Chapter 271 Full of True Love (2)


"Forgot." Chu Yin suddenly remembered that the maid came to tell her that the general was angry again.

It seems to let her go and see.

see what...

Forget it, go and have a look, it's good to be angry.

On the way, Chu Yin was thinking, in fact, the client was really kind and righteous to Fan He.

Since Fan He returned to Beijing with his daughter, he never discussed with his client about taking a concubine, so he went directly to the emperor for a reward.

It's really a slap in the face, this is to tell the world blatantly that the client is jealous, so he can only go to the emperor to beg.

Therefore, the client also succeeded in gaining a reputation of being jealous because of Fan He's series of operations.

Although the client was disgusted by Fan He's behavior at the time, but thinking of the years of friendship between husband and wife, and thinking that he must have been a useless person, it must be very painful, so he still had some pity in his heart.

Whenever Fan He was in pain and angry because of his disabled legs, the client would go to see him and comfort him.

What made the client really disappointed with Fan He was because of Fan He's attitude towards the children afterwards.

She wants to discipline these worthless children, but Fan He just supports it, and supports it with his concubine, taking love as his heaven.

The world is not as big as love.

They are the one family with a unified mind, and they deeply exclude her and despise her.

There are also all kinds of affection between Fan He and his concubine who disregard the client's face, which also makes the client disgusted, and various incidents accumulate, thus completely despairing of Fan He.

There were too many things that happened in the middle, each of which made the client disgusted, and finally died of anger.

"I'm such a useless person, what's the use of my legs, it's useless at all!"

"Why is God so unfair to me!" Fan He beat his unconscious legs, the vicissitudes of middle age were vividly reflected on his face.

As soon as Chu Yin entered, seeing Fan He's painful scene, he couldn't help laughing.

With this smile, everyone present was stunned.

Including Fan He.

"Do I look funny? Can you finally not take it anymore?" Fan He asked.

Then he asked again: "Madam, do you hate me in your heart?"

"Hate me for being a concubine."

"I hate that I am abolished, and I can no longer bring glory to the general's mansion."

Chu Yin waved his hand: "I hate what you are doing as a concubine?"

"Are you going to put this jealous hat on my head?"

"You took a concubine and didn't discuss it with me."

"Besides, your concubine's room entered the door, and I didn't seek death or life. Don't I get along with my sister in harmony?"

Regarding the matter of Fan He taking concubines, one was afraid that the client would not be willing, so in order to make things 100% safe, he directly asked the emperor.

Then there is another important factor, which is to add moving colors to their feelings.

In order to save him, Fan He put his life and death at risk.

In order to be with her, Fan He did not hesitate to use his past achievements to beg the emperor.

Their love is different from ordinary love, they are the love bestowed by the emperor.

Really, moving.

So He Ruman was also very touched, Fan He did this for her...

"Madam doesn't blame me for making Master disabled?" He Ruman also just arrived, standing at the door and asked softly.

Chu Yin turned to look at He Ruman. He Ruman had a pretty face and was only a year or two older than the eldest son of the mansion.

Chu Yin: "What am I complaining about, you have to ask the master if you are complaining."

Fan He immediately said affectionately: "I don't complain, Ruman, everything is worth doing for you."

"I just lost the ability to walk, and if I don't come to save you, you will lose your life."

He Ruman immediately ignored Chu Yin and walked to Fan He's side, knelt beside him and looked at him tenderly.

Chu Yin was deeply moved: "Not only the outside world praises your love, but I am also moved by you."

"It's so touching. I've never seen such a touching picture." She squeezed a handkerchief and pressed the corners of her eyes, but there was no tear, and her tone was full of sarcasm.

"Fan He, you have said thousands of times that you will not regret it. Since you do not regret it, please accept the status quo calmly."

"Why do you still feel pain because of your disability? Is it because you don't love your sister enough? If you love her enough, you will sacrifice your life. If I were you, I wouldn't feel pain."

"I can only be thankful that I exchanged my legs for her life."

"Because once you feel pain for this, my sister will suffer extremely, tsk..."

"You are willing to let her suffer, I really don't understand."

Fan He's face was flushed by Chu Yin's words: "Our love is not something you can question."

"Stupid, I'm teaching you to love." Chu Yin looked at Fan He with contempt.

Fan He was furious and wanted to get up, but unfortunately he couldn't get up with his hands. He stared at Chu Yin: "Madam, you are presumptuous."

"How dare you insult me, I am the current general and the head of the family!"

Chu Yin laughed: "So what about the head of the family, I am your first wife, I have equal status with you, so it doesn't matter if I scold you a few words."

"Could it be that you still dare to bring scandals at home to the emperor's gate?"

What is there to be afraid of, what can Fan He do to her!
"I can divorce you!" Fan He did not allow his dignity to be trampled on in front of He Ruman, and a thunderous voice sounded in Chu Yin's ear.

Chu Yin: "Divorce your wife?"

"Fan He, it seems that you want to be the one who favors concubines and kills wives."

"It seems that you are not afraid that someone with a heart will make a fuss about this matter?"

"It seems that you want to lose your status!"

The emperor did not move Fan He's official position because of Fan He's past achievements, but now he is actually slowly taking power from Fan He.

Fan He understood this very well in his heart, and this is what he suffered from, the rights in his hands were being taken away bit by bit, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that others are healthy, he hates his own powerlessness, and he no longer has the ability to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

It also includes the client's mother's family and many other factors, so Fan He can't divorce his wife as he likes.

Fan He also said that it was okay, to build up his momentum, if he could divorce his wife, he would have already divorced his wife and given the position of wife to his beloved, so why bother to ask for the position of concubine.

Being speechless by Chu Yin, Fan He was so angry that his veins burst open, but he couldn't say a word.

"Madam, please don't treat the master like this, the master is already very pitiful." He Ruman knelt and walked a few steps to Chu Yin, pleading pitifully.

Chu Yin: "Then you can comfort her well. It's because of you that he became like this, understand?"

This He Ruman was not a good person, when he entered the mansion, he put down his eyebrows on the surface, but in fact, he did everything against the client.

When the client wants to discipline the child, she secretly condones and helps secretly.

"Besides, this is a matter between our husband and wife. Where is it your turn to speak?"

The success made He Ruman speechless.

Chu Yin felt relieved to be a hindrance to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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