Chapter 251 Interstellar Return (34)

When they arrived at Feng Heyuan's study, Chu Yin tried to analyze what was going on from Feng Heyuan's expression.

It must be related to that incident, but I just don't know whether it is good news or bad news for me.

Obviously, Chu Yin didn't analyze anything.

Because Feng Heyuan didn't show any expression.

"What's the matter? Dad?" Chu Yin asked, "Do you need me to make you a glass of wine?"

Feng Heyuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Okay, the wine you made is pretty good."

Chu Yin turned around and went out to mix wine. She had already written down several wine making methods for the client. Although she was not a professional, the things brought from other worlds could still be used by the client to coax Feng Heyuan. of.

Just drink something new.

You can change it later on.

After bringing the wine in, Feng Heyuan took a sip and said, "How have you learned recently?"

"I don't know, grades have to be graded by others." Chu Yin smiled.

Feng Heyuan nodded: "Then I'll ask your brother another day."

"How do you feel? Are you struggling?"

Chu Yin shook her head: "I'm more interested, and I won't find it difficult."

"I want to work harder and learn faster so that I can catch up with other peers."

"Strive for a good performance."

Feng Heyuan showed a slight smile: "Very good."

"Something has been discovered about that matter." Feng Heyuan leaned back slightly.

Chu Yin was looking forward to it in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface, and calmly listened to Feng Heyuan's words.

"This." Feng Heyuan turned on the optical brain and showed the information to Chu Yin: "This is the person, the person who died in Gu Ya's team."

"The investigation found that her death was strange."

"It's not as simple as it seems."

"And before he died, he had some close contacts with Gu Ya."

"Of course, as a member of Gu Ya's team back then, it was only natural to have contacts with Gu Ya."

"But not long after you were born, she resigned and left the Gu Ya team. I investigated other members of the Gu Ya team, and no one knew why she left the team."

"This is also a doubt."

"After leaving for a period of time, she didn't contact Gu Ya, and then she contacted for some unknown reason."

Chu Yin said: "So it was strange to leave the team back then!"

Feng Heyuan nodded: "Yes."

Chu Yin said, "So is it possible..."

She paused deliberately.

Feng Heyuan: "It's just you and me here, you can say it boldly."

Chu Yin said: "Is it possible that she worked together to do something, and then she got benefits, and asked her to leave the team, and then, when the money was gone, she turned back, and then, someone couldn't bear it and chose to kill someone?"

Feng Heyuan nodded: "It's not unreasonable."

"But the specific cause of death has not been found out, and there is no evidence."

Chu Yin turned to ask: "Did Dad investigate the family members of Doctor Gu Ya?"

"Investigated." Feng Heyuan said: "It's all normal."

"There is only one sister who is missing. I haven't found out where she is. I heard that she has been trapped by love in the past."

Sure enough, Feng Heyuan didn't pay attention to Gu Ya, the love-brained sister, and he even felt a little bit of disdain for it.

After waiting for so long, Chu Yin finally got a little frown on the matter, and this time was obviously at the right time, so she deliberately frowned and thought for a moment: "Then, has Dad considered investigating Gu Ya, my own sister?"

"After investigation in the past, it is a person who is addicted to love."

"For the sake of the men outside and the family, I have been making trouble."

"Furthermore, she was not qualified to participate at all for what happened 20 years ago. Her ability is mediocre, and there is no trace of her participation. Therefore, it is unlikely that she will participate and know about it."

Chu Yin nodded, because Feng Heyuan didn't doubt Gu Ya's sister based on this consideration.

Indeed, during the whole process, Gu Ya's sister did not do anything, and she is not qualified to do it.

There is nothing wrong with Feng Heyuan's thinking like this.

Chu Yin said, "Does Dad have a picture of her?"

"It's the picture of her in the year I was born."

Feng Heyuan said: "The people below have collected some. At that time, she had been active on for a while."

After finding the photo of Gu Ya's sister back then, Chu Yin looked at it carefully for a long time.

Moreover, she deliberately found a photo with comprehensive facial features and zoomed in. It was very large, and she copied many copies of the same photo to enlarge it. The whole room was full of Gu Ya's sister's face, which made Feng Heyuan want to see everything else. Can't see it.

Feng Heyuan also watched for a long time.

In fact, Chu Yin had already noticed some clues, and just wanted to see if Feng Heyuan could see it.

During the long silence, Chu Yin saw that Feng Heyuan's wine glass was empty.

"I'll get you another drink." Chu Yin stood up.

Feng Heyuan nodded, and when Chu Yin walked to the door, Feng Heyuan stopped her and frowned: "What does Feng Xiyi look like?"

Chu Yin: "..."

"Dad, don't we see each other every day? Don't you remember?" She couldn't help but make a joke to liven up the atmosphere.

Because Feng Heyuan had already frowned, it meant that Feng Heyuan had at least discovered something.

Feng Heyuan pondered for a moment: "I naturally remember the general appearance, but the detailed words..."

"I'll ask my mother for a frontal photo of Feng Xiyi later." Chu Yin went out after finishing speaking.

After Chu Yin mixed the wine, she went to Bai Qijing and asked for a normal frontal photo of Feng Xiyi, then turned on her optical brain and enlarged the standard photo of Feng Xiyi.

Feng and Yuan compared Gu Ya's sister for a while.

Said: "It's strange, the facial features are not the same, but the demeanor is inexplicably the same."

At first glance, you can't see the connection, but if you look closely, and after a long time, the temperament in the eyes is really similar.

Chu Yin didn't answer. Now is not a good time.

Feng Heyuan denied himself again: "A similar demeanor doesn't mean anything, there are many people with similar auras in this world."

"It doesn't mean anything."

Not too possible.

He was amused by his weird conjecture.

Chu Yin asked Feng Heyuan to release all the other photos of Gu Ya's sister, and then look at them together.

Pointing to a photo, he said doubtfully, "Dad, look here..."

Chu Yin pointed to the photo. Sister Gu Ya's belly was slightly bulging from the photo.

"Could it be that you've gained weight?" Chu Yin said doubtfully.

"But according to the survey data, Gu Ya's sister is very concerned about her appearance."

Feng Heyuan took a deep breath: "Then it might be pregnancy!"

"There were no photos or videos of her for a few months after these photos, and then she was in the public eye for a while, and then she disappeared."

Chu Yin looked at Feng Heyuan in shock: "It can't be..."

"I will investigate again." Feng Heyuan tapped his fingers on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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