Feng Heyuan: "Yes, I agree, but I hope you don't get too attached and fall into hatred. A family needs a good atmosphere."

What he said meant something.

When the time comes, Xiang Li will bitterly hate and want revenge all day long, and Xi Yi will be aggrieved with tears all day long, then the atmosphere of this family will be really wonderful.

Just thinking about it is annoying!

Chu Yin immediately smiled happily: "Thank you Dad, I am so happy to be able to do this myself, it means a lot to me."

"And I won't fall into it, Dad, you should believe me, I have the excellent genes of you and mother."

Chu Yin's words are also emphasizing genes.

In this era, genes are valued, which is the characteristic of the times.

It is because the technology is sufficiently advanced, we have a deep understanding of genes, and have a deep selection of genes.

From common people to aristocratic families, they all care about it.

When Chu Yin mentioned genes, Feng Xiyi's face changed drastically, her chest heaved, she had had enough.


Every word Feng Xiangli said burned her heart.

Feng Heyuan was just talking about the banquet again, but Feng Xiyi hadn't waited for Feng Heyuan to say that he wanted to adopt her as an adopted daughter, which made Feng Xiyi especially uneasy, and couldn't help but look at Feng Heyuan: "I ..."

"Or I'd better move out. I'm sorry for the sadness I brought to this family. It really shouldn't be. It's obviously a happy event, but I'm affecting your mood."

"During this period, my mother has also paid a lot to take care of my emotions. I can't bear her to suffer any longer. I want to go out and live by myself, adjust my emotions, and adjust my mentality. Everything is my problem."

"And at the banquet, my presence will embarrass you, so I want to move out before the banquet."

Feng Xiyi deliberately took everything on himself, just to pretend to be pitiful.

Of course, Feng Xiyi's only and best choice now is to pretend to be pitiful and use his feelings to play the emotional card.

In fact, saying these words also has another meaning, which is to tell Feng Heyuan that she can't continue to live like this without a name or a place.

Either settle her out, or give her an identity.

Also remind Feng Heyuan that the banquet is coming soon, if you don't give an explanation, others will ask, and there will be some bad remarks about the Feng family.

Both reminding and threatening, this set of words was said by Gu Yajiao Feng Xiyi.

Gu Ya told Feng Xiyi that as long as she told Feng Heyuan this set of words, Feng Heyuan would definitely give her an explanation.

He will never drive her away.

Feng Xinlin looked at Feng Xiyi helplessly, even a fool could understand what she meant.

This sister is not stupid either.

But it is indeed inappropriate to say these words at this time.

It's best to say something like this when Dad is happy, or talk to Dad alone.

Especially there is no need to threaten Dad in front of Sister Xiang Li. Dad appreciates Xiang Li and loves Xiang Li. Based on her suffering past, he is more tolerant to her, but Dad's character is destined to establish an extremely dignified figure in front of Sister Xiang Li. figurative.

This is due to my father's character, and no one can do anything about it.

As a result, sister Xiyi said this in front of Xiang Li, which would make her father feel a little embarrassed. …

Bai Qijing also said hastily: "Silly boy, what stupid words are you talking about, how can I let you move out?"

"Who will take care of your life? Especially since you have heavy studies every day on the optical brain, you need more care and attention. Don't say this next time. How many times have I told you? Mom and Dad won't Abandon you, and won't let you go."

"Really? Xiang Li, Xiang Li is very reasonable, and she would be happy to have another sister." Bai Qijing looked at Chu Yin.

In fact, before eating, Bai Qijing and Feng Heyuan communicated with Chu Yin about this in private, but Feng Xiyi didn't know about it.

What Chu Yin meant was that he had no objection, and that he would let his parents make the decision.

She really can't stop anything, and it's not good for her reputation to spread it, so there's no need to stop it.

Gu Ya also didn't expect Feng Xiyi to pick a scene where everyone was there, regardless of the time, pick a time when Feng and Yuan were not in a good mood, and speak out the call.

Although the ultimate goal can be achieved, the process is not destined to be good.

After all, Feng Heyuan is really not in a good mood now, because he has not found any clues about who murdered her daughter back then.

And because of seeing Chu Yin's examination results and seeing so much toxins accumulated in his own daughter's body, his anger doubled.

Just like that, Feng Xiyi bumped into the muzzle of the gun, and Feng Heyuan said extremely coldly: "You never believed your mother."

"Your mother is one with my husband and wife, do you really think her words have no weight in this family?"

"Since she promised you, why should I promise again?"

Bai Qijing was also sad when she heard the words. Xiyi never believed what she said, and promised many times, but it didn't have any effect.

The child probably loved them too much, and his thoughts just went to a dead end.

"Gu Ya has A-level spiritual power. A high level of mental power means strong learning ability and stronger memory. Although it has been 20 years, she has only served our Feng family for so many years. Back then, you produced such important things. She should take it very seriously, and how come her memory is blurred." Feng Heyuan was a little sullen when he thought that Gu Ya couldn't provide any useful information.

She also said: "Even about Xiyi's psychological counseling, she seems to be unable to handle it well, Xiyi is still so thoughtless."

Feng and Yuan expressed two points of dissatisfaction with Gu Ya in succession.

"Let me down again and again." Feng Heyuan shook his head slightly and sighed.

If there is a need to pursue responsibility, Gu Ya has a certain responsibility, but thinking of the fact that he paid too much attention to his wife's childbirth, he invited many professionals in the industry. , there is no way to say anything.

"Okay, let me tell you officially now, your mother is in charge of all your affairs." Feng Heyuan stood up and left directly after speaking.

Leaving the family looking at each other in blank dismay.

This is the expression of Feng Heyuan's anger.

"Mom, did I make Dad angry?" Feng Xiyi was terrified.

"Don't worry now, son, your father has already said, I am the master, I tell you now, we will adopt you as an adopted daughter, and we will announce at the banquet that you are still the daughter of the Feng family, and you will be good sisters from now on." Bai Qijing looked at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin: "Okay."

"Xi Yi, according to the blood test report, you are a little older than Xiang Li, so you will be counted as sister Xiang Li from now on." Bai Qijing said, looking at Chu Yin with relief.

My daughter is really reasonable and understands their difficulties and the reasons for doing so.

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