Chapter 272 Full of True Love (3)

"By the way, from today on, He Ruman will take care of all the master's affairs."

"The rest are not allowed to intervene. Presumably my sister is willing to take care of everything about the master?" Chu Yin looked at He Ruman.

Fan He opened his mouth and said: "Shen Qing, don't be so embarrassing."

Chu Yin stretched out his index finger and shook it in front of the door: "No, how can it be called embarrassing."

"I'm giving my sister a chance to show off and redeem her sins, He Ruman, do you know why the master is always in a bad mood? It's all because you didn't take care of me all the time."

"If my younger sister refuses to take care of the master, she will come to my room to take care of me. As the head of the house, I must have the right to make such an arrangement."

"She was given by the emperor!" Fan He eagerly defended.

Chu Yin snorted coldly: "The emperor gave her to be a concubine, but he didn't say that she would be the master. If it wasn't for the emperor's gift, I would have sold her a long time ago. A concubine is a servant, and I am the master."

"You are not afraid of outsiders saying that you are jealous, take pleasure in torturing concubines, have no heart of benevolence and righteousness, and are vicious and vicious." Fan He asked.

Chu Yin laughed: "Not afraid."

At that time, the client would care about these things, so he didn't dare to do it after thinking this way, and then he was very angry.

But after learning the lesson from that time, when the client made a wish, Chu Yin could feel the client's regret.

She regretted not being bolder, regretting not being more reckless.

I thought about many things, but I didn't dare to do them. I put a lot of shackles on myself, and I was trapped by the outside speech.

So the clients let go, and it doesn't matter whether their children have any opinion about her, or whether they recognize her in the future, it doesn't matter what outsiders think.

Even if she swallowed her anger, so what, the fall of the general's mansion is an inevitable outcome.

It is an inevitable outcome for children to be ridiculed by others.

Besides, isn't the reputation of being jealous already out there?
This is nothing more than deepening it, it’s all the same.

"It's a person bestowed by the emperor himself. If you treat him like this, you are disrespectful to the emperor! Are you worthy of challenging the emperor?" Seeing Chu Yin's indifferent attitude, Fan He became more and more annoyed, and brought out the emperor to suppress Chuyin.

Chu Yin nodded thoughtfully: "How difficult is this!"

"I'm going to the palace to meet the emperor right now, and get a chance for He Ruman to take care of you alone!"

After speaking, Chu Yin flung his sleeves and left, leaving Fan He and He Ruman staring at each other.

"Master, don't be angry, and don't hurt your relationship for many years because of me and my wife's quarrel. Ruman should take care of you." He Ruman said softly.

Fan He shook his head: "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is making things difficult for you."

"How can you suffer this? I'm disabled. It's enough for you to marry me. How can I let you do those servant jobs."

"Ruman should do everything for the master." He Ruman's eyes were full of warmth, the tenderness in his eyes was like water, and Fan He's heart melted at the sight.

Reach out and stroke He Ruman's temples: "It's enough to have you in this life."

Chu Yin asked his servants to prepare the sedan chair, and the news that she was going to enter the palace soon reached Fan Yiyue's ears.

She hurried over to Chu Yin and asked, "Mother, are you going to enter the palace?"

Chu Yin looked at the client's daughter and thought of the client's attitude.

Education to death is fine, as long as you don't die or become disabled.

The young girl's skin is white and translucent, and her appearance is delicate and pretty. Of course, her temper can also be described as pretty.

"Yes." Chu Yin sneered angrily.

Fan Yiyue didn't care about Chu Yin's anger at all.

Because the mother and daughter had quarreled many times about the scholar before Chu Yin came.

"Mother, since you want to enter the palace, why don't you ask the emperor to marry you for your daughter?"

"My daughter really likes Lin Lang."

Chu Yin looked down at her hands, thinking how much Fan Yiyue's face would swell after she slapped her.

"Look at how well you learned from your father. You always ask the emperor to give you a marriage. The emperor is busy with affairs every day, and you have to find time to give a marriage to our family. It's really embarrassing." Chu Yin still endured it, only mocking it verbally .

Fan Yiyue's face pulled down: "Mother, is this unwilling?"

Chu Yin sneered: "Your face is big, you can go by yourself, my mother's face is not that big, so I can't ask for it."

"You just have a prejudice against Lin Lang." Fan Yiyue stamped her feet angrily.

Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiyue, now Fan Yiyue didn't know that her Lin Lang had a wife.

Chu Yin didn't bother to talk to her, and wanted to enter the palace, and deal with things the same way.

In the plot, the client couldn't understand He Ruman's poetic and picturesque life every day, leisurely and leisurely.

Then she instilled in her children the concept of the supremacy of true feelings when nothing happened, and made her two sons and one daughter lose face in the capital, becoming only concerned with true feelings, regardless of right and wrong.

Of course, Chu Yin does not deny that He Ruman has no feelings for Fan He, and she believes that the so-called true love is really there.

He Ruman's life is very comfortable now, but he doesn't know whether the love between them will be deeper or will be wiped out after Fan He has to take care of everything personally.

"Mother, you are not allowed to leave, first tell me what you are going to do in the palace?" Fan Yiyue pulled Chu Yin back.

Chu Yin said lightly: "Go to the emperor and ask for something."

"Let He Ruman take care of your father's affairs."

"Why? Don't there be servants to handle all the big and small things in the mansion?" Fan Yiyue thought again as if she had figured it out, and looked at Chu Yin suddenly: "You are jealous of Aunt He, and don't want her to have a better life."

"Mother, don't always target Aunt He, it's not easy for her. You love Daddy, right? Since you love him, you must want Daddy to be happy. Daddy loves Aunt He very much. If you torture Aunt He like this, isn't it just torture in disguise?" Daddy?"

Chu Yin raised his hand and bowed left and right, leaving a slap mark on Fan Yiyue's left and right faces with two slaps.

"I'll tell you with a slap, don't eat the inside out, remember it for me, I was the one who gave birth to you and raised you!"

"The other slap is the punishment that you just foolishly said that you wanted the emperor to grant you a marriage!"

Anyway, I couldn't hold back my hands, so buy one and get one free.

"Come on, take the lady back to my room. Without my permission, you are not allowed to come out, and you are not allowed to deliver food. Those who violate it will sell it!" Chu Yin glanced coldly at Fan Yiyue, who was covering her two faces in disbelief. , flung his sleeves and left.

The client's daughter was really brainwashed by the affairs of He Ruman and Fan He.

The people in the world also had a credit for praising the love between Fan He and He Ruman, Fan Yiyue felt admiration for her father when she heard it.

The old ones are doing, and the young ones are learning.

The whole family is crazy.

Chu Yin couldn't help sighing when she was sitting in the sedan chair. It was terrible. There was no killing or killing in this task, nor did it have a strong revenge nature, but these things were also very exhausting.

By the way, is Ji Cang coming out?
Chu Yin originally wanted to ask, but was attracted by the noisy voice outside in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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