Chapter 276 Full of True Love (7)

"it's all my fault."

"I caused your family to disagree." He Ruman said with great self-blame.

"I really hate myself right now."

With a look of pity for me, except for Chu Yin who was not moved, the hearts of the other three men were moved.

Fan He immediately comforted: "It has nothing to do with you."

"If I hadn't known you, I wouldn't have been able to see her true face. If I've seen her clearly in my life, it's worth it."

Fan Yiming also echoed: "Yes, Auntie, it has nothing to do with you, you have done nothing wrong."

Fan Yichuan sighed: "Auntie, you don't have to blame yourself, you are innocent and implicated."

"Get up quickly, you don't have to kneel with us."

"You are so delicate, how can you kneel for so long, don't kneel and break your body."

Chu Yin chuckled: "One mouthful, one aunt."

"You might as well just call your mother, you are a family."

"It's the two sons who can tell right from wrong." Fan He felt relieved.

At least the hearts of the children are still towards him.

Chu Yin rubbed his chest, feeling sick and wanting to vomit.

The situation was deadlocked again, and Chu Yin forced the two sons to kneel for a long time.

And they still didn't forget to pray to Chu Yin to change his mind.

He didn't want to make He Ruman so miserable, and repeatedly emphasized the disadvantages of doing so.

In the end, they couldn't hold on anymore, and told Chu Yin that they wanted to go back. After all, they had something to do in the afternoon.

It's okay for Chu Yin, after all, she has something to do in the afternoon.

In the afternoon Chu Yin went to the client's father's house. In the past, he was also a general who fought on the battlefield. He was too old to go to the battlefield. Now he is much more relaxed.

Ask Chu Yin to play chess with him.

Father Shen asked Chu Yin, "Qinger, is everything all right?"

Chu Yin smiled slightly: "It's okay."

Father Shen sighed: "I don't think you are safe as a father." Shen Fu left behind a son and sighed: "Since Qing'er was born, my father has regarded Qing'er as the apple of his eye and cherished him very much."

"Thousands of choices have found you a husband. You have been loving for many years, and you are very satisfied as a father. Who would have thought that Qing'er is in such a situation now, and there is nothing you can do as a father."

"I can only say, Qinger, you can do whatever you want."

"My two sons died for the country, and now you are the only daughter left. Besides, the sons left some children, and now your nephews have grown up, and all of them are also plotting against the court. Some errands can also support you."

Chu Yin understood Father Shen's meaning.

I know my daughter's character, so I advise her not to hold back.

If you choose to hold back and hold back, you will really be pissed off.

Shen's father was really open-minded and free and easy, and Chu Yin could feel that the client also carried some shadow of Shen's father.

And obviously the Shen family is stronger than the Fan family now.

The two families were originally equal in power and background, but now there are so many members of the Shen family who are officials in the court, and they are on the rise.

But Fan He's two sons don't have such abilities, and they are full of sincerity first.

So the Shen family is stronger and the Fan family is weaker.

This is also the main reason why Fan He is so helpless.

Now for him, the price of divorcing his wife keeps increasing with his decline.

"I already understand my father's intentions. Qing'er came back this time to ask his father to borrow some servants." Chu Yin smiled slightly: "The servants of the general's mansion are not so obedient."

Father Shen snorted, a little surprised, but didn't ask further, nodded and said, "You can take as much as you want."

Chu Yin told Shen's father all the things he had done in Fan's house, and Shen's father nodded: "Well done."

"It's too shameful for your sons to accuse you."

"It's really chilling. If it was in front of my eyes, I would definitely whip them a few times and beat them to pieces." Father Shen's face trembled angrily.

He took a breath and said: "It's just that if you do this, there will inevitably be gossip, but it's all gossip from people who don't understand the truth, so don't mind it."

"If you do these things, you will not discredit the mother family. You are good at running the family, and the women will use you as a model. The world will even say that the women of our Shen family have personalities, are strong and courageous, and are worthy of being the head of the house. Where is Fan Er!" Father Shen laughed as he spoke.

His gray beard trembled.

"Let's go, choose some servants, and come with me to worship your mother and see your mother. After a while, I will go down to accompany her." Father Shen got up.

Chu Yin hurried over to help him, and took advantage of the situation to feel the pulse of Father Shen. He is still in good health.

It's not like he said, go down to accompany the client's mother who passed away for a long time.

Chu Yin brought twenty members of the Shen family back to Fan Mansion, and sent some of them to guard Fan Yiyue.

And these twenty people all have some skills.

The people in the mansion are no longer worried about guarding her, and the servants brought by the Shen family will strictly implement her request.

"What are you doing again!" Fan He was half dead with anger.

Chu Yin shook her head: "You are still too idle, staring at me every day."

"Don't understand? I think the people in the general's mansion are not easy to use, so I use my father's."

"Disgraceful!" Fan He cursed angrily.

Chu Yin looked at Xiang He Ruman: "It's your fault that the master gets angry easily. You didn't take good care of her, and failed to appease her emotions. Your monthly payment for this month will be deducted."

He Ruman opened his mouth, extremely innocent.

"Let me out, I want to go out, I want to go out!" Fan Yiyue knocked on the door frantically inside.

She was going crazy, why locked her up like this!

What about daddy and brothers, can't they come and save her?
Just watch her locked up like this?

She hasn't gotten a bite of food until now, and she and Lin Lang still have an appointment at dusk, to take a night tour of the East Lake.

How could Fan Yiyue have imagined that in just two days, her mother was already invincible in this manor.

No one can save her.

And Chu Yin also added a big lock outside, and she held the key.

Now in this mansion, no one can do anything to get her.

However, as they said, the news of the general's mansion spread, which had some impact on Chu Yin's reputation.

Some said she was vicious, tortured concubines, despised her husband, and had no womanly virtue.

These were harsh criticisms for women of this era, but Chu Yin didn't care at all.

Looking at the caring maid's worried expression, Chu Yin said that the direction of public opinion is not constant.

"Don't worry, order the servants to deliver a meal to Fan Yiyue."

"As for what kind of food to send, do as I say." Chu Yin felt that Fan Yiyue should eat something different.

She must have been hungry enough, so she should have the appetite to eat it.

She asked people to go to an extremely poor family to buy a portion of the food they ate that day, and sent it to Fan Yiyue.

Lin Lang's wife ate these things every day for Lin Lang to study.

(End of this chapter)

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