Chu Yin was stunned by Feng Xinlin's sudden enthusiasm.

Banner of protest?
This is what she asked for.

"Brother, trust me!" Chu Yin tried his best to make his eyes full of sincerity.

"I very much suspect that Dad misled you. It's really painful. It's not as simple as you believe."

Feng Xinlin sighed: "When I was forced to enter this field, I also tried to resist. Although it was fruitless, this time, I am willing to bravely stand up for you."

"I believe Dad will be moved, and he will be more tolerant to you after all."

"I told you before that don't disobey your father easily, but it doesn't mean you have to obey everything. It's a big deal in life."

Feng Xinlin's face was almost covered with a mask of pain.

Chu Yin looked at Feng Xinlin gratefully: "Brother, I am very moved and grateful."

"But please believe me, this is what I asked for."

"I really like this field. Let me show you my previous optical brain. It contains a lot of basic knowledge in this area. I found a lot of information on the StarCraft website and taught myself a lot."

After watching Chu Yin's previous optical brain, Feng Xinlin finally believed that his sister entered this field voluntarily.

With a long sigh: "May everything come true for you in the future."

Although this job is really annoying and annoying.

But everyone's senses are different.

"Come on, brother will definitely teach you everything, and I won't give you all the knowledge in my mind." Feng Xinlin said: "It's a good thing that one of our family is interested in this aspect."

"That also satisfies Dad."

"If you can make better achievements in the future, I believe Dad will be very happy." Feng Xinlin curled his lips subconsciously.

At that time, Dad will not stare at him all day long to see if he has achieved anything.

Chu Yin's schedule was full all of a sudden. He had to learn etiquette and a lot of knowledge about this star from Bai Qijing at home, and also learned from Feng Xinlin. .

For a while, Chuyin was busy until late at night, and she always worked overtime in order to complete the courses arranged by Feng Xinlin faster.

Only by speeding up the pace of learning can you complete what you want in a limited time.

The technology of this plane is too developed. Although Chu Yin has a little foundation, he still needs to put in a lot of energy to be faster than normal people.

Feng Heyuan and Feng Xinlin paid some price, and managed to arrange Chu Yin into the same research and development department as Feng Xinlin, and Feng Xinlin brought it himself without bothering others.

Everyone thought that Chu Yin came here to do odd jobs and do some trivial things, to gain social experience and pass the boring time, but they didn't take it seriously. Based on Chu Yin's identity, there were not many other voices. Don't provoke others, everything is peaceful.

Feng Xinlin really taught Chu Yin everything. This is the importance of a master. As long as the master is good and does not hide it, the progress of the apprentice will be faster.

As for Feng Xiyi, Chu Yin was so busy that she didn't have time to look at her directly. When she was at home, she would find time to make Feng Xiyi more annoying.

"Uncle, how is the body training?" Chu Yin came to the hospital for treatment, and went to see Xiangshan after he was cured.

Xiang Shan nodded: "I have learned it all."

"That's good." Chu Yin looked at Xiang Shan apologetically, "Uncle, I'm so busy these days, I haven't been with you much."

"I'm busy too." Xiang Shan replied without thinking.

"Xiang Li, we are not living in a polluting garbage planet now, so we have a lot of things to do, and I have found my own things to do, so I won't be lonely and bored."

Chu Yin asked curiously, "Does Uncle have a goal in life?"

"Can you reveal it?"

"Of course, I will never hide it from Xiang Li." Xiang Shan turned out his game account and showed it to Chu Yin: "I am busy playing games, and games are very interesting."

Chu Yin laughed: "It's great that you are always interested."

It seems strangely addicted.

"Uncle, you have to come to the banquet the day after tomorrow." Time passed and it was time for the scheduled banquet.

Although he had told the uncle the time of the banquet before and invited him, Chu Yin still chose to emphasize the invitation again when the date approached.

It's just that Feng Heyuan hasn't told her the results of the investigation about Gu Ya and the dead people. It should be that the investigation has not been done yet, so Chu Yin didn't ask in a hurry.

"Banquet? It must be very grand. There are many high-level stars." Xiang Shan asked.

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes."

"Did your parents ask you to call me?" Xiang Shan asked again.

Chu Yin smiled: "Of course, they specifically asked me to invite you."

Xiang Shan smiled honestly: "I'm a little embarrassed."

"It's embarrassing for you to be too nervous."

Chu Yin waved his hand: "How is it possible? My brother even asked someone to order a suit of clothes for you. It will be delivered to you in the evening. You can try to see if it fits."

"Okay, I'll show you with an optical brain at that time." Xiang Shan said.

"I see that your complexion has improved a lot." Chu Yin was very pleased. Under the persistent treatment, Xiang Shan's health improved a lot.

As long as the toxins are completely removed, and you continue to practice physical skills, your lifespan will be extended a lot.

Speaking of body training, Chu Yin took the time to combine his knowledge in the world of cultivating immortals, and upgraded the already advanced Feng family's exclusive body training to a higher level.

The upgraded body training technique will make the body function stronger, and it will also have the effect of significantly prolonging the life span.

However, she is still in the testing stage, practicing by herself, to see if there are any bad things, and after she is sure there are no problems and Feng Xiyi is resolved, she can give it to the Feng family.

She didn't want Feng Xiyi to take advantage of it.

It can also be regarded as a small gift for the client.

When Chu Yin came home, Bai Qijing and Feng Xiyi were sitting in the living room. It seemed that Feng and Yuan had publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with Gu Ya in front of Feng Xiyi last time, and then Feng Xiyi conveyed it to Gu Ya, so Feng Xiyi Yi's body has been 'excellent'.

And because she promised Feng Xiyi to adopt her as an adopted daughter, and because she really angered Feng Heyuan, Feng Heyuan didn't like her character, and under Chu Yin's manipulation from time to time, Feng Xiyi was forced to They didn't like it, and Feng Xiyi also realized that this was not going to work, so she asked Gu Ya for advice, so she changed a lot as before.

"Sister Xiang Li." Feng Xiyi walked up to Chu Yin and said happily, "Your dress has arrived, it's really beautiful."

"Let me show you, you probably haven't seen it yet."

"Quietly tell you, I also participated in the design of this dress, I hope you like it, Sister Xiang Li." Feng Xiyi looked at Chu Yin expectantly.

All kinds of embarrassment before made her dissatisfied with Feng's family. Now Feng Xiyi only wanted to restore her image, so she took the initiative to participate in this matter.

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