Chapter 233 Interstellar Return (16)

She was still wondering how the Feng family would arrange her.

Although Bai Qijing was still comforting her late last night, telling her clearly that the Feng family would not abandon her or ignore her, but Feng Heyuan hadn't made a formal statement after Chu Yin said that this time.

Both Feng and Yuan planned to hold a banquet to announce Chu Yin's identity. In the plot, he said that Feng Xiyi's adopted daughter's identity would also be announced at the banquet. This time, he only announced the return of his own daughter, not the adoption as an adopted daughter. thing.

Although her mind was confused, although Gu Ya injected some medicine into Feng Xiyi yesterday which caused her to look unwell, in fact Feng Xiyi didn't feel much discomfort, there was nothing wrong with it at the root, but her mood was extremely bad Always looking haggard and pale.

Seeing Feng Xiyi's restless appearance, Gu Ya knew that the situation here was not good, so she said to Bai Qijing, "Miss is probably too worried."

"She is not in good health, she is emotionally poor, and it will definitely affect her body in the long run."

Bai Qijing sighed, "Xiyi, didn't I tell you? Don't worry so much, we won't abandon you."

"You were raised by me, how could I be so cruel as to abandon you?"

"Why do you have to worry about it all the time? You should trust us."

Feng Xiyi pursed her lips, aggrieved and unwilling to speak.

Gu Ya sighed: "Madam, she is still young, she should be afraid in her heart, after all, put yourself in another place, if Madam encounters this kind of thing, she will be at a loss for a while and fear, after all, her world is only you."

Feng Xiyi glanced at Gu Ya gratefully, unexpectedly, Gu Ya, who usually doesn't talk much, would speak for her.

That's right, I only have my parents, if I leave here, I will lose everything.

Miss Feng's identity and the chance to marry Zu Jinyi will all be lost, and she will be kicked out of the upper echelon.

Gu Ya first spoke for Feng Xiyi, then looked at Chu Yin and said, "Of course, I am also willing to serve Miss. If Miss is willing, leave your health to me in the future!"

"I will definitely help you solve all your problems."

Quaint very proactive request.

Chu Yin just smiled slightly. Seeing this situation, Bai Qijing said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Xiaoya."

"Her body has been found to be in charge of a special person. It is because her situation is more complicated. I can't bear to increase the workload for you."

Bai Qijing's words were very polite and smooth.

Gu Ya was stunned on the spot, she was full of confidence when she came.

I am confident that I will be able to take over Feng Xiangli's body, as long as I take over and take charge of her body, won't Feng Xiangli be easy for me to deal with?

When it's necessary, it's done!

You must not bring any harm to Feng Xiyi. I once promised my sister that I must take good care of Xiyi.

"Don't bother Madam, I'm happy to be responsible for Miss Feng's body. I don't think anyone in this world is more suitable than me. I will definitely do my best." Gu Ya is still trying.

"I also believe that many people are not as professional as I am. Ma'am, you know that in our era, the best thing is to have a doctor who knows the family's genes in charge. This is why every prominent family needs a professional doctor."

"There are too many things they don't understand, and the current treatment plan is not only to target the symptoms but also to target the genes."

Bai Qijing: "Xiaoya, I understand the truth..."


Faced with such an enthusiastic Gu Ya, Bai Qijing was very embarrassed. After all, he was so kind, how should he say no?
"I don't want to let Doctor Gu Ya be responsible." Chu Yin said.

From the very beginning, Gu Ya cannot be allowed to touch her body and be responsible for her own health, because Gu Ya has been paving the way for the client to be resolved in the future since she was in charge of the client's body.

And medicine is so developed in this era, even if she once passed through the Doctor of Medicine, Chu Yin doesn't think she can avoid Gu Ya's hands and feet, because the medicine here has surpassed what she understands.

Gu Ya looked at Chu Yin curiously: "Why?"

Then he showed a kind smile: "I will find someone to take care of you, please trust me, Miss."

"There is no reason. I probably want to be independent. I want to choose something different from my family." Chu Yin gave an explanation, but it was tantamount to not giving it.

Gu Ya: "..." What is the reason?

"Miss, I wish you well. I believe I can make you better, so can you give me a chance?" Gu Ya is not a person who gives up lightly.

And it's about the future.

Chu Yin looked at Gu Ya suspiciously: "Why is the obsession in charge of my body?"

Gu Ya choked, and immediately said: "Because I respect your parents very much, I hope to try my best to satisfy them, in every way."

"I always thought I was the best choice."

Chu Yin pointed to Feng Xiyi: "Then you should take care of her first, she is just caused by emotions, you can't solve it well."

"I heard from my mother that if you have studied psychology, you will give psychological counseling to others. Maybe it is your duty to provide her with psychological counseling."

As soon as Chu Yin called, Gu Ya was speechless.

And Chu Yin also knew that Gu Ya had tampered with Feng Xiyi's potion in order to make Feng Xiyi look more pitiful and continue to win the sympathy of Feng's family.

That being the case, then leave this difficult problem to Gu Ya.

If Feng Xiyi's emotional state continues to be poor, it can be said that Gu Ya is incompetent, neither can he use medicine to help Feng Xiyi, nor can he give Feng Xiyi good psychological help.

At that time, Gu Ya has only two choices, either to cure Feng Xiyi, or to show that she is incompetent, or to show that Feng Xiyi is a person who is not thoughtful and too conceited, and will get stuck in something and cannot get out. Such a fragile, such a personality, the Feng family would not like it.

This situation is not a good thing for them.

"Furthermore, you should be regarded as the exclusive family doctor of our Feng family. That is to say, you receive the salary of the Feng family, which is an employment relationship in terms of status. Then you shouldn't question my father's decision like this."

"It was my father who allowed me to choose a doctor again."

Bai Qijing said to Chu Yin: "Daughter, Xiaoya is very warm-hearted."

"I understand, but you don't have to be so persistent." Chu Yin smiled slightly.

Bai Qijing also felt that Gu Ya was too persistent.

"That's right, Xiaoya, you have studied psychology, I really hope you can solve her mental problems, because I don't seem to be able to comfort her well, I have tried my best." Bai Qijing looked at Feng Xiyi.

All that needs to be said has been said, but the child Xiyi is stubbornly terrified. Although this makes her feel distressed, she has nothing to do.

Gu Ya glanced at Chu Yin and was secretly startled. This person is amazing, and he will be very difficult to deal with in a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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