Chapter 232 Interstellar Return (15)

"These things need to be given by you. It's about you. Just think about it."

Feng Heyuan couldn't help but admired: "The logic is very strong, and the thinking is clear."

"A quick mind."

He guessed his mind in a second.

Chu Yin smiled faintly.

Show off?

Who wouldn't.

Feng Xiyi looked at Feng Heyuan anxiously.

And Feng Heyuan didn't continue this topic anymore.

Feng Xiyi was in an awkward position like that, unable to get up or down, and now his uncle called out...

Bai Qijing glanced at her husband, then think about it later.

"The uncle you are talking about, your mother has already told me that tomorrow I will arrange someone to bring him over and entertain him." Feng Heyuan said again.

Only then did Chu Yin put on a sincere smile: "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

"At that time, we will arrange his follow-up treatment and let Dr. Gu Ya be in charge." Feng Heyuan said.

"And you, we plan to let Doctor Gu Ya take care of your body, Xiang Li, you need to take care of your body."

Feng Heyuan's tone carried an imposing manner that could not be disobeyed.

He was just informing, not asking for opinions.

When Chu Yin heard Gu Ya, good guy, if you really let Gu Ya take responsibility, wouldn't that be equivalent to giving away the head?

In the plot, because Gu Ya is in charge of her body, Gu Ya has many opportunities to take advantage of, and she succeeds smoothly.

This time with the uncle, so what happened.

Send a double kill?
Xiang Li didn't set up defenses against Gu Ya, because the entire Feng family trusted Gu Ya, and under their ideological indoctrination, Xiang Li also trusted Gu Ya.

"No... Dad, I hope I can have the right to choose." Chu Yin said solemnly.

Feng Heyuan: "Doctor Gu Ya is very professional, I don't think you can choose a more professional doctor than her."

Bai Qijing also echoed: "She specializes in serving our Feng family, and is the exclusive doctor of our Feng family."

"She understands all the problems in our Feng family's genes. We think it would be better for you to be in charge of you. Based on all the knowledge about your genes, the treatment plan she gives will definitely be better than others."

Chu Yin was still silent.

If Gu Ya is sincerely for her own good, she is naturally the best choice.

The key is that the thing is suffocating!

Feng Xinlin said: "Sister, you don't have to be so repulsive, you have to properly accept the life after returning to the family."

"Father, I still hope that I can have the right to choose." Chu Yin still insisted.

Seeing that Chu Yin was disobedient in this matter, Feng Xiyi couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy in his heart.

Feng Heyuan would not like a disobedient daughter.

Just when Feng Xi thought that Feng Heyuan was about to get angry, Feng Heyuan just said lightly: "Yes."

"You just came back, I think I should be more tolerant, caring and privileged to you."

"Choose by yourself. We will provide you with everything you need. Discuss this matter with your brother, and don't discuss it with me anymore."

Feng Xiyi was surprised that Feng Heyuan could do this.

Xiang Li disobeyed him, he didn't choose to get angry or insist on letting Xiang Li listen to him, but chose not to care about it.

Feng Heyuan is a very stubborn and assertive person!

Anyone who disobeys him, he thinks is challenging his majesty.

But since Chu Yin came here, he has performed very well, especially in the face of his self-confident state of being neither humble nor overbearing, which made Feng Heyuan very satisfied, so he was willing to tolerate more.

"About your name..." Feng Heyuan pondered.

Chu Yin just refuted Feng Heyuan just now, and he can't refute Feng Heyuan in everything, so he immediately said docilely: "Listen to what Mom and Dad want."

In fact, Chu Yin knew the plot and knew that they would just put a surname in front of Xiang Li's name, that's all.

This was a name that Xiang Li could accept, and it was named Xiang Li, so there was no point in refuting it.

What Feng Heyuan and the others thought was that the name Xiang Li had a good meaning, so there was no need to change it easily.

Originally, the change of life made her feel uncomfortable. If the name is changed again, she will probably be even more uncomfortable.

Feng Heyuan's expression turned better: "Then Feng Xiangli, Feng is your surname."

Chu Yin nodded slightly: "Okay, I like it very much, thank you Dad."

Feng Heyuan said again: "In a few days, I plan to entertain relatives and friends, and then officially announce your identity. Before that, you also need to prepare a lot of things."

"Your mother will tell you what you need to prepare." Feng Heyuan took a sip of his wine and looked deeply at Feng Xinlin.

Feng Xinlin understood.

Talk to Chu Yin after dinner: "Don't disobey father easily."

"Sister, I have to remind you that my father has a weird personality, and we have never been able to disobey him since we were young."

"You probably can't imagine the character of your father. If you really anger him, even if we are his children, we will lose his love and never get his resources again."

"I was once almost kicked out of the house and lost my status as the son of the Feng family." Feng Xinlin had a bitter face when he thought of this.

How could Chu Yin not know that Feng Xinlin came to beat her because of Feng Heyuan's intention, and nodded: "Thank you brother for reminding me."

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you something." Feng Xinlin smiled.

Chu Yin: "I understand."

So this is also the reason why Xiang Li made a wish to keep his position in the Feng family.

Because she also understood Feng Heyuan's character.

She is also very sensible and does not desire to get love from Feng Heyuan.

Feng Xinlin said again: "But since my father agreed to your matter, I will help you arrange your body and Xiang Shan's body until you are satisfied."

Chu Yin: "Thank you."

"Brother, I still hope to get an identity as soon as possible, and Xiang Shan, we all need an identity information in order to live better on this planet."

Feng Xinlin: "You don't need to say it, I have already arranged it today. The identity matter can be settled tomorrow, and you and Xiangshan will have it by then."

"Thank you so much." Chu Yin chuckled.

Feng Xinlin's eyes were soft: "You don't have to be so polite, we are brother and sister, you have suffered outside for many years, I feel sorry for you."

"And I admire you very much, you are braver than me."

To be honest, he prefers the character of his own sister.

Feng Xiyi's personality has always been soft. There is no problem in being a daughter or a younger sister, but in fact, it is difficult to achieve anything with a too soft personality.

If a family wants to prosper forever, the offspring must also be able to achieve something.

Feng Xiyi's character ability cannot bring greater benefits to the family.

In Feng Xinlin's heart, Feng Xi was weak.

And Feng Xinlin prefers the strong, and the bond of blood makes him like it more.

The next day, Gu Ya came over to check on Feng Xiyi's situation, Feng Xiyi was only emotionally anxious, because she didn't say half of what happened to her yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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