Chapter 268 Interstellar Return (51)

He is leaving the field.

In a certain corner of the barren planet, Feng Xiyi curled up on the ground in pain, her life of extreme fatigue and suffering made her sick.

But the man beside her was unwilling to take her to see a doctor, she rolled on the ground in pain, while the man beside her was chatting with other people.

"The creator of the super mecha is Feng Xiangli." The man stretched out his foot and kicked Feng Xiyi on the ground.

Feng Xiyi looked up in shock, and the man said, "Do you really know Feng Xiangli?"

"Isn't your name Zha Xiyi?" After the man finished speaking, the people around him also roared with laughter.

It's not that they don't know the origin of this woman, they knew it when they were brought here.

But this place is so far away, the Feng family can't control coming here!

After such a long time passed safely, it was obvious that the Feng family didn't care.

These people are all people without identity information. They can only look at, and they don't have their own accounts to publish things on

So this is also the reason why Feng Heyuan knew about Feng Xiyi's current situation but didn't respond, because they couldn't spread the news about Feng Xiyi on the Interstellar Network.

"What super mecha." Feng Xiyi looked at the man blankly.

Her optical brain has long been taken away by the person who brought her here, and now she is living a life isolated from the world.

People here will not let her touch the optical brain, for fear that she will escape.

The man explained the super mech to Feng Xiyi, and he looked yearning: "It would be great if I was lucky enough to operate it once in my life."

"I also want to go to the battlefield and kill the Zerg to make a contribution!"

Feng Xiyi sneered, is he like this?On the battlefield?

Feng Xiangli...

Why is it so powerful.

With such a great achievement in just a few years, Feng Xiyi was so sad that she shed tears, why is she so weak.

Are genes really that important?
With good genes, you can create everything that you can't understand.

"Your genes are really bad, you were raised by Feng's family, why are you still so useless..." The man was very disgusted.

Feng Xiyi opened her mouth, she is not useless, she is not completely useless.

She has learned a lot, and she also understands some fields, at least better than ordinary people, but no one wants her in those fields.

It was blocked by the Feng family before, but later his identity information was imprinted, and now he has fallen into this situation again.

The Feng family was so ruthless that she couldn't turn over for the rest of her life.

But she never really hurt anyone...

"Go away, don't pretend here, go to work!" Seeing Feng Xiyi, the man began to feel sorry for himself again, and his expression became even more bored.

This vicious woman must be suppressed for the rest of her life, otherwise who knows who will be killed.

Feng Xinlin pulled Chu Yin on: "Come on, let's talk to Dad."

Chu Yin sighed: "Have you really made a decision?"

"You have achieved a lot in this field. If you change fields, you have to start all over again."

"But I'm really fed up. My dream has always been to escape from this field, but my father said that this field cannot be without people from the Feng family."

"Isn't there you now? Your talent is so much higher than mine. It's no surprise that the Feng family has you here!"

Chu Yin felt helpless.

"Good sister, help brother." Feng Xinlin looked at Chu Yin aggrievedly.

"If dad beats you, brother will fight for you."

"Father scolds you, brother will help you answer."

Chu Yin waved his hand: "Farewell, you'd better take it easy."

"Don't talk back, things are okay."

Chu Yin and Feng Xinlin found Feng Heyuan, and Feng Xinlin said solemnly, "Dad, can I apply to change fields?"

Feng Heyuan shook his head: "No."

"It's just getting better, so I can't just change it."

"Unless you want to be an interstellar prodigal son and change your name."

Feng Xinlin: "..."

"Father, is there really no room for negotiation?" Chu Yin asked cautiously.

Feng Heyuan chuckled: "You two brothers and sisters, what else would you do besides singing against me?"

"We will also make super mechs." Feng Xinlin said immediately.

Feng Heyuan: "Will that make you proud for the rest of your life?"

Feng Xinlin said firmly: "In short, I have made up my mind!"

"You mean, this is just to notify me?" Feng Heyuan looked at Feng Xinlin with a dangerous gaze.

Chu Yin hastily pulled Feng Xinlin, it's not okay to speak like this, my God.

How does this make.

"Father, of course not, my brother just wants to ask for your permission." Chu Yin said, "My brother really doesn't like this field, but I can let him develop in the field he wants to go."

"If the development is not good, according to his current status in this field, it is very easy to come back."

"Just give brother a little time to let him roam around."

Feng Heyuan nodded: "It's still pleasant to speak to Li."

Chu Yin poked Feng Xinlin, and Feng Xinlin immediately said: "My sister is right, let my sister work in this field for a few years first."

"Dad, please give me three years. If I can't make achievements in other fields, I will return to this field and never want to escape for the rest of my life."

Feng Heyuan raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

"Both brothers and sisters set me up for three years. If your sister does it, if you can't do it well, you will be welded to death by me in your current field for the rest of your life!"

Now in this field, there is indeed a child who has shown a better talent. Since the son wants to change, it is not impossible.

Chu Yin and Feng Xinlin frowned, it's done!

Feng Xinlin changed domains, went to the Zerg battlefield, and used the super mech they developed together to fight against the Zerg, and wiped out batch after batch of Zerg.

It has always been Feng Xinlin's wish to go to the battlefield, and he prefers to make contributions here.

And Chu Yin also reminded that the task was completed and it was time to go back.

Before going back, Chu Yin went to visit Xiang Shan. Now Xiang Shan is a good game master, and he is quite busy with business every day, but no matter how busy Xiang Shan is, he will always be with Chu Yin first.

She and Xiang Shan talked about the people who pollute the garbage stars, and Xiang Shan sighed and said, "Although they are really evil, they are also caused by the environment."

"The conditions in that place are too bad. They do a lot of evil, and they have no choice but to do it."

"I'm going to mention this to my father, and I want to pick up the people from the polluting garbage star and send them to other planets." What Chu Yin thought was that it doesn't necessarily mean that the planet has good conditions, at least not so bad.

If we want to wait until the people who pollute the garbage star are all extinct naturally from generation to generation, it will still take a long time.

Those people, born in that kind of place, are not what they want.

Xiang Shan looked at Chu Yin with some emotion.

Chu Yin mentioned this matter to Feng Heyuan when he returned home.

Feng Heyuan raised his eyebrows: "You have contributed to the creation of super mechs. If you make such a request to the Federation, they will not refuse."

(End of this chapter)

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