Chapter 292 Full of True Love (23)

Liu Shi: "Why don't you love me?"

"My heart and eyes are all about him, and besides, I was abandoned by him, where should I go?"

"Is there any talk of returning a married daughter to her natal family?"

"Abandoned by my husband, there is nowhere to go. As for money, I don't care how much it is. If I was greedy for money, I would not marry into his family."

Fan Yiyue lowered her eyes: "Understood."

"In short, you will be very painful, right? Even if you are forced to reconcile and have a lot of money, you will also be very painful, right?"

Ms. Liu said sadly: "If powerful people persecute me, I will be powerless to resist the forced reconciliation, and I will not ask for money. Although I was born poor, I still have my backbone."

"I'm human too, and I have dignity."

Fan Yiyue: "Understood."

Then he comforted: "Forget it, it's all my fault for assuming such a sad thing, you trust your husband, he will not let you down."

"There is no him today without you. I heard the lady next door say the day before yesterday that without your hard work after marriage and your good embroidery skills, he would not have the money to go to the capital for reference."

Mrs. Liu smiled: "My mother-in-law is also working hard."

Fan Yiyue felt ashamed.

I sigh in my heart.

In this life, I can't reach her level.

Can't do what she did.

If you want to compare who loves Lin Lang deeply, you can't compare to her.

At this moment, Fan Yiyue was willing to bow down and feel ashamed.

When sleeping at night, Fan Yiyue moved closer to Chu Yin bit by bit.

Chu Yin was helpless: "Can you stop squeezing me?"

"I'm going to squeeze you!" Fan Yiyue simply moved closer to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin rubbed her head, how did this girl manage to be afraid that she would provoke herself again?

She asked: "You flatter me, you don't mean you hate me, but you are worried that I will marry you indiscriminately?"

Fan Yiyue: "Then I can't resist, you are crazy, do you have any other choice besides pleasing you?"

Chu Yin smiled: "Smart."

"Mother, let's go back." Fan Yiyue pleaded again.

Chu Yin: "Is the life here very hard? Run away in a hurry."

Fan Yiyue: "I want to go back and find Lin Lang."

Chu Yin: "Oh?"

"I'll talk to him about something." Fan Yiyue really wanted to talk to Lin Lang.

Chu Yin: "Are you shaken?"

Fan Yiyue thought for a while and said, "I feel guilty staying here."

"Ms. Liu is very kind to me, she is also very gentle and cares about me."

"I feel like we're like friends."

"She is simple and kind."

Chu Yin nodded: "That's right, the eyes are not completely blind, and you can still see the good of others."

not bad.

She has gained a lot in the past few days, and she can only feel many things in person if she empathizes with them.

Liu's personality was actually introduced in the plot, and the client also investigated Liu's personality at that time.

I also questioned Fan Yiyue, do you really want to hurt another poor woman for your own so-called love?
But at that time, Fan Yiyue couldn't feel who Liu was.

"Mother wants you to understand that no matter what Liu is like, whether he is a good person or a bad person, it is not the reason for you to take love away." Chu Yin said seriously.

Fan Yiyue: "Really?"

Chu Yin: "Of course, good and bad are things that belong to others, and it's not a reason for you to take them away."

"All the problems are on Lin Lang. He hides from you and deceives you. You should see his true face and stay away from him, instead of going headlong into it and being obsessed with it."

"It's also good to say that I am true love, who can overcome all difficulties."

"What difficulties can you overcome? Apart from using your power to eliminate a civilian, what can you eliminate?"

"You can't get rid of all the laundry, cooking, farm work and embroidery. You can't stand it for a few days."

Fan Yiyue: "..."

"Mom, can't you comfort me?"

Chu Yin: "Break in love?"

"No, that's not true." Fan Yiyue remained stubborn.

Seeing Fan Yiyue's wavering, Chu Yin curled his lips: "Three days, stay for another three days and leave."

"It's another three days!" Fan Yiyue wailed.

The next day, Fan Yiyue happily said to Mrs. Liu, "We will be leaving in three days."

Mrs. Liu felt a little lost for no reason, but she was still happy for Fan Yiyue: "Then you won't have to live a hard life here."


Fan Yiyue giggled, "Thank you."

"We may not have the chance to meet each other in the future. We are very happy to get along these few days, but we are a little tired."

Liu Shi: "Yeah, I probably won't see you again."

Mrs. Liu didn't ask Fan Yiyue's specific family, for fear of being misunderstood as trying to climb high.

After deciding on a specific time to go back, Fan Yiyue's mood improved a lot, but as long as she thought of leaving here and parting with Mrs. Liu, she felt a little reluctant for no reason.

This reluctance made Fan Yiyue cherish the time with Liu Shi even more.

And so is Liu.

It is rare to have a visitor at home, but she will leave soon, and she is also reluctant to part with it.

Tell Fan Yiyue: "The girl is innocent and cute, youthful and lively, I really can't bear it."

"But I'm a bad guy." Fan Yiyue looked at Mrs. Liu.

Liu Shi: "Bad guy?"

She smiled: "How come? The girl doesn't look like a bad person, I don't believe it."

Fan Yiyue felt an inexplicable pain in her heart: "Well, I'm not a bad person."

In order to bid farewell to Fan Yiyue, Mrs. Liu secretly killed the chicken at home, and Lin's mother didn't know until it was served on the table.

She was so angry that she got angry on the spot: "Go out, gluttonous woman, kneel down for me, and you won't get up until tomorrow morning."

"He even killed chickens without my consent!"

Mrs. Liu knelt down with a plop: "Mother, I'm leaving, can't I kill a chicken? It's been so many days, and I've been given so much money, but we haven't had a meal. I really feel sorry for you." .”

"I can't do it, I really don't feel at ease holding this money!"

She knew it was useless to discuss with her mother-in-law, so she killed her secretly, but she didn't expect her mother-in-law to turn her face immediately, but the chickens are dead, why can't she wait for them to leave before punishing herself?
Liu couldn't help feeling wronged.

Being blatantly disobeyed, Liu's face couldn't hold back: " are going to piss me off! I want someone to tell Lin Lang that you disobeyed me, and when Lin Lang comes back, you can't bear it and walk around."

"Anything you want." Liu's expression was determined.

"Looking for death." Mother Lin couldn't see Liu's such a stubborn attitude, and her majesty was challenged.

The anger level rose to the extreme, and she took a pole from the side and threw it at Liu's body. The pole was held high, her face was strangely twisted and ferocious, and she used the strength she had accumulated from doing farm work for many years to go down.

"Mother!" Fan Yiyue screamed.

But Mrs. Liu said: "Mother, you can fight, anyway, this is not the first time."

"Hit it!" Mother Lin dropped her shoulder pole.

The pole that fell vigorously was caught by Chu Yin impartially, and Chu Yin said: "Don't hit it, I will pay for this chicken."

(End of this chapter)

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