Chapter 269 Interstellar Return (52)

Chu Yin made a request to the Federation, saying that it was originally a problem left over from history, and it should be resolved out of humanitarianism.

No one should live on a planet that disposes of polluted garbage, that is a very cruel punishment.

The Federation also agreed, and soon sent a spacecraft to pick up all the people living on the polluted garbage planet, and send them to another planet that is barren, but can survive on its own food with hard work.

There is no pollution there, so there will no longer be so many diseases in people, and it will not cause people to mutate.

The Federation has also provided job opportunities for this group of people. Although it is hard work in large factories, it can guarantee their lives and allow them to live a decent life. Of course, it is also another level of management.

After all, these people cannot be allowed to cause trouble to others, and management is imperative.

There are always people who worry that these people will continue to do evil. In the eyes of most people, people who pollute garbage stars are very evil, but in fact, when their lives are guaranteed and they are full, they cherish this hard-won In life, there is no evil heart at all.

They're all in awe of the people who run them, because no one wants to go back to the polluting garbage star and eat the polluted stuff.

And for the factory, it was the best of both worlds. These people paid very low wages. They only needed to be responsible for basic necessities of life and a little star coins, and they could get cheap and very stable labor.

Xiang Shan was very happy about this incident, and took Chu Yin to drink for half the night, recalling the life of polluting garbage stars in the past.

Chu Yin's head was dizzy, and when he got home, he checked the things stored on the optical brain again.

Regarding the super mecha, Chu Yin left two upgraded versions for the client, which will be used at critical moments in the future, because she doesn't have time to make the super mecha the highest level in one go.

So leave it to the client to upgrade slowly, it will take time.

Every time a super mech is upgraded, it is of great significance.

And relying on the client's S mental power and her interest in this field, she will also specialize in her own research, and the knowledge she has learned about this field will be copied to the client.

Chu Yin also prepared a lot of nutrients. When the nutrients in his own space were used up, he would prepare some more.

Anyway, it didn't cost much star coins, and it was the star coins she earned by herself in her spare time, so she used these star coins to buy nutritional supplements.

After filling the nutritional supplements, Ji Cang came back under her call.

"I've been investing for a few years, how's it going?" Chu Yin couldn't help laughing when he thought of Jicang's departure for just a few years.

"I made all the super mechs." Chu Yin couldn't help showing off.

Ji Cang nodded: "I did earn a lot of star coins."

"But apart from returning your principal, I exchanged everything for gold."

"A lot, a lot, can I put it in your space? From now on, I don't need to ask you for money. I earned a lot of gold, which should be usable in any world."

"You can also use it at that time. All I earn is yours, because I think you care more about these extraneous things than I do, so I hope you can spend them happily."

Chu Yin: "..."

Speechless, speechless.

"What do you mean caring about things outside your body? Can you live without money?" She rolled her eyes.

Ji Cang: "Yes."

Chu Yin gritted her teeth: "That's you, not me."

"Then what do you do for money?"

Ji Cang replied solemnly: "In order not to ask you for money in the future, but also to spend money to make you happy."

"I said I'm a man with a plan, a man with goals."

Chu Yin: "Stop it, stop talking."

"Let's go get the gold."

When Chu Yin and Jicang arrived at the safe room where the gold was stored, Chu Yin was shocked to see a room full of gold.

"so much?"

This is a whole house!
She randomly picked up a gold brick to identify it, it was real gold!
"No, how did you earn so much in a few years?" Chu Yin couldn't help but joked, "Could it be that you went to the vault to find it."

Ji Cang shook his head: "I take it as your admiration for me, not a question."

"Of course I didn't steal it, it's all through regular channels. If a vault is stolen, it will naturally go to StarCraft."

"And stealing is really too slow. Believe me, I can make money faster than stealing." Jicang was serious and confident.

"It's great!" Chu Yin looked at the room full of gold, and he will never be poor in the future.

This gold is really the hard currency of most of the world!


Since Ji Cang said that she can use it in the future, then she can use it.

Chu Yin didn't intend to be polite, after all, she spent a lot for Jicang!

Ji Cang has never been polite to her, and just asks her to buy whatever she wants.

Chu Yin felt that there was no need for people like He Jicang to be obsequious and humble.

"I'll give you the principal." Jicang returned the star coins that he had taken from Chu Yin to her account. Chu Yin looked at the account and found that Jicang had his own personal information.

The whole room is full of gold. Chu Yin and Jicang moved very hard. After moving back to the system space, Chu Yin saw the piles of gold with a satisfied smile on his face.

Ji Cang also smiled with a sense of accomplishment.

They left this world.

After Feng Xiangli came back, he was obsessed with this field. His daily life consisted of work, going home, and looking for Xiangshan.

Feng Xinlin also won military exploits on the battlefield and performed outstandingly, so Feng Heyuan didn't bother with Feng Xinlin anymore and let him develop in this field.

Feng Xiangli focused on this field, but he hadn't considered personal issues after more than ten years.

But Feng Heyuan couldn't rush her anymore.

Because Feng Xiangli's achievements in this field were enough to make her reject Feng Heyuan.

Feng Xiangli's ability was as excellent and powerful as Chu Yin expected.

Feng Xinlin got married and gave birth to three children, all with S-level mental strength. After Feng Xinlin's youngest child was born, Feng Xiangli finally met someone he liked.

Ten years younger than her, he is Feng Xinlin's subordinate, but his family background is not bad, but compared with the Feng family, it is a bit worse.

Feng Heyuan and Bai Qijing said that it was barely okay.

The current Feng family has reached the head of the family, and there is a big gap with the ancestors.

Satisfied, Chu Yin put away the nutrient she had stored, and coded the gold together with Jicang. After that, Jicang went to manage his flowers, plants and fish, and she clicked on the reward.

Tasker Chu Yin No. 3308 completed the task of the client Feng Xiangli, and received task rewards: points: 5000 points, wish power: 320 points, merit: 350 points, soul power: 4 points.

No.: 3308
Name: Chu Yin

Race: Terran

Gender: Female
Rating: two stars

Points: 5000+12300
Willpower: +320
Merit: 350+830
Soul power: +4
Chu Yin was very surprised by the task rewards this time, because it broke through a new high again!
With so many tasks to do, Chu Yin almost knew how these merits came from.

(End of this chapter)

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