Chapter 285 Full of True Love (16)

"When they finish memorizing these books, I will probably come back. You tell them that I will listen to them recite them when the time comes."

"You don't have to cater to them, just be yourself, you are equal as you are comfortable." Chu Yin gently instructed Shuanghua.

The existence of Frost Flower can also be turned into their motivation.

Everything is not absolute.

With Shuanghua here, Chu Yin was very assured that these two sons would never run around.

Now is the time to be obsessed.

And they would always think that Shuanghua's deed of prostitution was in their own hands, so they could control it.

In fact, Shuanghua has been given to Shuanghua a long time ago, and she has already told Shuanghua not to speak out about this matter.

If Shuanghua ruined her plan and violated the contract, Chu Yin's eyes deepened...

But Shuanghua wouldn't do that if she thought about it, Chu Yin chose to trust her own vision.

Fan Yiyue packed up, went out, and inquired in the mansion.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

Every operation of the mother is crazy.

First, she ran to the palace to find the queen and the emperor confirmed her right to be the head of the house.

Then he removed the people around his father and left his aunt to take care of him alone, not afraid of bearing the name of being a mean and vicious mistress and treating his aunt like this.

In this regard, father and mother have nothing to do.

He redeemed Shuanghua from the building again, and it was fine to redeem her body. This is not a glorious thing, but her mother took it back with great fanfare.

But my mother did these things, but my father still had nothing to do.

"What do people outside say about my mother?" Fan Yiyue asked her former personal maid.

The servant girl hesitated for a moment: "Everyone outside said that Madam is crazy."

Fan Yiyue said slowly: "I think so too."

It was crazy enough to think that her mother treated her like this without saying a word.

But compared to what happened to his father, he seemed to be nothing.

Poor father's head of the family has only one aunt to take care of him.

It's a pity that they have no choice, and they can't find their mother's fault. Mother gave them a choice and let them choose.

If the aunt does not take care of the father, she must take care of the mother.

That being said, it is also a mother's right to marry herself.

Father can't even take care of himself, even his favorite aunt, he can only watch his aunt suffer, how can he care about himself.

How did daddy become so incompetent?

"I want to see my father." Fan Yiyue thought for a while, and felt that she should struggle a little bit. Although she already understood the general idea in her heart, she still didn't give up.

"Madam has an order. The master is not feeling well. It is better for the lady not to disturb you." The servant beside him said coldly.

Fan Yiyue looked at her and at the strange faces beside her, speechless.

He walked over to Chu Yin's side quietly, and saw the two older brothers standing in front of the door with the basin on their backs, looking upright.

After asking the people around me, the two elder brothers have been standing for more than two hours, and it is said that they have to stand for a total of four hours.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Mother punishes them like this, doesn't Daddy know?"

The people around should say: "Master knows."

Fan Yiyue was speechless.

Dad knows, but Dad can't control it anymore.

Naturally, Fan He couldn't control him, he couldn't say enough about Chu Yin, she was the head mistress of the mansion, especially since she brought so many people from the Shen family.

The Shen family supported her.

In addition, Chu Yin threatened Fan He several times, saying that he would go to the city wall to beat gongs and drums to ask the world, and even went to the palace to annoy the emperor and empress without saying a word.

At present, Fan He has no other choice but to make up his mind and leave without hesitation. As long as there is no reconciliation, the power will be in Chu Yin's hands.

But it doesn't mean that Fan He will definitely succeed on the day when he is really ruthless and desperate.

In addition, Fan He's body is still unwell, intentional but powerless!

What's more, people like Fan He are actually very selfish. Whenever he has the ability to resist, he will choose to resist for himself first, so why would he help his sons resist first.

"Daddy is no longer the dignified person he used to be." Fan Yiyue sighed.

In the past, if mother wanted to punish them, father would help them. At that time, father only needed to say a few casual words, and mother could be speechless and had no choice but to obey him.

Dad was so mighty back then, he was the real head of the family, he kept his word, and my mother respected him very much.

How did Fan Yiyue know that those past respects were all a woman's helplessness.

At that time, Fan He had a great reputation, a prominent position, and great power. If he disobeyed him too much, there would be pressure from all sides.

It's different now, no one really cares about Fan He anymore.

Seeing the two disobedient elder brothers in such a situation, Fan Yiyue couldn't help but shudder, feeling that she was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, without the ability to resist.

And Shuanghua chatted with the two brothers after they finished their punishment, but they didn't talk too deeply or too much.

She just expressed her disappointment with them, saying that she thought the sons of the aristocratic family were sensible, but she didn't expect them to be so unreasonable in private, that even her own mother couldn't understand, the emperor valued filial piety, but they didn't.

After a few simple sentences, he left without giving a single look.

The two brothers were dejected and emotionally complicated, and couldn't help but question whether they were really wrong?
Shuanghua thinks they are wrong?
Chu Yin nodded secretly, feeling that Shuanghua's speech was very good, and it perfectly achieved the effect she expected.

At night, Chu Yin worked overtime, and quietly went over to add ingredients to Fan He's ingredients for the next day.

Did He Ruman really think that she could avoid being poisoned by cooking with her own hands?
But this time, Chu Yin's poisoning was not obvious, and it was still a slow, step-by-step one.

Moreover, the doctors here couldn't find out that this was secondary poisoning, and only regarded him as a physical problem.

In addition, Fan He already had this kind of symptom by accident today. Even if this kind of symptom reappears tomorrow, it will gradually worsen. If the doctor can't find out, they will not realize that they were poisoned again, and they will only treat it as the previous toxin. It has not been cleared, or it is the damage and sequelae caused by the previous poisoning to his body, or there is a problem with his body itself.

He didn't want He Ruman and Fan He to know that this was poisoning again, and it also gave He Ruman the confidence to persevere.

In case she thinks that she has already handled the diet and is poisoned, she will be embarrassed if she simply breaks the jar and stops doing it.

Fan He didn't know that the real uncontrollable was approaching him instead of true love.

Early the next morning, Fan Yiyue obediently came over to greet Chu Yin.

Chu Yin raised his eyes and asked her, "How are you thinking?"

Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin pleadingly: "Can't I not go? It's meaningless."

Chu Yin said to the maid beside her, "Bring me the matchmaker from the east of the city."

"Mother!" Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin sadly.

After Chu Yin arranged all the big and small things in the mansion, he took Fan Yiyue and got on the carriage out of the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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