Chapter 239 Interstellar Return (22)

Although Feng Xiyi heard the answer she wanted this time, she was sure that she could still stay in the Feng family, but the process was so unpleasant.

Chu Yin felt that Feng Xiyi really didn't know how to pick the right time. Originally, he wanted Feng Xiyi to be hated by the Feng family, but sometimes he was worried that he couldn't find the opportunity, and it was too obvious that he couldn't do it. can die.

Chu Yin successfully participated in the investigation of what happened back then, and Feng Heyuan was in charge of this matter, which meant that Chu Yin and Feng Heyuan had more opportunities to talk and get in touch.

"Father, do you want to try this?" Chu Yin brought the wine he made to Feng Heyuan.

Feng Heyuan was in the study room, rarely at leisure, playing soft music, just to soothe the heart irritated by Feng Xiyi, and the anger of not being able to find out the truth.

"The wine you mixed?" Feng Heyuan took a look.

Chu Yin smiled: "Yes, I tuned this."

This can be regarded as an ancient method of preparation. It is really ancient for this era. She drank it in other planes and thought it was delicious at the time, so she asked about the production method.

Now it can be regarded as barely making an appearance.

"Then I have to drink and see." Feng Heyuan took a sip of the wine with a slight smile on his lips.

Afterwards, I was surprised: "Yes, it is filled with fruity and floral aromas, and the combination of several flavors is very enjoyable to drink."


Chu Yin smiled again: "It's very simple. If Dad likes it, I will teach them to make it for Dad, as long as Dad doesn't get angry anymore."

"I'm not angry again." The smile that had just deepened on the corners of Feng Heyuan's mouth faded away again.

Chu Yin chuckled: "Since you're not angry, can you discuss what happened back then with your daughter?"

"I want to hear from my father about the current progress, who has been investigated, and why he has stopped moving forward, which annoys my father."

Chu Yin has to get involved and know everything, so it is better to start an investigation, so that if he cooperates with Feng Heyuan, he may be able to find evidence.

Although the plot said that the evidence was destroyed, Chu Yin always believed that there was hidden evidence. At this moment, she cheered herself up again in her heart and encouraged herself to strengthen this belief.

"You have already promised to let your daughter participate." Chu Yin's tone was coquettish, as if she was afraid of offending Feng Heyuan, which made Feng Heyuan somewhat relieved.

Since she is afraid of getting angry, it means that she has majesty in her heart.

"Okay, I happen to be free now, let me report to you, my little leader?" Feng Heyuan rarely made a joke.

"Okay then!" Chu Yin sat opposite Feng Heyuan, straightened his back, looked at Feng Heyuan solemnly, and coughed twice: "Comrade, please start!"

Feng Heyuan was amused again by Chu Yin's small appearance.

While drinking the wine made by Chu Yin, he gave Chu Yin this matter.

Starting from this incident 20 years ago, he also talked about the information he got after he started the investigation, and his entire investigation direction and who he investigated.

Chu Yin listened quietly for a long time, and realized that Feng and Yuan's investigations were basically people from the industry hired from the outside.

Talking about his wife giving birth back then, her physical condition was complicated, and he did it out of fear of accidents.

Talking about Feng Heyuan felt annoyed, and hated himself for not being more careful.

And because these people are relatively well-known, it is so difficult to investigate.

This is an era that highly values ​​privacy, and advanced technology can also protect privacy very well.

The more capable a person is, the harder it is to investigate the information.

"Father, besides these industry professionals invited from outside?" Chu Yin asked.

Feng Heyuan said: "I also investigated Gu Ya and the team she led back then."

"Nothing was wrong."

Feng Heyuan frowned: "Even if you are a trustworthy person in this world, as long as you are involved in this matter, you need to investigate."

"Gu Ya probably also knew that I was investigating, she didn't respond, she was very calm."

Chu Yin nodded, with an expression of approval for Feng Heyuan.

In fact, she couldn't help laughing in her heart, Gu Ya was of course calm, she destroyed all the evidence, so naturally she didn't panic.

In fact, I still feel a little flustered inside, but it's not hard to get out without panicking.

"What about her team back then? Did Dad investigate thoroughly?" Chu Yin asked.

"The investigation has been completed, but one person died." Feng Heyuan responded.

Chu Yin: "Is there any investigation?"

Feng Heyuan: "Naturally, we will investigate."

He took a sip of his wine and looked at Chu Yin with more appreciation: "You are indeed my daughter. Your character and thinking are very similar to mine."

Chu Yin chuckled, and asked about all the investigation results about Gu Ya and her team.

Judging from the findings, Gu Ya and her team have no problems.

Then he also asked Feng Heyuan about his next investigation direction.

Feng Heyuan told Chu Yin his next plan without any hindrance, and the main direction was to investigate the industry professionals hired from the outside back then.

After a detailed analysis of his brain, Chu Yin said to Feng Heyuan very seriously: "Dad, I already understand everything."

"And I have all the investigation information you have obtained, and I will keep it in my mind."

"Wait for me to go back and analyze it overnight, and tomorrow morning I will come to say hello to my father."

"Father, do you still need a refill?" Chu Yin looked at the bottom of the wine and asked.

She didn't immediately tell Feng Heyuan the direction of the next investigation, which seemed insufficiently thoughtful.

Then pretend to think about it all night, and it will look more convincing then.

And it is not a wise choice to leave a buffer time for one night, and it is not a wise choice to immediately hold an opinion that is different from Feng Heyuan and speak out, it will only make Feng Heyuan feel a little humiliated.

"I hope tomorrow morning you can bring me a different direction." Feng Heyuan handed the wine glass to Chu Yin, without saying whether to refill or not.

But Chu Yin was good at observing words and expressions, and turned around to refill Feng Heyuan's glass of wine.

Feng Xiyi watched Chu Yin enter Feng Heyuan's room, and kept waiting to see when Chu Yin would come out.

After waiting for a long time, Feng Xi advised Chu Yin to come out, and took another glass of wine to bring her in. A raging jealousy arose in her heart, why could she have such a good conversation with her father...

Chu Yin went in with the glass of wine, but did not come out immediately, but was stopped by Feng Heyuan, who asked her to tell everything about the pollution of Garbage Star.

Chu Yin smiled lightly, and described everything that pollutes Garbage Star objectively and accurately.

The ugly human nature is fully exposed there, the harsh environment forces everyone to play evil is the only choice, and the cruel and bloody competition makes people lose themselves.

"I thought you would focus on describing your suffering." Feng Heyuan sighed.

Chu Yin: "Spring has come after a bitter winter."

Some sufferings are enough to be said once or twice, and it will be counterproductive to say too much. The client also understands this truth, and she did not have that choice in the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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