Chapter 281 Full of True Love (12)

He Ruman looked at Fan Yiming in shock.

She didn't expect the second young master who had always supported her and the master to say so.

"Is the second young master not worth it for the master?"

Fan Yiming murmured, "It's from my father that I saw his contempt for Miss Shuanghua."

"It's only now that I know that daddy's so-called support is also lip service, but when Miss Shuanghua came, daddy's reaction was so great."

"It's my father's inconsistency." Fan Yichuan echoed.

Both of them were extremely disappointed with Fan He's reaction.

At this moment, they are grateful to Chu Yin for redeeming their beloved girl.

Chu Yin watched all this playfully.

Looking at Fan He's bewildered and angry expression.

Because all along the way, his sons were all towards him, and suddenly, the two sons changed, which made him flustered.

He has nothing else to do now, and his whole mind is immersed in the mansion.

Fan He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Although he supported it, he definitely did not use such a drastic method.

Obviously there is a softer and better looking way.

Besides, he also knew this Shuanghua girl. Generally speaking, she would not let people redeem her body.

Even if someone ransoms her, why would they choose the Fan family?

It's better to just find a son to redeem her body than to be involved in a situation where brothers are fighting each other.

The women in this kind of place are very smart, how could they not understand such a thing.

You must know that getting involved in brotherly rivalry is a calamity, and what good will the calamity have?The risk is great.

Fan He's mind is full of chaos, and he doesn't understand how it can be messed up like this.

"Husband, I also followed the children's wishes, so don't blame me." Chu Yin smiled and said, "Does Husband object to this matter?"

"Isn't that going to separate you from the children?"

Chu Yin used what Fan He had said to the client earlier to attack Fan He.

The client did not support the two sons spending money in Liuli Building all day long, and told Fan He that he did not want to give the sons any more money.

Fan He said that if you don't follow the children's wishes, you will have to separate from the children sooner or later.

Fan He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Don't call me Husband, what you call is really sarcastic, I hate to hear it, how can I still have a husband and wife relationship with you? If it weren't for the general's mansion being seen too many jokes, I really want to divorce you now." Fan He Out of anger, he still spoke.

Chu Yin yelled, "Really, my husband?"

"I'm so scared!"

Fan He snorted: "Crazy!"

These days, he has had such an impulse too many times. He doesn't know the day when he really can't bear it and divorces her desperately.

He Ruman saw that Fan He was often frustrated by Chu Yin, so she couldn't help but said to Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming: "Young masters, I hope you can understand me."

"The master was also impatient for a while, and expressed the wrong meaning."

"The master supports you. Since Miss Shuanghua has come here, it is impossible for the master to ask her to go again, but no matter who Miss Shuanghua chooses in the end, don't be too sad about the other one. The harmony between brothers Heavy."

"I also have free time every day, and I also want to make some clothes for Miss Shuanghua and send them over."

He Ruman's verbal output showed her superb wisdom.

It was obvious that Fan He was no longer able to make decisions, and the matter had come to this point, and Fan He couldn't drive out the people Chu Yin brought back.

And under her beautiful words, it's that Fan He wouldn't do this, not that he couldn't do it.

Then there is the advance appeasement of those who failed to get Miss Shuanghua in the end.

In the end, he said that he wanted to send clothes to Shuanghua, and the two brothers were immediately appeased.

He Ruman is so kind, she didn't dislike Shuanghua, and offered to send clothes to show her favor.

On the surface, he showed his favor to Shuanghua, but in fact he showed his favor to the two young masters.

Being in a hurry shows that they are still of one mind.

It is a lie for He Ruman to say that he has no intentions.

In the plot, she started to operate step by step, and then the five of them twisted together and pushed the client out. Of course, the client didn't want to be with the five of them.

But looking at the five of them, they were really pissed off.

Chu Yin didn't say anything about He Ruman's words.

And it was obvious that Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming looked much more relaxed.

Typically, they will be happy if they follow them, and they will lose their face if they go against them.

This is the task, and Chu Yin accepts the variability of the task very calmly.

This kind of task is actually more difficult than the revenge task. These two children are so old and have their own personalities, but they are not fully finalized.

It is necessary to reshape some concepts for them.

Fan He also wanted to continue spending time with Chu Yin here, he also wanted to make Chu Yin unhappy, and he wanted to respond to Chu Yin.

You can't make him uncomfortable and unhappy alone.

But his body didn't allow it. He hadn't completely recovered from the poisoning before. After staying for a long time, his stomach started to make trouble again, especially after being so aroused by Chu Yin, his mood fluctuated too much. One couldn't hold back and had diarrhea on the spot.

Feeling the stickiness, Fan He's face suddenly turned red, his eyes bulged as round as bells, and endless embarrassment was written on his face.

"Go back, go back." Fan He said eagerly.

Seeing Fan He's expression, Chu Yin could not help but laugh out a guess: "You can't help it!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fan He anxiously turned the wheel of the wheelchair, He Ruman also realized that something was wrong, gave Chu Yin a casual salute, intending to push Fan He away.

Chu Yin stopped He Ruman with the mentality that seeing a joke is not a big deal: "Is this your etiquette?"

He Ruman saluted Chu Yin again, but she had already smelled the stench, so she panicked and made the wrong salute again.

"Come again." Chu Yin held back.

He Ruman looked at Fan He as if asking for help, but now Fan He was concentrating on controlling a certain part of himself to prevent more spillage, so he didn't have the mood to speak.

Casting his eyes on the two brothers again, Fan Yichuan said: "Mother, don't make things difficult for Auntie."

"She is also a weak woman, it's not easy."

Chu Yin laughed: "Yes, it's easy for me."

Apparently, the two brothers hadn't realized what had happened to their father.

"I'm sorry, let's go back." Chu Yin waved his hand, and He Ruman pushed Fan He away quickly as if relieved from a heavy burden.

Then Chu Yin said to Fan Yi: "Do you know what you did just now?"

"For the generosity of others, you just said that she is not easy, and you deny everything about being a mother. You have never turned a blind eye to my situation."

"She stole my husband, and my husband only dotes on her and treats me like a snake and scorpion. My husband and her raised eyebrows and made me a joke in the capital, but you two have been asking me to be magnanimous, and you want me to do it for you." Their so-called true love gives way."

(End of this chapter)

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