Chapter 290 Full of True Love (21)

When we got to the ground, there was also light, and we started to work.

Fan Yiyue didn't want to do things, but Chu Yin forced her with her eyes, so she did things with a sad face.

Mrs. Liu took a break from her busy schedule, glanced at Fan Yiyue, and said to herself that this girl is quite afraid of her mother.

Mother Lin's hands and feet were more agile than anyone else's in the field. Seeing Fan Yiyue's hands and feet were slow, she felt a little disdain in her heart.

Fan Yiyue gritted her teeth and finished her morning work, opened her hands, looked at the blisters on her palms, and burst into tears.

And Lin's mother had already taken the lead to rush back, and didn't notice that Fan Yiyue was crying behind her.

Liu Shi heard the turning back and saw Fan Yiyue's hand like this, she looked puzzled: "Xiaoyue, does it hurt?"

"Do you think it hurts or not!" Fan Yiyue was so wronged that she couldn't help shouting.

Chu Yin glared at Fan Yiyue: "Others care about you, why do you lose your temper to your young lady?"

Mrs. Liu hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's the first time Xiaoyue has suffered this kind of hardship, and it's normal that she can't accept it."

"Don't blame her."

"You wait, I'll go to the mountain and pick some herbs for you, crush them and apply them, it will make you feel much better."

After saying that, Mrs. Liu ran away in a hurry.

Fan Yiyue sat down helplessly, sobbing.

"I'm not dead yet, why are you crying?" Chu Yin took Fan Yiyue's hand, spread her palms, and started blowing: "Blow blow."

"Blow it and it won't hurt."

When you should care, you still have to care.

Fan Yiyue withdrew her hand, not as wronged as before: "I'm not a child, so I don't believe it."

"You brought me here to torture me!"

Chu Yin: "Then when I go back, I will arrange the marriage right away. Although I dismiss you casually, I still have to choose a family name. At least I can't make you suffer like this. I will let you be pampered when you get married."

Fan Yiyue gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Yin: "If you know how to force me, if you know how to force me."

"Mom, can't you forgive me?"

She begged Chu Yin pitifully.

Chu Yin shook her head, that's all for now, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

Some truths are useless that others say, you have to understand them yourself.

Mrs. Liu quickly found some basic and common herbs, crushed them and carefully applied them on Fan Yiyue: "It will be healed soon after applying it."

"This is useful."

Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiyue's hesitant to speak, and knew in her heart that she had something to say, but she couldn't keep up her face and was embarrassed to say it.

Then he got up: "Come back slowly."

"The sun came out, I'll go back first, I'm afraid I'll get sunburned."

After speaking, Chu Yin got up and left without looking back.

Deliberately leave room for Fan Yiyue to get along with Liu Shi.

I don't know what happened to the two sons at home. With Shuanghua in charge, they should be fine, right?

When she goes back, those two will have a worse life.

Fan Yiyue stared at Chu Yin's back and muttered, "You are the only one who is afraid of the sun, am I not?"

"Get me here to do farm work."

Liu Shi was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Fan Yiyue asked Liu Shi: "Have you noticed that my mother is like a lunatic?"

Liu Shi: "I didn't find out..."

"Xiaoyue, she is your mother, no matter what she does, she should have her good intentions. I don't think you should treat her like this."

"Does your mother know that you think of her that way?"

Fan Yiyue: "I know, I say she is crazy every day, and everyone in the capital also says she is crazy, and I am not the only one who says she is crazy."

Liu: "..."

What on earth would it take for a woman to gain such a reputation as crazy?

Doesn't look like crazy.

She felt that the lady's temperament was very noble.

"Xiaoyue, why do people in the capital say that about her?" Mrs. Liu couldn't help gossiping.

Fan Yiyue wanted to vomit quickly, but when she thought of these things, she couldn't tell Liu Shi, because her mother wouldn't let her identity be revealed, so she waved her hand: "Forget it, there's nothing to say."

Mrs. Liu snorted and squeezed out a kind smile.

Feeling that the burning pain in the palm really faded a lot, Fan Yiyue pressed the herbal medicine and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry just now."

"Shouldn't be yelling at you."

"Thank you for caring about me and finding herbs for me."

After Fan Yiyue said this, her face turned red, she was very embarrassed.

Liu showed a gentle smile: "I think you are still young. You are several years younger than me. I won't blame you."

"Besides, you are born delicate and delicate, so it's normal that you can't bear hardships."

"You've worked hard." Fan Yiyue thought of Liu's slow work in the field just now, and Lin's mother kept urging her to scold her and scold her.

From opening her eyes in the morning to now, as long as Mother Lin is by her side, there will be endless oppression.

Mrs. Liu smiled: "It's okay, my father-in-law is not at home, so I will take his place to serve my mother-in-law. My father-in-law's father died early, and my mother-in-law raised him. It is not easy and very hard."

"I can understand her, she is all for this family."

"Life is very hard. If she wants to scold me, I will let her scold me. Just scold her and make her feel better."

Then suddenly said: "Xiaoyue, have you rested enough?"

"Why don't we go back first? After you go back, you have a good rest. You can't do anything anymore. I'm going back late, and I'm going to make my mother-in-law angry. Too much anger will hurt her body. I still hope that she is in good health. She can enjoy a lot too."

Fan Yiyue looked at Liu Shi in surprise: "If I were you, with a mother-in-law like you, I would hope for her death every day."

"When you die, you will be quiet."

Liu: "..."

She couldn't laugh or cry: "how can you think like this?"

"Everyone is family."

"Don't you have the word "resistance" in your life?" Fan Yiyue stood up and walked back together with Mrs. Liu.

Liu Shi: "Resist?"

"My husband studied so hard, and he just waited for some achievements to bring us a good life."

"How can I treat her badly?"

"Most of the time, I am grateful for the kindness my husband-in-law treats me."

Hearing Lin Lang, Fan Yiyue felt displeased, and felt that Liu was showing affection.

Holding her breath, she asked, "Is your husband-in-law treating you well?"

"How do you treat me well?"

Liu was a little shy: "How can you say these words, you should not be married yet, right? These words are not easy to say."

"There's nothing to say. They're all women. I won't be shy after hearing that."

"Just tell me about it." Fan Yiyue wanted to see how good Lin Lang treated her, and it was worth her so much patience and hard work.

Embarrassed by Fan Yiyue, Mrs. Liu said slowly, "He said that he only loves me, and I'm the only one in this life."

"Even if he becomes famous one day, he will never take concubines."

Fan Yiyue looked at Liu Shi in astonishment, Lin Lang said she only loved her?

But Lin Lang also said so to himself.

"Then what if he falls in love with someone else?" Fan Yiyue suddenly felt melancholy and asked.

Mrs. Liu was only focused on walking, and did not look at Fan Yiyue's expression. When asked about this, Mrs. Liu said, "No."

"I believe in him."

(End of this chapter)

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