Chapter 235 Interstellar Return (18)

Anyway, the client will come back later.

The Feng family entertained Xiang Shan with a lot of good things, and they got along very well. After dinner, Feng Xinlin took out two optical brains and the identity information for Xiang Shan and Chu Yin, and said, "From now on, you will be this Star legal residents, with legal status."

"That's great, uncle, so we can go to the doctor tomorrow."

Chu Yin said happily.

Feng Xi realized that Gu Ya told him to try to let her be responsible for Feng Xiangli's body.

He couldn't help but said: "Actually, you can really consider Dr. Gu Ya, she is a very good person, and she is also the person who has the most thorough understanding of the Feng family's genes."

"Everyone trusts her. You can also try to trust Dr. Gu Ya. If you are willing to learn more about Dr. Gu Ya's resume, you will be surprised."

Feng Xi intends to finish this matter, Doctor Gu Ya has made it clear that he will help him, so as long as Doctor Gu Ya has control over Feng Xiangli's physical condition, it will be easier to do something.

Chu Yin nodded slightly at Feng Xiangli: "Thank you very much for your kindness, but we have already decided on this matter, and Dad has already agreed, so we don't need to discuss this matter to upset Dad, right?"

Feng Xiyi shook her head: "I didn't mean that."

"I'm just doing it for your own good." She looked at Chu Yin wrongedly, with concern and helplessness in her clear eyes.

"Because everyone trusts Doctor Gu Ya very much, no one will harm you." She sighed slightly.

Chu Yin also sighed slightly: "I just want to have the right to choose by myself, not because I suspect that they will harm me. Don't speculate me like this for no reason. I just returned, and I don't want to have any quarrel with my parents. In your words, It seems like I want to express my distrust of them, which affects our relationship."

Not a word said that Feng Xi intended to sow dissension, but all the meanings were that Feng Xi intended to sow discord.

Feng Xiyi: "..."

Really excessive!

Is this the behavior?

It's really worthy of being a polluting garbage star who was brought up by low-level and low-level star people, who speaks so badly.

"Okay." Feng Heyuan glanced at Feng Xiyi with some dissatisfaction: "Don't repeat the things that have already been decided."

"If everything has to be discussed and discussed repeatedly after a decision has been made, how can there be enough time?"

In the past, I just thought that Feng Xi was weak and not as capable as a child of the Feng family should be, but thinking that this is her own daughter, it's okay, just take good care of her.

But now, after going through this incident, I found that this child is not only incompetent, but also has a somewhat tweaked personality.

His personality is not what he likes either, he likes children who are decisive, brave and confident, and because of Feng Xiangli's return, Feng Xiyi is so unconfident and panicky, this personality is really...

Chu Yin saw a hint of impatience between Feng Heyuan's eyebrows, and lowered his head slightly to cover the slightly raised arc.

Chu Yin was still a little uncertain about one thing.

That is, even if the evidence that Gu Ya harmed Xiang Li was found, the Feng family would probably only deal with Gu Ya.

After all, Feng Xiyi was innocent at that time, and it was impossible for the Feng family to know how Feng Xiyi harmed Xiang Li in the plot, that was something that only happened in the plot.

So how will the Feng family treat Feng Xiyi?

Perhaps because of Gu Ya, Feng Xiyi might never have the chance to be the adopted daughter of the Feng family, but the Feng family probably wouldn't do anything to Feng Xiyi, and might even settle her down well.

After all, Feng Xiyi was innocent as a child back then, and he has been in love for so many years.

If the Feng family wanted to do this, they had no reason to stop them.

So we still need to slowly think of a way, while trying to deal with Feng Xiyi, it is best to let the Feng family see that Feng Xiyi is bad, and let the Feng family hate Feng Xiyi.

In this way, after dealing with Feng Xiyi, Feng Xiyi will not become the "white moonlight" of the Feng family to frighten the client.

Chu Yin didn't want to see that in the future, the Feng family would miss Feng Xiyi from time to time in front of the client who came back to live.

So now there is a chance to make the Feng family's sense of Feng Xiyi worse.

"Understood, it's my fault." Feng Xiyi stood up, bowed deeply, and then said with red eyes, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my room first."

Her voice was a little choked.

Bai Qijing's heart ached when she saw it, and she hesitated to speak.

Feng Xiyi's appearance indeed aroused the compassion of the Feng family.

Xiang Shan suddenly said to Feng Xiyi: "Son, I think you are very sad."

"No..." Although Feng Xiyi shook his head in denial, tears were already falling.

Xiang Shan clapped his hands and said, "Beautiful young lady, please allow me to call you like this. Would you like to hear a few words from me?"

"What?" Feng Xiyi looked at Xiang Shan in a daze. If it wasn't for such a situation, such a lowly person would not be qualified to talk to him at all.

Xiang Shan rubbed his hands: "I don't think you should be sad."

"The conditions of your life are too good. If I had the conditions of your life, I would not be so sad."

"Xiang Li is the same. Xiang Li has grown up since she was a child. She will not cry without eating for a few days. She is very determined!"

"If you feel unsatisfactory in life and feel sad, you can think about that there are still many people in this world who are suffering deeply. In this comparison, you are happy!"

"Speaking of this, I think of the days when Xiang Li was a child, suffering from illness, hunger, cold, and being bullied." Xiang Shan sighed faintly.

"So beautiful lady, how can you be sad easily under such favorable conditions? You don't have any pain in your body, and fate treats you so favorably."

"Is it because Xiang Li returned to her parents? If I were you, I would definitely be happy for the parents who raised me since I was a child."

"They have paid so much for you and love you deeply. If you also love them deeply and feel grateful for what they have done to you over the years, at this moment, you should always be smiling and happy for them. Right? Beautiful lady?"

"Their blood reunion, such a big happy event, but you have been frowning all the time, spreading the sad breath all over the room, conveying it to everyone, casting a shadow over their joy, beautiful lady, are you a little selfish Is it in the genes?"

"I'm just an ordinary star who pollutes garbage. Maybe my knowledge is shallow. If my words are wrong, you should just listen to a joke."

After Xiang Shan finished speaking, he lowered his head in embarrassment.

Chu Yin looked at Xiang Shan indifferently, but his heart was already crazy with joy.

The uncle actually has real wisdom, and it is also a god assist!

(End of this chapter)

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