Chapter 297 Full of True Love (28)

Fan He was completely speechless from anger.

The arrogance that had just risen went out again.

"Come here, send the master back." Chu Yin gave an order, and someone pushed Fan He back regardless.

Although Fan He murmured and cursed when he was pushed away, he didn't continue to talk about divorcing his wife.

He had thought about divorcing his wife at all costs, but when Chu Yin put the consequences in front of him and asked him to choose, he still didn't have the courage to choose.

How to choose seems to have no choice.

He Ruman chased after him in panic, and did not forget to salute Chu Yin before leaving.

Now her fear of Chu Yin has risen to a higher level. In this mansion, she relies on Fan He. When Fan He can't overwhelm Chu Yin no matter what, she has nothing to rely on.

Naturally, you have to lower your eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye to get through.

She even worried that she was being quietly dealt with.

Dare not make a mistake.

"Go back and reflect on yourself." As soon as he came back, he had a big fight with Fan He, and Chu Yin was also tired.

"The sons will go back and face the wall and think about their mistakes." Fan Yichuan said proactively.

Fan Yiming followed closely with his elder brother: "So does my son."

"Mother, we will definitely rethink and analyze all the past events."

"We deeply reflect on ourselves!" The tone was firm.

After they left, Fan Yiyue carefully moved in front of Chu Yin: "Mother, don't be too sad."

"Daddy is already like this, he has gone mad."

Chu Yin: "I shouldn't be very sad."

Fan Yiyue sighed: "Mom, what are you going to do next? Are you going to be in a stalemate with Daddy like this? Or win Daddy's heart back?"

Chu Yin smiled: "Win me back?"

"No, broken mirrors are hard to reunite. He has already caused me unforgivable harm. I can't and I don't want to."

"Mother, I'm sorry, I was also dazed before and turned towards Daddy and that woman." Fan Yiyue said uncomfortably: "I must have brought harm to Mother as well."

"I feel really sorry for you..."

"But when I saw that woman today, I just felt that she was not at ease."

"She just lets you disagree with Daddy, doesn't persuade Daddy, doesn't appease Daddy, and doesn't guide him to do what he should do."

"Daddy asked her if she could take care of the house, and she said she could study, so she just pointed at Mother to separate from Daddy, she is a good housekeeper!"

"She just wants to run mother away."

Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiyue with relief: "You can see that this layer is already smarter than I imagined."

Isn't He Ruman supporting these children as foolish cubs to win over these young masters and ladies to become members of her team?Run on the main room together.

such a pity.

The client has the opportunity to counterattack, she will forgive her children for the wrong things they did when they were young, and she will want to change the children, it is because the children are her flesh and blood, they were raised by her, and she has put in years of hard work Well, mothers all over the world are tolerant to their children, but most of them can't be truly ruthless and can't cut them off.

But the client will not forgive He Ruman and Fan He.

"Am I stupid in Mother's mind?" Fan Yiyue asked.

Chu Yin: "Fortunately, not stupid."

"So are you going to marry Lin Lang? If so, I'll call Lin Lang over in a few days." Chu Yin asked.

Fan Yiyue: "I want to see him."

"I want to talk to him."

She is no longer the former Fan Yiyue who vowed to be with Lin Lang.

Chu Yin: "After a while, I also want to talk to him, and you will have a chance then."

"What do you want to talk to him about?" Fan Yiyue asked curiously.

Chu Yin smiled: "You will know when the time comes."

"Go back, don't leave the house without my permission."

Fan Yiyue: "..."

"I've flattered you so much, can't I go out and play?" She looked at Chu Yin pitifully.

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes, no."

Fan Yiyue's chest heaved, her petulant temper came up again, and she left angrily.

Chu Yin took care of some more things, and then went to find Shuanghua when she was free, and Shuanghua made some pastries, which looked very beautiful, and just after they were done, she said, "I know that my wife is coming to see me, so I prepared the pastries in advance. "

"Madam please try it." Shuanghua said.

Chu Yin picked up a piece of pastry, bit it lightly, and tasted it.

"Ah, this is delicious, how do you make it?" Chu Yin thought this pastry was very special, and she liked it very much.

I forgot what I was here for, and cared about the pastry.

Shuanghua explained the production method to Chu Yin very carefully, and Chu Yin also secretly memorized it, and must reproduce it in the future.

After chatting about the cakes, Chu Yin thanked Shuanghua again: "These days, it's still thanks to you."

Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming have made such a big change this time, and helped her speak up so quickly, not only because of their own words that let them see Fan He's true face, it must be due to Shuanghua.

It must be that Shuanghua also explained the truth to them and said a lot for herself during this period of getting along.

First of all, these two people had to understand their difficulties, and then they could see Fan He clearly under what they said.

If you can't understand yourself and the emotional balance is not biased towards you, then the words you say will not achieve the current effect.

They won't immediately help themselves to say Fan He.

I don't know how Fan He feels in his heart now, his son and daughter don't favor him anymore, and even if he wants to divorce his wife, he can't do it.

Shuanghua smiled softly: "Where is Madam, Shuanghua is just talking about the facts. Although Shuanghua came from a humble background, she also understands some things."

"Shuanghua should thank Madam, if Madam hadn't redeemed Shuanghua from inside, Shuanghua would not have had the comfortable life she is now, and would have to do those things against her will every day and live in pain every day."

Chu Yin smiled: "Help each other."

Shuanghua also smiled: "Actually, the two young masters are very reasonable. They have a lot to say. If I simply say it, they can understand it."

"I feel emotional from time to time in front of them. I lost my mother since I was a child, but they have a mother who loves them so much. I say that I envy them very much..."

"Of course, I also told them that their obsession with me is only temporary and not true."

Shuanghua roughly talked about what she had done these days.

Chu Yin still admired her a little. Shuanghua not only tried hard to make them understand their mother, tried to make them see the essence of things and right from wrong, but also encouraged them to learn and achieve themselves, and also quoted classics.

Frost Flower is knowledgeable and eloquent.

It's true that not everyone can be the top card. Shuanghua has something special that makes so many people pay for it.

Chu Yin couldn't help but wonder, what kind of life will Shuanghua pursue in the future?

But she didn't ask.

Shuanghua will not choose Fan Yichuan or Fan Yiming, she has no feelings for these two people, Chu Yin firmly believes this.

(End of this chapter)

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