Chapter 282 Full of True Love (13)

"How cruel are you to me?" Chu Yin asked them.

The two brothers were speechless again.

Chu Yin asked: "I've already broken the truth and fed it to you. Do you know where you went wrong?"

The two were silent.

"People in the world are harsh to me, and you are also harsh to me." Chu Yin's eyes were full of disappointment.

"Another two hours' fine." Chu Yin waved his hand and returned to the room.

Let the two brothers who can't figure it out stand outside.

Shuang Hua came out from behind the screen, saluted Chu Yin and said, "Ma'am, I heard everything that happened just now."

Chu Yin smiled.

"Madam is very bitter." Shuanghua sighed.

Chu Yin also sighed: "No matter how hard it is, there is nothing I can do. After all, it is the children I gave birth to. I always want to get them back. Why don't I just give up like this? Wouldn't it be a waste of hard work over the past ten years?"

"My two sons and one daughter have been spoiled and grown up over the years, and his father is even more spoiled. It is not only their fault that they are not successful today." There is also Fan He's fault.

In the past, Fan He spoiled these children in various ways.

If the client wants to control him, he will pamper him.

On the contrary, the client has lost a strict mother and he has lost the reputation of a loving father.

Fan He was arrogant in the past, he already held a high official position, his family was supported by him, and sooner or later the children would have an official position.

Unexpectedly, with the current changes, Fan He couldn't even keep the power in his own hands, so how could he find official positions for his two sons.

Shuanghua said: "Shuanghua can understand Madam's feelings. After they are punished, Shuanghua is willing to speak for Madam."

Chu Yin nodded slightly: "Thank you."

"Ma'am, that Scholar Lin has been wandering around in front of the mansion for the past few days, and everyone outside knows what's going on, pointing at our gate." The servant girl came in and said to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin looked indifferent: "Where is Miss?"

"Miss has eaten some food we sent over in the past few days, but she probably can't get used to such rough food, and it's easy to vomit after eating it."

"Crying and making noise inside."

Chu Yin: "After all, I still ate it."

Since Fan Yiyue was locked up, the food for Fan Yiyue has been according to the standards of poor families.

That was also the life of Lin Lang's wife.

It's normal not to be used to eating, and it's normal to vomit, but she is so hungry, she still has to eat.

"It's time to go and have a look." She was still locked up for several days, and she was locked up as soon as she came.

After going out the door, seeing the miserable expressions of the two sons who were holding the water basin, Chu Yin asked them: "You are willing to be punished here, is it for Miss Shuanghua, or for your mother?"

"It's okay to be straightforward." Chu Yin looked at them coldly.

Fan Yichuan thought about it for a while: "It's for mother."

"The son feels sorry for the mother."

"Son thinks about it, it's the son who can't forgive mother."

"Why can't I be sorry?" Chu Yin asked.

Fan Yichuan couldn't answer again: "My son just feels sorry, but he can't explain clearly."

"Then think about it carefully." Chu Yin left.

Miss Shuanghua picked it up, and the two sons didn't want to run away.

There is plenty of time to settle down and think about it slowly.

Children who are only in their teens, before they were always outside, in the noisy world, how can they calm down and think about the truth of life, right and wrong.

Chu Yin released his mental power to look at Fan He and He Ruman.

He Ruman was bathing Fan He, this kind of thing made Fan He feel that his dignity was gone in front of He Ruman, he kept his face sullen and did not speak.

When the family and rights were out of control, Fan He was already extremely frustrated, and when his body was also out of control, Fan He felt that he could not hold up any momentum in front of He Ruman.

Which man doesn't want to be a stalwart image in front of his woman, but now he has suffered a terrible defeat.

The embarrassment was extreme, and some love words were backlogged in his chest, and he was ashamed to say it.

"Master, don't be so sad, it's actually nothing, Ruman doesn't mind." He Ruman comforted her.

And Fan He looked at her silently, he didn't forget that after taking off his clothes just now, He Ruman frowned unconsciously, and unconsciously held his breath.

Although He Ruman was born in a small family, she had never served others like this before. This was the first time she encountered such a disgusting thing.

It's hard to go against your instincts and act like you don't dislike him at all, but it happened like this, which deeply hurt Fan He's fragile heart.

Feeling extremely unbalanced inside.

Why do you despise him?
Isn't it all because of He Ruman that he is here today?

Everyone in the world is entitled to dislike him, but He Ruman can't, because he has paid too much for He Ruman.

What did He Ruman pay for herself?

If you have to say too much, it can't be too much. Doesn't she marry whoever she wants to serve others?
Fan He's heart is losing balance step by step, and He Ruman is also feeling in his heart, why is it always her who suffers.

To be a concubine is to be so fortunate, and the wife above her is overwhelming her. Which wife is so fierce?
In the final analysis, it was the old man's leg problem, which made him unable to control his wife.

The two people with their own thoughts made the surrounding air seem to drop a few degrees.

Chu Yin gloated at Fan He's distressed appearance.

Fan He, who was going to be strong all his life, is in such a mess. If things go on like this, does he really still have the heart to talk about love and vows?

Walking to Fan Yiyue's side and opening the door, Chu Yin saw the disheveled Fan Yiyue.

She hasn't taken care of herself since she was locked up.

Seeing Chu Yin, she yelled at Chu Yin angrily: "Mom, why have you locked me up for so long?!"

"Did you get Dad's permission?"

Chu Yin Shiran sat down and looked at her for a while: "Your father, does it matter whether you agree or not?"

"If he wanted to take care of you, wouldn't he have come to take care of you long ago? Can you be smarter?"

It's not that Fan He has tried to come over and let Fan Yiyue out.

But the key is in her hand, and the gatekeeper is someone she brought from Shen Mansion.

The original servants of the Fan Mansion might have listened to Fan He before, but after Chu Yin brought so many people from the Shen Mansion, they were afraid that those people brought by Chu Yin would do something to them, so they only dared to listen to Chu Yin.

So Fan He failed.

Fan Yiyue was stunned, her eyes were red with anger, and she accused Chu Yin: "I have never seen a mother like you, who is so cruel, locked me here for so many days, and gave me those things that are not eaten by humans."

"Mother, I hate you!" Fan Yiyue shouted arrogantly.

Chu Yin stared at her with a pair of dark eyes, without any emotion, without any waves.

But Fan Yiyue became frightened, she suddenly remembered the two slaps she received last time, and she was also slapped under this kind of eyes.

At that time, my mother was looking at her with such eyes, and slapped her hard at a speed that she didn't realize, and it has been closed until now.

(End of this chapter)

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