Chapter 273 Full of True Love (4)

It turned out that Miss Shuanghua, the top brand of Liulilou, was auctioning the ownership tonight.

That's why the front of Liuli Building is so lively.

The client's two sons, Fan Yiming and Fan Yichuan, are also particularly eye-catching among the competitors at this moment.

Seeing the deep obsession on the faces of Fan Yiming and Fan Yichuan, Chu Yin couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The two sons are fascinated by this Shuanghua girl.

For this Shuanghua, both of them threatened that they would not marry anyone other than Shuanghua, and the two brothers fought for a woman in a brothel, which made the whole capital laugh.

If it weren't for rushing into the palace, Chu Yin would have stopped the sedan chair and went to scold her.

While thinking, the sedan chair went away.

When Chu Yin entered the palace, he first asked to see the queen, and only after seeing the queen did he say that he wanted to see the emperor.

The queen sighed, and still sent someone to invite the emperor over.

As soon as the emperor came over, Chu Yin asked the queen what rights the mistress had over the concubines in the backyard.

The queen understood in her heart that it seemed that Mrs. Fan He still couldn't tolerate that concubine room.

But having said that, if you are yourself, you can't tolerate it.

The dignified general who went on an expedition for the country, disregarding his own safety for a small family girl, became disabled, and now sitting at home, unable to serve the country at the top, and unable to stabilize the family at the bottom.

In the end, regardless of his wife's face, he asked the emperor to give him a concubine when he came up, making him laugh and generous.

The queen said: "All the concubines in the dynasty can be bought and sold, and they will be sent by the mistress of the house."

"But because it was bestowed by the Holy Spirit, it cannot be bought or sold."

Chu Yin nodded: "As long as there is no business, the minister's wife can do anything, right?"

"If there is no violation of the law, you can't kill or hurt yourself." The queen glanced at the emperor.

Chu Yin looked at the emperor again and asked what the emperor meant. The emperor just said coldly: "This is your family matter. The general's wife has been running the family for many years. I think the general's wife knows how to run a family like this. Even if General Fan's concubine is my relative Grant, but I have never thought of depriving the rights of the wife of the world's first wife."

"If the rights of the wife of the wife are not guaranteed, wouldn't the families be in chaos?"

The emperor hadn't thought that Chu Yin could bother him with these family matters.

He did not arrange this concubine's room to watch over Fan He in the General's Mansion, nor did he take the initiative to bestow it on his own initiative, so it has nothing to do with him.

At the beginning, it was Fan He who begged him shamelessly.

Because of this incident, he was very disappointed with Fan He at the time.

Could it be that a mere concubine still needs the support of the royal family?
Whatever, don't bother.

Now there is a gust of evil wind blowing in the capital, many officials dote on their concubines too much, and the empress is also deeply depressed.

They also didn't expect that Chu Yin planned to operate after asking these words.

Because once you get rid of the eyes of outsiders, you can do as you please, regardless of what outsiders say. There are too many things you can do.

Moreover, Chu Yin went to ask this trip to keep Fan He's mouth shut.

Didn't Fan He use the emperor to suppress her?
Now the empress and empress have talked about the right to be the mistress, and Chu Yin also tested the meaning of the emperor and empress, and would not support Fan He and He Ruman at all.

I am disappointed enough with Fan He.

The emperor and empress are not people who put the truth first, so they won't praise the relationship between Fan He and He Ruman like outsiders.

Now that the court is short of military generals, they are still worried that no one can use Fan He's loss.

When Chu Yin went back, he told Fan He what the emperor and queen had said.

"The emperor really said that?" Fan He asked.

Chu Yin sneered: "Could it be that the emperor will take care of your crap?"

Fan He said angrily: "You are so courageous to embarrass the emperor. Ruman was bestowed by the emperor himself. If you ask the emperor these words, isn't it just to embarrass the emperor?"

Chu Yin looked at each other coldly: "I am a mere girl, how can I embarrass the emperor."

"I'm just asking about the rights of the wife of the wife on behalf of the women in the world."

"It was you who made the emperor feel embarrassed, and you used your credit to force the emperor to give you a concubine!"

"The emperor won't think that I am embarrassing him, he will only think of you."

"Outsiders only see that you are the love bestowed by the emperor himself. It is very beautiful, but if you know the heart of the king, you should understand that the emperor was persecuted by you, understand? You set this precedent, and it is still in the capital. The wind of true love comes first, influenced by your great love, there are not a few people who repent of their marriages and pursue true love, and there are not a few people who spoil their concubines too much."

It is true that many people have made jokes, but no matter how big the joke is, it is no bigger than the joke that is full of families in the General's Mansion.

"Do you know that the queen will be annoyed to death by those ladies? There are many people who call her the decision. If you don't end well, the emperor will probably be gloating in his heart. Whoever told you to force him at that time, you shouldn't end well if you force him." .” Chu Yin approached Fan He step by step.

Fan He was oppressed by Chu Yin's aura, and felt that the surrounding air was much thinner.

His face was blushing, because he suddenly realized that the emperor may indeed be thinking as the other party said.

He also understood that the emperor was disappointed in him, it was normal for a useless person to be abandoned by the emperor.

But he couldn't live without He Ruman, he loved her so much, he could have nothing, but he absolutely couldn't live without her.

Angrily said: "Nonsense!"

"What qualifications do you have to remove the people around me, the head of the family?"

Chu Yin smiled, and said softly, "Husband, I said, if Ruman doesn't come to take care of you, then come and take care of me."

"I've been feeling unwell recently, and I really need someone to take care of me."

"Husband, this is an exchange condition. If my sister doesn't take care of you personally, she has to take care of me personally."

Can't get rid of yours and get rid of your own.

The husband she yelled was particularly harsh.

Fan He felt as if his dignity was being trampled.

Because he is a useless person, even his wife despises him so much.

The emperor took power bit by bit from him, even his wife did the same.

"For so many years, I have never taken a concubine, and you have never been satisfied. Now that I am just a concubine, you can't tolerate it." Fan He felt that the other party was disgusting.

"Too jealous."

Chu Yin sneered: "That's right, outsiders see me that way too."

"You said that you have not taken a concubine for many years, and you respect me extremely, and I am the one who is not satisfied."

"What does that matter, I don't care." Chu Yin turned and left after speaking.

Chu Yin asked his servants to pass on a message to He Ruman.

pick one of two.

Either serve Fan He, or serve himself.

She is just an ordinary concubine bestowed by the emperor, and she is not a master. Although she cannot be bought, sold or killed, but because the emperor did not say anything else when she was given her, in the final analysis she is a servant.

In this era, it is not said that concubines cannot serve the mistress.

It's just that most of them care about their reputation, and no one does it.

Besides, I went to ask specifically today, what they mean is that you can't kill him unless you can't make a deal, everything is fine.

He Ruman chose to take care of Fan He.

And took the initiative to drive away all the servants around Fan He.

Don't want Chu Yin to evacuate those people.

(End of this chapter)

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