Chapter 291 Full of True Love (22)

Fan Yiyue sighed, suddenly a sense of sadness rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

This woman believed in Lin Lang so much, but Lin Lang did swear to her outside.

There is also a sense of guilt pervading her whole body. This woman seems to love Lin Lang very much.

Fan Yiyue was not interested in continuing to chat with Mrs. Liu.

As soon as Mrs. Liu returned home, she was greeted with scolding from Lin's mother.

"You procrastinate behind and don't come back for a long time. What are you hiding?"

Mrs. Liu didn't speak, and Fan Yiyue said, "She went to find some herbs for me."


"Is something wrong?"

Mother Lin twitched the corners of her mouth, but said nothing.

"If you treat guests like this, I really don't want to live in your house. If you want to be so cruel again, you can return the money to us and we will find a new one." Fan Yiyue said angrily: "Do you really think we are easy to bully? ?”

Glancing at Chu Yin, if it wasn't for the mother showing a bully look, this Lin mother wouldn't be like this, right?
Lin's mother is not an easy person to deal with, she said: "I taught my daughter-in-law a lesson, and I didn't bully you."

"I don't feel sorry for you either. The work was done on your own initiative, and the food was negotiated for you."

Fan Yiyue was suddenly speechless.

"Besides, I don't know that she went to find herbal medicine for you. Wouldn't it be better to just open it?" Mother Lin glanced at Fan Yiyue.

Chu Yin said lightly: "Okay, don't say a few words."

It is true that Mother Lin is just educating her daughter-in-law unscrupulously, and Fan Yiyue has little reason to quarrel.

However, Fan Yiyue was quite surprised that she was willing to speak up for Mrs. Liu.

Things are moving faster than she imagined.

After staying here for a few more days, Chu Yin, who is doing things under Liu's business, asked Fan Yiyue to follow her, and her life and rest were kept in sync with Liu's.

After a few days, Fan Yiyue was so tired that she was quite haggard.

Especially here I still can't get enough to eat, and I work hungry all day long.

Hold Chu Yin's arm and beg: "Mother, please forgive me, it's really too hard here."

"I can't stand that old woman. I think she scolded Liu as if she scolded me."

"My ears are almost callused."

Chu Yin hummed: "How hard is it?"

"For Lin Lang, what kind of suffering is this?"

"Can you do it? No, don't talk to me about your relationship."

Fan Yiyue: "As long as I grit my teeth and persevere, you can agree to our matter?"

Chu Yin squinted at her: "So can you?"

Fan Yiyue said stiffly: "Don't question my love."

Chu Yin nodded: "Well, I don't question it."

"You should learn from your father, and you don't know what happened to your father."

With the worsening of Fan He's symptoms, He Ruman may have endless trousers to wash and endless dirty things to clean up.

Fan Yiyue: "Look, you still miss him."

Chu Yin smiled inexplicably.

Well, I miss you very much.

Fan Yiyue followed Mrs. Liu to wash clothes by the river. She washed her own and Chu Yin's clothes, and rubbed them weakly. Mrs. Liu said, "Xiaoyue, I don't think you know how to wash clothes yet, so put it aside and wait for me." Help you wash."

"No, my mother said, I must wash her." Fan Yiyue also wanted to be lazy, but she didn't dare.

I don't know why, laziness will be discovered.

Even a little trick can't hide from my mother.

"Aren't you tired? You haven't rested from morning to night." Fan Yiyue felt that she couldn't hold on anymore.

"I'm used to it, it's okay." Liu Shi looked at Fan Yiyue: "I think you should be exhausted these few days."

"Your mother told you to do everything, and you have to be like me, as if everything is on par with me. Although I don't know the specific intention, I always feel that she is doing it for your own good, and you should understand more."

Fan Yiyue sighed: "You are so considerate, don't you really think that you can definitely get someone else's back?"

"Ever thought that others will fail you?"

Liu said, "But I wish I had a clear conscience."

"Then let me ask you, what if one day your husband finds someone outside?" Fan Yiyue asked tentatively.

Liu still said the same thing: "I trust him, no."

"It's just an assumption, what about an assumption?" Fan Yiyue asked.

Liu smiled softly: "How can there be so many assumptions, I don't think wildly."

"Oh, sister, just make an assumption for me." After a few days of getting along, the relationship between Fan Yiyue and Liu Shi has become closer.

And Fan Yiyue was also moved by Liu's gentle care.

Treat Liu as a friend.

Fan Yiyue acted like a baby, Liu could not stand it, she smiled and fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, she said: "If he has someone outside, according to our family's conditions, he can't take a concubine."

"Taking a concubine?" Fan Yiyue looked at Liu Shi in surprise: "But he promised you that you would be the only one, and he broke his promise. Do you still want to tolerate him having other people?"

Mrs. Liu smiled: "If you violate it, then you violate it."

"It's normal for a man to be half-hearted. I'm grateful for the promise he made to me. If I can't keep it, I can't do anything."

Fan Yiyue shook her head: "You are hopeless."

When Fan Yiyue talked about Liu Shi, she completely forgot that her behavior was also hopeless.

At the beginning, I didn't know that he had a wife, but I still wanted to be together when I found out.

"It's hopeless?" Liu looked at Fan Yiyue, "Do you think I should get along with you?"

Fan Yiyue choked and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"What if the girl he meets outside is powerful and can't be a concubine? And they must be together?" She asked tentatively.

Liu frowned: "Have power?"

"Then it must not be small."

"You can't let me go to school, can you?"

"There's nothing like it in the world."

Fan Yiyue: "That's right, you can't be small, and neither can others."

"Then it depends on who the husband chooses. If he chooses someone else and abandons me, I can't help it." Liu sighed, thinking of this possibility made her heart ache.

Fan Yiyue looked at Mrs. Liu: "Then let's assume again, if that powerful lady asked you to reconcile with you, and then gave you a sum of money so that you would not have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life, would you be happy?"

"Will you give up your husband-in-law frankly and live your own life?"

"Anyway, he also fell in love with someone else, and he doesn't love you anymore."

"No." Liu Shi said, "I probably will die in depression."

"I won't accept it. My love for my husband-in-law cannot be bought with money, and I will be in pain. I have paid for it for so many years."

"Oh, just thinking about it makes me want to die." Liu wept sadly: "It shouldn't be assumed, it's very uncomfortable to assume."

"You want to die?" Fan Yiyue looked at Liu Shi in shock: "Do you love him that much?"

"Just assume that you can't bear it, if it's true..." What will be the consequences?
(End of this chapter)

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