Chapter 241 Interstellar Return (24)

She flattered her, even though she was as serious as Feng Heyuan, she also smiled: "So?"

Chu Yin said: "If there is such a child who cannot be raised by her side, then send it to the best family to raise it, will there be no worries?"

Feng Heyuan said: "If we didn't send a child, we would immediately investigate the child, and we would definitely be able to find out who did it."

"Just because there was a kid in front of us, we thought it was you."

Chu Yin said: "What Dad means is that he put a child here just to steal me away, lest you find out who it is?"

"No, I just said that, maybe your thinking is right." Feng Heyuan shook his head.

Chu Yin said again: "So Dad, why didn't you do a blood test for Feng Xiyi when she was young?"

"This." Feng and Yuan didn't need to recall, because they had discussed this issue with their wives when they brought back their biological daughter.

"It's because of Gu Ya." Feng Heyuan said: "At that time, Gu Ya told your mother a reason, and your mother gave up, because this thing is not a test that everyone must do."

Chu Yin didn't care about the reason, but said: "Then, let's assume, what if this matter is done by ancient people?"

Feng Heyuan's eyebrows twitched: "We have always trusted her."

Chu Yin pursed her lips and smiled: "That's Mom and Dad, because you trust her, it's hard to doubt her."

"Generally speaking, you don't easily doubt the person you trust the most, because maybe Gu Ya has been working hard and serving you wholeheartedly for so many years."

"But to me, Gu Ya is a stranger. I am not familiar with her, so I can't help but question her."

"In addition, throughout the ages, there have been many cases committed by acquaintances."

"Gu Ya has checked." Feng Heyuan rubbed his eyebrows.

Chu Yin said: "Father can try to investigate by associating the dead person with Gu Ya."

"Focus on investigating the cause of that person's death in the team."

Chu Yin suspected that Gu Ya had killed her to silence her.

Because Chu Yin felt that Gu Ya might not be able to handle the matter perfectly by herself, so she asked for a helper.

This helper is most likely the dead person.

If it was really Gu Ya who got rid of him, based on Gu Ya's personality analysis, Chu Yin might not have thought of getting rid of this person at first, but later it became necessary to get rid of him for other reasons.

Feng Heyuan looked deeply: "Maybe you can try."

"By the way, Dad, how about keeping this a secret between us?" Chu Yin said, "Let's not tell others."

"It's best not to tell anyone else in this family. After all, it's about Gu Ya. It's not very good if Gu Ya knows that we are investigating her so deeply and distrust her so much."

"If she is the real culprit, then let's not startle the snake. If she is not, let her know that we doubt her so much, and it will hurt her feelings."

"Especially in the past few days, I feel that Dr. Gu Ya and Feng Xiyi are getting closer. Although my mother asked Dr. Gu Ya to give Feng Xiyi psychological counseling, I still feel that they are very close and seem to have become confidants."

Feng Heyuan hummed: "Understood."

Chu Yin hesitated, should he tell Feng Heyuan to check Gu Ya's relationship and family now.

But after much deliberation, she decided to forget it. She had already pointed the finger at Gu Ya and the dead person. It would be too smart to point the finger at Gu Ya's family members precisely.

It's not good to be too clever, so let Feng Heyuan investigate Gu Ya and the dead person again first, if Feng Heyuan thinks that there is something wrong with Gu Ya's sister, he will care about it, and he will bring it out to himself.

If he just took a big look and didn't care about Gu Ya's missing sister, he could remind Feng Heyuan as a new discovery.

Let's guide Feng and Yuan to this direction step by step.

You can't eat fat in one breath.

"By the way, Dad, I want to enter my brother's domain and follow the same path as my brother." Chu Yin said.

Feng Heyuan was deeply surprised: "Really?"

"You actually like being in this field."

"But your brother thinks it's boring, and he doesn't like this field." Feng Heyuan is not in a bad mood at the moment, so he dares to face up to the matter of forcing his son to develop in a field he doesn't like.

Chu Yin also knew that Feng Xinlin didn't like it, but if he didn't like it, it didn't matter whether he liked it or not. Feng Xinlin still had achievements in it.

Chu Yin said firmly, "I like it."

"Okay, I'll tell your brother." Feng Heyuan said: "Actually, you can take care of your health and then think about what field to enter. Don't be so anxious."

Chu Yin shook her head and said with a smile: "Every day is too busy, I always want to enrich myself."

"Especially since I have fully learned the body training technique, there is nothing else to do."

In the plot, the client entered this field later, but now she can't wait, the sooner the better.

Feng Heyuan nodded, feeling even happier. The reason why he let his son enter this field is because he values ​​this field and thinks his son is suitable for this field.

But he just didn't like it, and had some achievements in that field, but not much.

But the daughter seemed interested, which was a real surprise.

"You can't change it once you are sure, are you sure?" Feng Heyuan emphasized: "This will be a major decision about your life."

"And it's not enough just to be interested, you have to have talent."

Chu Yin said confidently: "I don't think my S-level mental learning ability is poor. I have good genes. As long as I have interest, I will be able to support it."

"And I also have the foundation. I have taught myself a lot of basic knowledge on the optical brain since I was a child."

In fact, the client performed very well during the learning stage, and really learned a lot of basic knowledge by himself.

Feng Heyuan: "Good!"

Feng Xinlin was called to Feng Heyuan's room to talk. After he came out, Feng Xinlin anxiously pulled Chu Yin aside.

"Do you really want to engage in military technology research and development?" He asked.

Chu Yin nodded: "I want to serve the country."

"That's really boring and painful..." Feng Xinlin couldn't help but say.

Chu Yin looked at Feng Xinlin with a smile: "Brother, everyone has different interests, trust me."

"You feel painful, when I go, can I help you share some?"

Feng Xinlin was serious: "I don't want to sacrifice you to make myself easy."

Chu Yin: "That's not sacrifice."

"It's a sacrifice. Was it forced by my father? It's fine for him to treat me like this. Why did he treat you like this?" Feng Xinlin was extremely helpless.

"I think it's cruel. If you want, I can help you raise the banner of protest."

(End of this chapter)

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