face was full of bewilderment and hesitation.

Although Chu Yin can understand Xiang Shan's current feelings, he feels that he can't adapt to the life of a high-ranking star. He is afraid of being laughed at somewhere, and he is even more afraid of dragging his feet and hurting himself.

Generally speaking, I am ashamed of myself.

But you can't let the uncle live here. If there is no way out here, he will die.

As for the life of a high-level star, as long as he slowly adapts, he will definitely be able to adapt, and it will be fine once he adapts.

"Uncle just doesn't want to protect Xiang Li anymore." As soon as Chu Yin's emotions brewed, crystal clear tears swirled in his eyes and rolled down like pearls.

"Xiang Li is so lonely there, no relatives and no friends, if the uncle is not by Xiang Li's side, Xiang Li will die alone."

Seeing Chu Yin crying, Xiang Shan couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Don't cry, don't cry."

"Go for an inspection!" Chu Yin smiled instantly, and pushed Xiang Shan, who then pushed Xiang Shan to the spaceship.

Xiang Shan put on the clothes given by others awkwardly, went up and lay down in the instrument for inspection, Chu Yin was very happy when he passed the inspection.

"Then you are busy first? Shall we go back and pack up?" Chu Yin said to Feng Xinlin.

She also didn't intend to help Feng Xinlin find things, because Feng Xinlin would find what he wanted smoothly in the future, so she didn't need to intervene.

Feng Xinlin nodded slightly: "I hope you will be faster."

"Yes." Chu Yin nodded.

Chu Yin and Xiang Shan went back to pack their things.

"Just bring the things that uncle thinks are the most precious, and you don't need to bring the rest," Chu Yin said.

Xiang Shan hesitated: "When we get there, we will be short of things, at least at the beginning."

Chu Yin wanted to say that there would be no shortage of money in the future.

But did not say.

Instead, he said, "Don't worry, we're useless in the past. Even if we pick up trash over there, it's better than the trash here."

Xiang Shan slapped his forehead: "Yes!"

"There's also garbage to pick up over there."

"Let's go! Don't delay, lest Xiang Li be blamed by them." Xiang Shan glanced at the place where he had been living with complicated eyes.

Excited and complicated.

After Chu Yin and Xiang Shan simply took some important things and rushed over, Feng Xinlin had already found his things, and the people he brought were all standing near the spaceship. Feng Xinlin was on top of the spaceship, looking down at Chu Yin and Xiang Shan rushed towards him.

"Come on, let's start." Feng Xinlin went in after finishing speaking, into his exclusive private luxury cabin.

Chu Yin and Xiang Shan were taken to the last cabin of the spaceship.

Although it is a passenger cabin, it is quite luxurious here. Xiang Shan looked at everything curiously, not daring to touch it lightly.

Not to mention Xiang Shan's curiosity, even Chu Yin's eyes were full of interest.

Although I have a certain understanding of these technology-filled things through the plot, after all, I haven't had real contact with them. Now that I have real contact with them, I can't help feeling the power of technology.

"Take a bath first." Chu Yin asked Xiang Shan to take a bath, and Chu Yin asked someone else for two sets of clothes, one extra large for Xiang Shan and one for herself.

Xiang Shan came out of the shower with tears of excitement in his eyes: "I've never felt so comfortable before."

"Just the water used for bathing here is all I have never drunk in my life."

"I have been drinking, drinking a lot, drinking to my heart's content."

"I've never been so clean in my life. I feel so happy. It's worth dying now."

Chu Yin looked at Xiang Shan with some distress, the past was really too hard.

"Xiang Li, you go too! It's really delicious, I think it's a little sweet, I don't understand why such water is used for bathing." Xiang Shan urged Chu Yin to take a bath quickly.

Chu Yin went and took a shower, and she really breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how uncomfortable this body is during this time.

I can only wipe it with water every day, and the water is not clean.

The body was completely refreshed, and Chu Yin felt that his soul had been washed, and he gained a kind of light happiness.

"It should be possible to take out food from this machine." Chu Yin stared at the machine in front of him.

Xiang Shan leaned over: "Really?"

"Can I take it? Will it be said?"

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing: "How could it be said, just a little food, they won't mind."

This is the self-service meal machine.

Chu Yin operated the machine, and taught Xiang Shanyong by the way, and took out some food from it, sandwich bread, fruits and vegetables, and fish steaks.

"Wow, it's very rich." Chu Yin said happily.

In this interstellar era, fruits, vegetables and meat are high-end foods, especially those of this quality.

"Eat quickly." Chu Yin took some more and gave it to Xiang Shan: "Eat more."

Xiang Shan was a little at a loss, he had never eaten clean food in his life, and was about to eat it, when the cabin warned that someone was about to enter, Xiang Shan said in amazement: "It can't be that they knew we took the food, so they came to scold us ?”

Chu Yin patted Xiang Shan's hard muscles: "No."

A person walked in, followed by several people, and they carried trays and brought in the food one by one.

The leader said: "The owner here asked us to bring it over for you to enjoy."

Chu Yin couldn't help smiling when she saw the food delivered, which was many times richer than what she got from the machine, and even had wine.

He stood up and bowed to thank him: "Thank you very much for his care."

"We were touched."

Xiang Shan followed Chu Yin's example and bowed to thank him, and also imitated Chu Yin's words: "Thank you very much, we... We are very touched."

"There are so many, are you finished?" Chu Yin suddenly became worried when he saw a table full of exquisite food.

Especially just now because I was worried that Xiangshan would not have enough to eat, so I deliberately took more from the self-serve machine.

"Do you have to finish eating?" Xiang Shan asked Chu Yin.

Chu Yin: "That's not true, just open up to eat, eat as much as you can, don't support yourself."

"Hold on? What's that like?" Xiang Shan looked at Chu Yin suspiciously.

Chu Yin pursed her lips and smiled: "Uncle will be able to experience it soon."

"Eat quickly."

During this period of time, all she ate was nutritional supplements, and she had no taste in her mouth at all. She also wanted to eat some serious food. Just now, she saw that the food in the self-service machine was actually good, but when Feng Xinlin sent more When it comes to exquisite food, the index finger is already moving.


"I must experience the feeling of holding on this time!" Xiang Shan declared.

Going towards the desire to be full, Xiang Shan really ate all the food on the table.

Chu Yin was amazed.

(End of this chapter)

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