Chapter 284 Full of True Love (15)

Chu Yin also wanted to understand, so let's talk as much as I like.

It just happened to have a deeper understanding of Fan Yiyue's complete thoughts, and it would be good to be able to prescribe the right medicine.

Seeing Fan Yiyue looking at her anxiously, she nodded: "Speak, continue."

"I won't hit you."

"Is what my daughter said wrong? Why do I have to guard someone who doesn't love me? In fact, I have nothing to say. I've said everything I want to say." Fan Yiyue sighed.

Chu Yin raised her eyebrows, the client didn't want to be sure to guard Fan He.

Her wish is peace and separation.

He just wanted to disperse Fan He's spiritual food "True Love" before reconciling.

Chu Yin nodded: "You're right, it's meaningless to guard someone who doesn't love you."

"So my daughter really doesn't know what mother is insisting on." Fan Yiyue looked puzzled.

Chu Yin sneered: "So my mother has run the General's Mansion for many years, and everything she has run for many years must give way to that aunt, just because they are true love?"

"Fan Yiyue, let me ask you, if it were you, would you give way immediately?"

"With your character, are you willing to give way? It really doesn't hurt your back to talk while standing."

"Why don't you think about it, I'm your mother, she took her husband from your mother, you don't love me, don't agree with me, but respect a humble aunt."

"The joke that I became the whole capital is all due to my children and my husband."

"Because no one's legitimate son or daughter will turn to an aunt!"

"True love is bigger than the sky in your hearts, bigger than my devotion over the years, bigger than our mother-daughter relationship, it's ridiculous, true love is bigger than your face, your dignity, it will make you disregard the world's eyes and A scholar fooling around!"

Fan Yiyue's behavior is extremely disdainful in this era, such a woman's reputation is already bad in this era, just because this era is demanding on women.

Fan Yiyue gritted her teeth: "I knew it wouldn't make sense to you."

"You won't understand at all."

Chu Yin smiled, okay, she doesn't understand love.

The client doesn't understand either.

These people who have so-called love, could it be that they regard themselves as gods, and with love, they have supernatural powers, and they despise everything.

Chu Yin does not dislike love. Love is indeed a beautiful thing, but it is definitely not like this.

"Are you hungry?" Chu Yin changed the topic suddenly.

Fan Yiyue rubbed her belly unconsciously: "Hungry."

"Is it delicious?" Chu Yin asked again.

Anger floated on Fan Yiyue's face: "Give me this and ask me if it tastes good, mother, you are the master of the house, do you have any interest in torturing me with your rights?"

Chu Yin said, "This is not torturing you."

"This is to let you adapt to life after marrying Lin Lang in advance."

"You can marry Lin Lang if you want to, but the General's Mansion won't give you any dowry. Just marry like this. After you marry, you'll just eat this."

"Because Lin Lang's wife only eats these, and his wife has to work in the fields every day, light up lamps and embroider, and stay up late at night before she can rest, and she has to get up again when the sky is not clear."

"There are so many students in the world. If you want to wait for someone with Lin Lang's level to go to high school, you may have to suffer for 20 years. During these 20 years, you can live like this."

Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin in astonishment: "Mother, why is Lin Lang's family so poor?"

"How can it be as scary as you said?"

"Besides, even so, are you willing not to help your daughter?"

"Of course I'm willing. If you don't believe me, I'll take you there." Chu Yin smiled slightly.

How easy it is.

It would be nice to experience it.

Words are not worth seeing.

Lin Lang was in the capital, so he definitely never imagined that he would bring Fan Yiyue to his hometown.

When you arrive at Lin Lang's hometown, you don't need to reveal your identity, just pretend to be an ordinary person and stay at their house for a while.

"I don't want to go, I'm not going." Fan Yiyue didn't want to face it in her heart.

Afraid it was all real, it was suffocating.

Chu Yin smiled coldly: "Fan Yiyue, I am giving you a chance, don't cherish it, if you don't cherish it, I will invite a matchmaker tomorrow, find a man from any family, and arrange your marriage at will. Send the sedan chair."

"Dare you, Daddy won't let you act like this!" Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin in a panic.

"I'll give you half a day, go and see the sky in this mansion, see if the sky has changed, and judge for yourself whether I dare or not." Chu Yin stood up: "Looking forward to your reply."

After saying that, Chu Yin went out and said to the maid at the door: "Make up and dress up the lady."

"Take her around the mansion. The master is not feeling well, so don't let the lady go over and disturb him." The maid at the door is also from Shen's mansion. She is very smart, and she immediately understood what Chu Yin meant.

I can only walk around the mansion, the master cannot see.

When Chu Yin went back, the two sons were still standing because they were happy to stand for four hours in the water basin.

Chu Yin felt that these two people had good physiques. After standing for so long, they could still persist despite the pain.

"Shuanghua, join me in the library." Chu Yin went in and called out Shuanghua. Seeing Shuanghua's figure, the eyes of the two brothers were straightened.

Excited, some water was spilled from the basin on his head.

Shuanghua didn't give them a straight look.

All of Shuanghua's performances were arranged by Chu Yin.

When they arrived at the library, Chu Yin found a lot of books and said to Shuanghua, "I will leave the house for a few days at the most, and I will trouble you to urge my two sons to memorize these books."

People still need to read more books, and many life principles can also be obtained from books.

Fan He, a warrior who went to war, always felt disdain for these things to be genteel, so he also conveyed the same thought to the children.

Chu Yin intends to grasp these things. The more he gets from the book, the more he is influenced by different viewpoints, and the broader his vision and knowledge, the thinking will slowly change.

"Shuanghua will definitely complete what Madam arranged." Shuanghua read the book and said.

Chu Yin said: "After I leave the mansion, you will dispatch and command my people. They will all obey you. Don't worry, no one can bully you."

"Madam is thoughtful, and Shuanghua is very grateful." Shuanghua bowed to Chu Yin: "Shuanghua must try her best to make the two young masters understand Madam's difficulties and difficulties."

"They don't know right from wrong now, and Shuanghua feels sorry for Madam."

While these two sons are still interested in him, let's hurry up and play more roles.

You can't ask your wife to spend a lot of money to redeem yourself, you have to repay your wife well, and then you can truly be ashamed of yourself when you leave the general's mansion and have a free life, otherwise you will always be ashamed.

Chu Yin patted Shuanghua on the shoulder: "You are a sensible girl."

"I like."

Very contractual.

(End of this chapter)

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