Chapter 240 Interstellar Return (23)

In the evening, when Chu Yin returned to her room, she clicked on the shopping mall. In this interstellar era, Chu Yin knew that it was difficult to make great achievements in a short period of time by herself.

She also understands what the client wants to achieve.

To seal the family, and a whole upper class recognized and surprised things.

Only in this way can everyone look at her with admiration, and only by making achievements and having their own achievements, can they disobey Feng Heyuan's arrangements in major matters.

For example, marrying the ancestors.

In fact, in this interstellar age, technology is too developed. Chu Yin does not think that his IQ is very low, but if he wants to rely on himself, he can only devote himself to one field and become an expert. After years of painstaking research and development, It will take many years to develop a truly useful existence that transcends others with exhaustive brain cells.

There are so many talents in the era, not only to keep up with their development, but also to surpass them. The time span is really too big.

Chu Yin felt that so much time should not be wasted, as it was also the client's life.

I remember that there was an opportunity to exchange books that I didn't use before, and Chu Yin planned to use it.

Find a book that is sufficiently high-tech, so that it can be used in this high-tech era, and it can also be used in ordinary technological planes.

If you want to learn, you should learn advanced ones. If you master the advanced ones, you will naturally master the low-level ones.

She rummaged around and found a book called "Interstellar Technology".

When Chu Yin saw the title of the book, he probably knew the content of the book, about the technology of the interstellar age.

In the age of technology, technology is still more popular.

But the technology that Chuyin intends to manufacture this time is not inclined to make money.

Instead, I want a kind of technology, the kind that can make meritorious service.

The Feng family is not short of money, so Chu Yin plans to take the road of patriotism and dedication to the country, which is the best choice for her.

It just so happens that Feng Xinlin is taking this path now, so he can follow his brother directly.

Feng Xinlin has a military rank. He is mainly engaged in the research and development of military science and technology, and has made some achievements in this field. Although he was forced to do so, he dislikes this field very much in his heart, and he has a strong heart to escape.

In fact, Chu Yin wants to involve the medical field more. Chu Yin feels that the medical field of this era has already had a deep understanding and exploration of human beings.

It's just that the client is not very interested in this aspect, so he can't do it according to his own preferences.

The advantage of the prominent status of the Feng family is that she can easily choose the field she wants to choose, without the many troubles that ordinary people will face.

This is the privilege of an aristocratic family in this era. Of course, you need to be hardworking yourself. If you can't do it yourself, even if you step into this field and fail to make achievements, you can only hang around in it, and then even your family will be punished. People secretly laughed.

She has to find a direction that the client is interested in, so that the client can continue to develop in this field after returning.

Contrary to her brother, technology research and development is a field that the client likes very much. In the plot, the client just stepped into this field and was still in the learning stage, and was later killed.

This book is very thick after being exchanged, and it is still the kind of homework that can be copied.

Chu Yin looked through it roughly, and was completely relieved after confirming that there were technological products that did not exist in this era.

Just learn from the above.

I can't say that I don't have a foundation, there are, but not many.

But the advantage is that I have s-level mental power, strong memory, and strong learning ability. Everything is not inexplicable, and creativity is not too much!

After I first learned a lot about technology from my brother, and then I used this book to secretly learn to speed up my learning pace, and then I could find a project in the book and start working. Anyway, all of this can be copied to the client.

But for me, even though it is copying homework, it is still an opportunity to learn and improve.

She will learn a higher technology, which makes Chu Yin very much looking forward to it.

After a good night's sleep, she was full of energy the next day. According to the habit of the Feng family, everyone in the Feng family would be able to practice body training in the morning, and Bai Qijing was now in charge of teaching Chu Yin the body training technique.

"Daughter, after teaching you today, you have thoroughly learned the Feng family's body training technique." Bai Qijing lamented Chu Yin's fast learning ability.

It is indeed a person with such advanced spiritual power.

Chu Yin actually started practicing a long time ago.

Chu Yin nodded: "That's great."

"I can learn quickly, and I can't do without my mother's careful teaching."

"Thank you mom." Chu Yin gave Bai Qijing a big hug.

"Okay, if you have time, I can teach you Uncle Xiangshan." Bai Qijing said.

Chu Yin mentioned it before. At the beginning of learning the body training technique, she expressed her desire to teach Xiang Shan.

After all, this can prolong life and strengthen the body, he deserves it.

At that time, Bai Qijing agreed very readily. For Xiang Shan, a benefactor, she was not stingy with the Feng family's unique advanced body training technique.

Now Bai Qijing took the initiative to remind Chu Yin again.

Chu Yin's tone was moved: "Mom, thank you so much."

"Next, you have to learn some etiquette with me to prepare for the banquet." Bai Qijing patted Chu Yin on the shoulder.

Chu Yin readily agreed.

"Mom, I have to go and say hello to Dad."

Bai Qijing: "Go, your father should be waiting for you in the study."

Sure enough, Feng Heyuan was waiting for Chu Yin in the study. When he saw Chu Yin, he asked softly, "Did you sleep well?"

"Not very good." Chu Yin shook her head.

Feng Heyuan raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

"Yes, it's not very good, because I thought about a lot of things last night." Chu Yin said solemnly.

In fact, I slept beautifully last night.

It smells old.

Feng Heyuan nodded: "So what are you thinking about?"

"There are a lot, but let's start with the most important." Chu Yin tilted his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "I think Dad can start with the dead man."

"Because I always believe that there is a reason for everything, those outsiders who Dad focused on investigating, they don't seem to have the intention to do so."

Feng and Yuan held different opinions: "Maybe they don't have it, but some people do. They can be bought, can't they?"

Chu Yin nodded: "It's not unreasonable for Dad to say that."

"If Dad thinks this way, if stealing me and throwing it on the garbage pollution star is a kind of revenge for Dad, then why give Dad a child to raise?"

"Is it just to let Dad experience what it's like to raise a wrong child?"

"You have to know that if someone can buy those people in the industry that Dad hired back then, because their status is already extraordinary, if they can buy them, then there must be someone with more status and wealth, just like Dad."

"It's not easy to find someone who is better than Dad."

While analyzing, Chu Yin didn't forget to flatter her.

(End of this chapter)

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