Chapter 252 Interstellar Return (35)

Chu Yin guessed and said, "So, if Feng Xiangli is the child of Gu Ya's sister Gu Yuan..."

"Gu Ya also has motives."

Feng Heyuan looked at Chu Yin: "So you still doubt Gu Ya."

Chu Yin pursed her lips and smiled: "What does Dad think?"

"I'll check the hospital, the hospital that Gu Ya's sister has been to." Feng Heyuan looked deeply.

Chu Yin: "It may not be possible to find out, Gu Ya is a doctor, she may not have gone to the hospital."

"And if she really had a child back then, but she had a big belly but was not exposed to the public, it proves that this child is hiding from everyone in life."

Feng Heyuan said: "Don't worry about it, the child always has a father."

"According to the investigation, Gu Yuan fell in love with a poor interstellar wanderer back then. For such a person, if we give him some star coins, he will be happy to do a blood test."

"As for Feng Xiyi's blood test report, we have it."

Chu Yin wanted to give Feng Heyuan a thumbs up.

"Then why not, let's find this person first, and then do a blood test to lure the snake out of the hole." Chu Yin raised his eyebrows.

Feng Heyuan: "How to say?"

"Gu Ya must also know who this ''father'' is. If someone came to him and said he was Feng Xiyi's father? "

"Look at Gu Ya's reaction?"

Feng Heyuan nodded: "I will still find a way to find this sister, Gu Ya."

Chu Yin was happy. Under her guidance, everything was about to be straightened out.

Now that Gu Ya has aroused Feng Heyuan's high suspicion, coupled with the need to lure the snake out of the hole, the conversation between Gu Ya and Feng Xiyi will not be announced for the time being.

Chu Yin waited for the good news.

The good news came quickly.

Three days later, Feng Heyuan took a blood report and handed it to Chu Yin: "It's really a big discovery."

"This interstellar wanderer is called Cha Liang. He had a secret relationship with Gu Yuan back then. The Gu family did not agree with them being together. Cha Liang yearns for freedom and is unwilling to marry Gu Yuan."

"Judging from the blood test report, he is Feng Xiyi's father."

"Wandering around the planets for many years, I'm still that poor. It just so happens that I am extremely short of star coins, because I have a lot of foreign debts. If I don't have star coins, I will die."

"So it's just selling his blood test report. He is very happy. I pay this star coin to save his life."

A deep smile appeared on Chu Yin's face: "If you have to choose between life and blood test report, who would not know how to choose?"

"So Feng Xiyi's father is this person."

"Dad, does he know that he has a daughter?" Chu Yin asked.

Feng Heyuan stared straight at Zha's blood test report, and said, "Zha Liang said that Gu Yuan told him back then that he had his child, and then he asked Gu Yuan to kill the child and then ran away."

"A year later, he rekindled his old relationship with Gu Yuan, and they got entangled for a while."

"Gu Yuan didn't tell him about giving birth to this child. After that, his personalities didn't match. He found a new love and abandoned Gu Yuan again. Then he didn't know where Gu Yuan was going. They completely broke contact."

"It turns out that Feng Xiyi's genes originated from such a person?" Feng Heyuan felt a little disgusted.

The interstellar prodigal son who does not do his job properly...

"So the matter is clearer. This child is probably Gu Yuan's, and Gu Yuan can't raise it, and it can't be said that he can't raise it."

"The Gu family's conditions are not bad, but Gu Yuan is definitely not allowed to give birth to this child, let alone help her raise it."

"In fact, she can choose to kill him, but obviously she loves Cha Liang very much and wants to give him a child, let's leave a bloodline."

"It must be very loving, otherwise, how could she choose to entangle with Cha Liang again when it was clear that Cha Liang had already abandoned her once?"

"And it's still that kind of situation that gets thrown away."

Feng Heyuan looked at Chu Yin: "You women still understand women."

"Father is an interstellar prodigal son, and mother is a peerless love brain." Feng Heyuan hissed, Chu Yin saw the depressed expression on Feng Heyuan's face for the first time.

"A child of an interstellar prodigal son, the only way to become my child is Gu Ya." Feng Heyuan laughed at himself.

It was a waste of his Feng family's trust in Gu Ya for many years.

Through these connections, Feng Heyuan has almost confirmed that Gu Ya is the culprit.

"Then, lead the snake out of the hole!" Chu Yin smiled slightly.

Feng Heyuan: "Okay."

"I have arranged for someone to explain to Cha Liang and tell him what to do and how to say it."

"He said that he must perform well, and he is also eager for me to give him another penny."

Chu Yin sneered: "Bow down for money!"

Feng Heyuan laughed: "It's just a joke."

On this day, it was rare for Feng Heyuan to go out. Feng Xinlin dragged Chu Yin to work, and Chu Yin said, "Brother, Dad said that there will be a distinguished guest later."

"I want to rest today too."

Feng Xinlin let out a long breath: "I thought you didn't plan to rest in your life."

"Then I won't go today either."

After speaking, Feng Xinlin carefully glanced at Feng Heyuan.

Feng Heyuan made a mocking voice from his nasal cavity: "You are naturally eager to go as little as possible."

"You have never really cared about the research and development work for the country. You should try to love this job."

"Otherwise you will easily lose your father's love."

Feng Xinlin glanced at Chu Yin, "Okay, another father's love warning."

There are many ways to serve the country, and it is really hard for him to choose the one he dislikes the most.

"Father, my brother hasn't rested for a long time. He has worked very hard during this period, let him rest." I said before that I should treat Feng Xinlin well, so Chu Yin spoke up to help Feng Xinlin.

Feng Xinlin looked at Chu Yin gratefully: "Sister, you are so kind."

"Dad, my sister is a fast learner and very smart. I think she will surpass me, and she will be able to shine in this field by then."

He hastened to give a compliment.

"Oh, you brothers and sisters are of the same mind, you are actually fooling around." Feng Heyuan waved his hands, and looked at Feng Xinlin with disgust: "Go to the side."

"An eyesore."

Xiang Li didn't go because Xiang Li hadn't rested for a long time, and because he had something to do today, Xiang Li had been a participant all along.

Why didn't Xinlin go?

Slack is the enemy of progress.

But it can be regarded as tacitly agreeing to Feng Xinlin's squatting at home.

Feng Xinlin rubbed his nose, it seems that he won't be whipped today.

What do you want to do?
"An honored guest? What an honored guest?" Feng Xinlin asked curiously.

Feng Xiyi came out just in time to hear this sentence, and listened with his ears open.

Chu Yin knew that Feng Xi was on the sidelines, glanced at Feng Heyuan, and signaled that he was about to start acting.

Then he looked at Feng Heyuan hesitantly: "Father, did I hear wrong?"

"You said that a man came and said that he was sister Xiyi's biological father?"

(End of this chapter)

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