Chapter 234 Interstellar Return (17)

Under the influence of Chu Yin, Bai Qijing arranged this matter for Gu Ya.

Gu Ya suffered a terrible loss, half-dead aggrieved.

Feng Xiyi was defeated by Chu Yin again and again, and seeing that Doctor Gu Ya had suffered from Chu Yin's embarrassment, he became more afraid of Chu Yin in his heart.

Gu Ya also served as Feng Xiyi's psychiatrist, Feng Xiyi couldn't help but confide in Gu Ya: "I don't know what to do."

"I think she is very powerful. She will compete with me, call my mother to her, and she will also influence my father's decision. I think my father wanted to adopt me as an adopted daughter yesterday, but because she interrupted, I didn't say this in the end. It's over."

"Doctor Gu Ya, can such a powerful person really tolerate me in the future?"

Feng Xiyi looked at Gu Ya with teary eyes.

I see pity.

"Doctor Gu Ya, I feel that I am alone and helpless now. There should be no one in this world willing to help me."

Feng Xiyi also saw that Gu Ya was humiliated by Chu Yin just now, and thought that since there was a quarrel between them, she could find a way to draw Doctor Gu Ya to her side.

It's best if he can do it, Doctor Gu Ya still has a little say in the Feng family.

Gu Ya understood what Feng Xiyi was thinking, since Xiyi said it, now she has to stand up and declare to be Xiyi's ally, she sighed and said: "Miss Yi, even if others don't like you, I like you too .”

"Even if you are not of the Feng family's blood, it is more noble than her growing up on a planet that pollutes garbage."

"I'm different from the secular people. Most of them value genetic blood, but I like to look at character and virtue. I think your character and virtue are better than hers. You are more qualified to be called Miss Feng Family than her."

Feng Xiyi is still the same as in the plot, and has become an 'ally' with Gu Ya, but there is also a time difference, it is later in the plot.

But sooner or later was not important to Chu Yin, and she never thought of preventing these two from becoming allies.

Can't stop it.

Gu Ya will help Feng Xiyi no matter what, so leave the relationship here!
The uncle stepped into the Feng family full of technological beauty, his eyes were full of shock, he couldn't stop looking around, how could it be so beautiful?
This is truly a family!

"Uncle, this is my father, mother, brother, and..." Chu Yin looked at Feng Xi, who was wearing a standard smirk and had an extreme dislike for Xiang Shan in his eyes.

He hesitated for a while, but didn't continue talking, as if he didn't know how to introduce.

Chu Yin hesitated, and immediately put Feng Xiyi into an awkward situation.

Her current position in the Feng family is so embarrassing.

"This is also my daughter." Bai Qijing was worried about Feng Xiyi's glassy heart, and immediately introduced her gently to Xiang Shan.

Chu Yin felt that Bai Qijing took good care of Feng Xiyi's feelings and promised her a lot, but Feng Xiyi just didn't believe Bai Qijing and was always uneasy.

Chu Yin can understand what Bai Qijing is doing, because she has had feelings for many years, so it is understandable for her to do so.

I also understand Feng Xiyi, because if I were myself, if I was suddenly told that she was not born to my parents, and that my own daughter returned, I would feel uncomfortable, nervous, and afraid of losing, but it shouldn't hurt anyone.

All the faults were attributed to Feng Xiyi's harmful heart and actions.

Bai Qijing is so beautiful, her words are too gentle, her words and deeds are full of nobility, as soon as she talks to Xiang Shan like this, Xiang Shan puts her hands behind her back nervously and trembles uncontrollably.

His eyes drifted away, especially when Feng Heyuan's pair of serious eyes fell on Xiang Shan, Xiang Shan felt he couldn't breathe.

When Feng Xi saw this, a trace of disdain for Xiang Shan flashed in his eyes.

Feng Xiangli was raised by such a lowly ugly monster.

"Uncle, don't be nervous." Chu Yin went over and took the uncle's arm, rubbed his arm, trying to make him relax.

"Yeah, don't be nervous, come on, what do you want to drink?" After Feng Heyuan finished speaking, a robot came over and showed many kinds of drinks and wine for Xiangshan to choose.

Xiang Shan was very cautious, he hesitated and said: "No, I'm not thirsty..."

"Thank you."

"Drink this." Chu Yin chose the one she thought was the best, and that Xiang Shan would like to drink, and put it in Xiang Shan's hand.

Xiang Shan was still embarrassed to drink.

Chu Yin smiled.

"Uncle, let me take you around."

Feng Xinlin said: "That's right, sister, you can show him around."

Feng Heyuan nodded: "Yes, let him see your home, so that he can rest assured in the future."

"Thank you for raising my daughter for so many years." He walked over and wanted to pat Xiang Shan on the shoulder, but found that Xiang Shan was really too tall, so he could only pat Xiang Shan on the arm instead.

Bai Qijing also said gratefully to Xiang Shan: "Our family is very grateful to you. Without you, our children would not be able to grow up."

"My husband and I have already made a decision. Our Feng family will take full responsibility for everything about you in the future. We will make you happy and comfortable every day."

Feng Xinlin echoed: "Yes, you are our family's benefactor."

Feng Xiyi was on the sidelines, feeling extremely lost and melancholy, she was like an out-and-out outsider, she couldn't get involved in such a happy scene.

Xiang Shan rubbed his head and smirked: "I think she looks like an angel."

"I have had her for 20 years. I am happy and satisfied every day. I am very lucky to meet her. It is my honor to meet her, but it is her suffering."

Xiang Shan's simple words touched everyone in the Feng family, and Bai Qijing couldn't help crying for Xiang Shan's words.

Feng Heyuan didn't expect Xiang Shan to say such a thing, and he was inexplicably moved, and his affection for Xiang Shan was raised to another level.

After Chu Yin took Xiang Shan to visit Feng's house, Xiang Shan felt that besides the luxury of Feng's house from time to time, Chu Yin was most concerned about: "Xiang Li, can you get used to living here?"

Chu Yin nodded: "I can adapt."

"Uncle, I want to bring you here after you recover from your illness. The Feng family is very big, and if there is a place for you, I believe they will agree."

"No, no, this time uncle can't agree. Uncle is nervous and scared when he sees them, and he can't adapt at all. Uncle wants to be free by himself. We are in the same star. If Xiang Li needs it, uncle can show up at any time. "Xiang Shan was very resistant: "I can't always bother you to develop relationships with them, they are your parents, you should develop more relationships with them."

Chu Yin looked at Xiang Shan and didn't know what to say for a while. The client wanted to take Xiang Shan home, but Chu Yin changed his position to think about the problem from Xiang Shan's perspective, and could understand why Xiang Shan was unwilling.

Since Xiang Shan was unwilling, he shouldn't force it, so Chu Yin didn't say anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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