Chapter 227 Interstellar Return (10)

After a full meal, we successfully arrived at Zhixing after squinting for a while.

The spaceship docked in the Feng family's private space, and after getting off the spaceship, Feng Xinlin said to his subordinates: "Send them to settle down."

Chu Yin didn't say anything, and followed Feng Xinlin's men obediently.

They were sent to a suite with all the daily necessities and facilities.

There are also intelligent robots in the living room for people to use.

There is also a huge game pod for entertainment.

"Can you tell him for me that I want to do a genetic and blood test tomorrow." Chu Yin offered.

In the plot, after Xiang Li came to Zhixing, he spent a period of time cultivating various skills, and before he formally planned to train to become a mecha master, Feng Xinlin considered Xiang Li's identity was unknown and his birth was ominous, so he thought about it. Do a blood test and genetic test for Xiang Li.

After all, Xiang Li's S-level mental strength and genes are against the sky. Feng Xinlin couldn't help but wonder where Xiang Li's blood and genes came from, so he asked her to do it.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, even if you do genetic testing, you will not do blood test.

Therefore, this investigation found out that Xiang Li was her biological sister.

This time Chu Yin didn't want to wait, and didn't want Feng Xinlin to arrange for him to go to another place for a training session to waste this time.

She was anxious, anxious to return to the Feng family.

Uncle's body is in urgent need of treatment, and she needs star coins.

As long as the blood test is successfully done and shown to Feng Xinlin, it can be proved that she is from the Feng family.

Feng Xinlin compared the values ​​obtained from Xiang Li's blood test with the values ​​in his previous blood test report, and came to the conclusion that they are brother and sister.

Bloodline detection technology, as long as the bloodline detection results of both parties are available, the relationship can be accurately determined through various values.

"Genetic test and blood test?" The man looked at Chu Yin and asked again.

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes."

"Actually, you don't have to be so anxious. You just got here, so you might as well get used to it first." The man suggested.

Chu Yin said politely: "Thank you very much for your suggestion, but I can't restrain this curiosity in my heart. I am eager to understand myself."

"Then you can do a genetic test." The man said.

"The blood test is a private matter in the eyes of our stars. Are you sure you want to do it? If you ask for it now, this report may be seen by others."

What he means is that it is best not to reveal your privacy before you have the ability to protect your privacy.

Chu Yin said heartily, she wished Feng Xinlin could see this bloodline report.

But the man is also kind. After all, in this era, blood test is really a very private thing, because technology has developed to the point that other people can do many things with this blood test.

For example, develop some drugs specifically for you and so on.

He insisted: "Please, I hope you can help me convey that I want to do these two tests."

Seeing that Chu Yin insisted on this, the man didn't say anything, and instead conveyed Chu Yin's request to Feng Xinlin.

Feng Xinlin raised his eyebrows.

I have to say that she took the initiative to mention this, which also aroused her own curiosity.

What kind of genetic blood is it?

In order to reach the rare S rank!
"Tell her that if I want to do it, I need to read the report and let her decide whether she wants to." After Feng Xinlin finished speaking, he turned on his optical computer and began to browse the interstellar network.

When Chu Yin heard Feng Xinlin's message, he forcibly controlled his inner joy.

Need a report?But that's great!

The face still pretended to be a bit embarrassed: "Is that so?"

"Okay! I said I'd die for him, so it's just a report." She smiled.

"It can be arranged tomorrow, right?"

The man responded: "Yes."

After finalizing the matter, Chu Yin looked at Xiangshan who was very interested in the game cabin, and kept wandering around the game cabin, wanting to do it but hesitating.

Just as he was about to teach Xiang Shan to play games, Ji Cang said that he was going to come out, so Chu Yin had to let Ji Cang come out first.

"Yes, the environment has indeed improved a lot." Jicang asked Chu Yin: "Are you rich?"

Chu Yin touched his chin: "Wait a little longer."

"Wait a few more days, then Master and I will be rich."

Ji Cang looked at Chu Yin: "Okay, Master, I will wait a few more days to go out."

Chu Yin looked at Xiang Shan who had been looking at the game cabin, and said, "Uncle, let me teach you how to use this."

The game cabins of this era are very fun and very high-tech. Entering the game is like entering another world, very real.

And after playing the game, you can also earn star coins. Of course, Chu Yin does not expect Xiang Shan to earn money in the game. She just thinks he is boring. Find something for Xiang Shan to do, so that she can adapt to the place faster and spend time. time.

"Xiang Li, will you?" Xiang Shan asked in surprise.

Chu Yin: "It should be, let's explore slowly."

After Chu Yin finished speaking, she began to teach Xiang Shan how to use the game cabin to play games.

Xiang Shan's learning ability is actually quite good, and he learned the general idea in a short time. He said to Chu Yin: "After that, I can explore by myself."

"Well, you have nothing to do and something to entertain yourself."

"I'm going out tomorrow."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Okay!"

"Xiang Li will definitely be very busy in the future, don't worry about uncle."

From Xiang Shan's eyes, Chu Yin saw a vision for the future, and he had already kindled hope for the future.

And the whole process of Chu Yinjiao Xiangshan playing the game was watched by crowds.

"I thought it was kind of fun," he said.

Chu Yin: "Then you can play too."

Ji Cang glanced at the game cabin, and didn't say whether to play or not.

The next day, Chu Yin refreshed and went for the genetic test and blood test. The report did not come out of her hand, but was sent directly to Feng Xinlin.

Feng Xinlin was dealing with important matters, and he didn't read the report as soon as it was delivered. When he had time to read the report, he looked very serious.

"Is this report wrong?" Feng Xinlin couldn't help muttering.

I took a look at the testing agency that issued the report, an authoritative agency, so the possibility of error is not high.


"how could be?"

Judging from the blood test, this Xiang Li is actually brother and sister with him?
Feng Xinlin realized that something was wrong.


Judging from the various values ​​on the blood test report, compared with my own blood test report, it is siblings with the same father and mother, and there is no such thing as half-father or half-mother.

Feng Xinlin's heart was beating like thunder. Realizing that something was unusual, he immediately did a blood test on himself, and called Chu Yin to do another blood test. The final result was still brother and sister.

"Mom, come here." Feng Xinlin called his mother, Bai Qijing.

(End of this chapter)

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