Chapter 275 Full of True Love (6)

The boss Fan Yichuan frowned: "Mother, why are you talking so meanly?"

Chu Yin laughed: "So what if you are mean?"

"You can't insult daddy's dignity just because something happened to daddy, why do you have to torture daddy like this?"

"There is only this one aunt in the house. Mother, let this aunt take care of my father. She is a weak woman, how can she take care of my father? Isn't this torturing both my aunt and my father? If it is spread, it will only be said that our general's mansion People." The second son, Fan Yiming, also echoed.

"I will also say that mother, you have a vicious mind, and when father can't bring glory to this family, you treat him so cruelly, regardless of the past friendship."

"Besides, you treat my aunt so harshly. After the news gets out, who would dare to marry your sons? Mother, you are the head of the house, and your words and deeds will affect the children."

Chu Yin found it extremely funny.

The client just considered many things, so many things he wanted to do were not done.

But now the client just wants to do what he wanted to do but failed to do.

"What's the dog's name?" Chu Yin picked up the tea slowly and took a sip.

"You two brothers, what right do you have to bark here?"

Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming looked at Chu Yin in astonishment: "Mother, how can you speak so vulgarly?"

"Vulgar?" Chu Yin sneered, "Do you have the face to question me?"

"Why does my image affect your marriage in the future? Do you still need our influence? You have become the laughing stock of the entire capital. Girls from good families have long disdained to look at you. What are you worried about?"

"Do you really think that when the world praises the love of your father and concubine, outsiders really appreciate it?"

"How many people in the real family admire you? They have long despised our general's mansion, stupid and unaware things, get out of here, and don't bother me!"

After being scolded by Chu Yin, the two brothers who originally wanted to kidnap Chu Yin were also stunned at the moment.

Chu Yin smiled again: "Besides, before asking others, you should correct your own behavior first, and please ask your gentlemen to correct your own behavior before attacking your mother."

"Two things that don't do their job properly and don't think about making progress."

"If you don't go out and shame people, I won't lose this person, but the whole mansion is a joke, why can't I be a joke?"

Chu Yin's meaning is very simple, let's put it badly together.

"Mother, as a woman, how can you do this?" Fan Yichuan felt incomprehensible.

"You are also from a well-known family of noble generals. If you act like this, not only will outsiders talk about your viciousness and nostalgia, but it will also shame your mother's family and discredit them."

Chu Yin put down the teacup, stood up and walked to Fan Yichuan in a natural manner, and scolded in a cold voice, "Kneel down!"

The two stood still.

He looked at Fan He next to him.

And He Ruman with fear on his face.

He Ruman only felt that the current wife had become very fierce.

"Kneel down!" Chu Yin yelled again.

The two sons knelt down, Chu Yin lifted them up and kicked each of them, hitting their chests, causing their faces to be distorted in pain.

The body is crooked.

Chu Yin scolded again: "Kneel upright!"


She does what the client wants to do but doesn't.

If the client wanted to do it at that time, they would have said these words to the client.

Therefore, they may have been pissed off by these people long ago.

I can't survive the plot.

"I acted like this, what did I do, I just let a servant take care of your father, did I do something heinous?"

"Are you going to discredit the family?"

"Your father didn't discredit the family? An imposing general, he is a hero who dies in battle. He might as well die in battle for a woman. Look at the Fan family. Does anyone care about him?"

"Do you know that our family has been abandoned by the Fan clan?" Chu Yin raised his foot again and kicked Fan Yichuan.

Give him a kick, he said a lot just now.

"That's because those relatives are all bad people. When we were prominent, they knew how to flatter us. If something happened, they would all stay away." Fan Yiming said unconvinced.

Since Fan Yiming was so unwilling to show weakness, Chu Yin took advantage of the situation and rewarded him with another kick.

What an idiot, not all relatives are bad people, what Fan He did is too irrational, they are just disappointed.

"Enough, Shen Qing, are you going to turn the world upside down now? Husband, you want to oppress, you want to beat and scold your two sons, and you want to imprison your daughter." Fan He finally spoke.

Chu Yin: "The sky has been turned upside down? You are also worthy of being compared with the sky. It is much easier to turn over you than the sky."

She reached out and counted: "One, two, three, four."

"There's another one locked up."

His face was full of confidence: "No problem, I have the strength of one against five."

Just five love brains.

"Look at the two of you, how demanding you are on me. I just let a concubine do something, and you are attacking me."

"All crimes are thrown on my head. Someone, bring me the biggest bronze mirror in the warehouse. I want each of them to see their own faces."

The maids looked at Chu Yin hesitantly, and now they were also at a loss. Who should I listen to when the master is here?

"Disobedient sale!" Chu Yin curled her lips and sneered, "You don't think I'm afraid, do you?"

"Mother, what are you doing to embarrass me so much?" Fan Yichuan lamented.

Mother is crazy!

His sigh seemed to be full of kindness.

Chu Yin raised his foot, and Fan Yichuan kicked him again.

The servants soon came over carrying a large mirror. This mirror was very expensive, and the frame was carefully crafted. It was the first time He Ruman saw such a thing, and his eyes flashed with amazement.

"Look at your appearance." Chu Yin sat back in his seat.

A long silence followed.

He Ruman couldn't help pleading for Fan Yiming and Fan Yichuan.

She knelt down: "Ma'am, the young masters didn't mean it. They were young and arrogant, and said something that hurt Madam. Please forgive them when they are young and tell them to get up."

"I'm educating my sons-in-law, so I don't need you, a concubine, to intervene." Chu Yin responded coldly.

"Then I can always talk!" Fan He said to his two sons: "Get up for me."

"We don't need to kneel to unreasonable people."

Chu Yin immediately looked at Fan He: "Then I'm going to beat the gongs and drums on the city gate to ask, and ask if the son should kneel down to his mother!"

"Let the world comment on it again!"

"Witch, poisonous woman, you're trying to break up this family!" Fan He almost died of anger.

The ugliness of the family should not be publicized, she wished she could do it all!

Just like yesterday, she said that she wanted to find the emperor, but in the end she really ran to find the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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