Chapter 296 Full of True Love (27)

Seeing the children speak for Chu Yin, Fan He was even more angry.

And He Ruman remained silent from the beginning to the end, pursing his lips firmly.

Her face was full of panic, and the young masters and ladies would not stand with them anymore, and life in this mansion would be even more difficult in the future.

"Don't tell me so much, I'm going to give up my wife today!" Fan He was very angry.

The scourge, the children are leaning towards her.

Chu Yin saw that Fan He was getting more and more desperate to divorce his wife, so crazy, so he simply continued to keep silent.

"Father, you can stop being obsessed with your obsession. Even if you divorce your wife, this aunt won't be able to manage the house." Fan Yichuan said helplessly: "If my aunt manages this huge family business, can I manage it?"

"Besides, father, you are not in good health now, and you don't have much energy. Our general's mansion has lost power. If we can't manage money well, what should we do?"

"Why can't she manage it well!" Fan He seemed to have no other choice but to raise his voice.

"Ruman, can you do all of this well?" Fan He asked.

He Ruman hesitated, she was born in a small family, where did she learn how to be a housekeeper?
There are groups of servants in this mansion, countless shops outside, Zhuangzi...

With such a big matter falling into her hands, she really didn't have much confidence.

"I, I will study hard." He Ruman finally said, anyone with a discerning eye could see the lack of confidence.

Fan Yiming said: "Father, can't you calm down? Why do you have to divorce your wife? You have ruined the image of a loving father in our hearts. It will only make us feel that you are treating our mother too much for another woman. Normally, we would only resent you and Auntie, her existence caused us to lose our mother and my mother lost her husband."

"How will we get along in the future!"

Fan Yiming's words were threats, but Fan He had had enough threats during this time, and he became even more angry: "Today, even if the world is broken, I want to divorce this wife."

"Instead of persuading me not to divorce my wife, you should persuade your mother to follow my will and arrange some servants to serve me."

"If we live happily in this way, we won't divorce our wife and save her a bit of face." Fan He saw that Chu Yin hadn't spoken since he said he would divorce his wife, and thought that Chu Yin was frightened by his seriousness this time.

It is believed that Chu Yin is fearing the fate of being abandoned at the moment.

Therefore, his momentum also rose a little.

Chu Yin slowly asked Fan He: "So, I have to follow your wishes and give you whatever you want. I have to work hard to save the last sliver of face?"

"Otherwise you will abandon me."

"But I can't get any love from you after that, can I?"

Fan He seemed to hear a joke: "Love? I have already given all my love to Ruman, how can I give it to you."

He even became proud and said: "My fate with you has long since come to an end. If I hadn't considered your face, I would have divorced you long ago."

Chu Yin smiled desolately, and said helplessly, "This is you."

"Fan He, I really saw you right."

"Obviously divorcing your wife will make you poked in the back by the world, you will lose more and pay a higher price, yet you still say that you are thinking about my face."

"But if you really think about my face, would you do those things?"

"You are disgusting." Chu Yin shook her head, unable to bear to look directly.

The three children had seen through Fan He's face thoroughly, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

The father who has always been respected has become so unbearable and unreasonable.

"This is your love." Chu Yin said to Fan He: "Your so-called true love has turned you into a lunatic, wantonly hurting others, abandoning everything, being selfish and going all out to make others affirm you."

"Is this good love? It's called vigorous love."

Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiming and Fan Yichuan again, his tone softened a lot, and he said earnestly, "What about your love?"

"You think about it now, okay?"

"In order to pursue Shuanghua, you do not do your job properly and do not think about making progress. You are only Shuanghua and Shuanghua all day long, and you have lost your responsibility and responsibility as human beings."

"Is this what you're supposed to do?"

"At least you have to take care of other things when you have love, right? Why do you have to make your whole world full of love, do nothing for love, and devote yourself to obsession, can it be called true love?"

Chu Yin glanced at Fan Yiyue again. Fan Yiyue thought that it would be her turn to be blamed next, and she was ready to be blamed, but Chu Yin just glanced at her and gave her a look to let her experience it, so she didn't say anything again. spoke.

Chu Yin's words made the two sons bow their heads in shame.

"Look at your father's appearance now, don't you think it looks good?"

"Do you also want to become such a person?" Chu Yin directly regarded Fan He as a negative example.

"Don't talk anymore, I will give you two options now, either get divorced by me, or do as I ask!" Fan He didn't want to listen to Chu Yin's words of education.

Chu Yin looked at Fan He: "You are still saying to divorce me, but you really think you have the right to divorce me."

"Do you really think my Shen family is a vegetarian?"

"There are still people in my Shen family!" Chu Yin stared at Fan He: "You, the Fan family, have no power and power now, and have no foundation protected by power. Our Shen family should not deal with it too easily!"

"If you dare to divorce me, if you divorce me, I will make your life miserable!"

"When the time comes, you and your He Ruman will go to live a poor life. According to your physical condition, you just don't know how to live without money."

"Look at how vicious your mother is. If I want to divorce her, she will treat me like this." Fan He's pupils trembled, and he didn't expect Chu Yin to plan to treat him like this.

And the three children didn't say a word.

Now that I think about it, my father is ruthless first, and it is human nature for my mother to be ruthless, and my mother is not a saint.

They all felt that Fan He had gone too far and were unwilling to speak up for Fan He.

Chu Yin raised her chin: "Otherwise, why can't I treat you like this?"

"When the relationship between husband and wife comes to an end, who are you?"

"Now I also give you two options, either you divorce me and live a hard life with He Ruman after accepting the revenge, or you just endure it like this. Although He Ruman is a bit harder, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. "

If it wasn't for the fact that He Ruman and Fan He's relationship hadn't collapsed yet, she would have wanted to break up now.

The client's idea is to wait until they collapse before reconciling, and to make him lose the so-called love before reconciling.

So we still need to wait.

It is just this time to take the opportunity to educate the children well.

Fan Yiyue's side was almost settled, except for her two sons.

As long as Shuanghua is by your side, it's still easy to solve, let them slowly understand the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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