Chapter 298 Full of True Love (29)

Fan He asked He Ruman in pain: "Ruman, what should I do?"

"My wife is so fierce, what should I do?"

He Ruman shook his head: "I don't know either."

All she knew was that this lady was very unfeeling.

She doesn't have any feelings for Fan He, so she can be so unfeeling.

As long as there is a little affection, and even if you take into account any past friendship, you can't be so heartless. She is a woman, and she understands women.

"But I can't bear to see you suffer." Fan He sighed.

He Ruman was silent and shook his head.

She was powerless to say anything.

The master can't change anything, what else can I do except suffer?
"You also know that if you insist on divorcing her, she will deal with our family. Now that the emperor has taken power, our Fan family is no longer the opponent of the Shen family." Fan He asked He Ruman: "Ruman, if I end up with nothing ,will you Still Love me?"

This is really a question that tests human nature, but He Ruman answered without thinking: "Yes, no matter what the master becomes, Ruman will always love you."

"Then how about I divorce her, even if we are reduced to poverty, it will be better than being bullied by her now." Fan He said.

He Ruman hesitated immediately: "But that would be very bitter."

"And I really don't know how to maintain my life. At that time, I will have to take care of the master and earn money. The master's health is not good now, and I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult in the future."

"Is the master willing?"

She is not alone in this suffering.

In fact, He Ruman analyzed this matter from an objective point of view.

Fan He's eyes darkened: "So you still don't want to live a really hard life for me."

"You call me a majestic old man who endures the oppression of a woman."

"But for you, I have to endure it."

He had already made up his mind and didn't dare to divorce his wife, but because he didn't want to make himself look too cowardly and incompetent, he asked He Ruman hypocritically, and instinctively pushed the matter on He Ruman.

He Ruman: "..."

She looked at Fan He and felt that Fan He lost his temper more and more now.

She didn't even understand why, she was such a gentle person before.

But the way he got angry at his wife was scary, and the way he made black faces with her every now and then was also scary.

And what Madam said today made Fan He so unbearable.

Chu Yin's words not only made Fan He's mentality collapse, but also made He Ruman's mentality unstable.

She has always been moved by her love, thinking that her love is perfect, but now someone has exposed her lover's ugly face and stained her so-called perfect love with many stains.

This kind of love tainted with taint made He Ruman feel unacceptable in her heart. What she wanted was a beautiful and romantic perfect love.

But He Ruman herself didn't realize that she actually only accepted vigorous love, and could not experience this kind of long-term suffering.

"Master..." He Ruman burst into tears before saying a word.

It is obvious that the master himself is unwilling to give up this wonderful life, and he is afraid of the revenge caused by divorcing his wife, so why should he push it all on himself?

As Madam said, hypocritical, high-sounding, and sanctimonious.

The good name is all for her?
Why did everything press on her? At this moment, she felt suffocated and exhausted like never before.

Is this Fan He's love?Love, but dare not even admit his weakness.

He Ruman couldn't help lowering her head and smiling wryly, and said, "I know that Master is willing to give everything for me, for my Master."

"So Ruman, now I have nothing to do, you won't dislike me, right?" Fan He was actually uneasy in his heart.

He felt that He Ruman was becoming more and more unhappy, smiling less and less, frowning more and more, and his last struggle failed, so incompetent.

For fear of being looked down upon and disgusted by He Ruman.

He Ruman shook his head: "No."

"Master, I'd better go to work first, and the clothes haven't been washed yet." He Ruman felt desperate again when he thought of the heavy things.

Even going to someone else's house to be a maid is not so tiring. One person has full authority to take care of a disabled person, regardless of day or night.

"Ruman, you're being cold to me." Fan He intuitively felt He Ruman's indifference and helplessness, and he panicked.

In this family, the wife and the children are his enemies, especially the betrayal of the children, which makes him painful and helpless. If Ruman's heart is separated again, he will be truly alone.

He Ruman looked at him helplessly: "Master, I'm very tired."

What she meant was that I am so tired, so don't ask me to smile gently at you every day.

Naturally, Fan He also understood the implication of He Ruman's words, and he, who had already become cloudy and uncertain, suddenly became furious: "Even you have to shame me."

"For whom did I become like this? You've only worked hard for me for less than a month, and you've started to flirt. You think I'm incompetent and can't divorce my wife!"

Fan He himself didn't realize it, he urgently needs to find a sense of presence, and urgently needs to bully someone to prove his majesty.

He Ruman shook her head and denied, "I didn't."

"You have."

"I really haven't." He Ruman's expression became more and more painful.

"You just have."

The two fell into an argument, and Fan He blushed with anger, accusing He Ruman of despising him, and it ended up being difficult for Fan He to control.

He Ruman endured her nausea and cleaned up Fan He, she felt like she was about to vomit.

"I'm hungry." Fan He felt slightly embarrassed, but after cleaning up, he became very hungry, and this kind of hunger was unbearable.

He Ruman pursed her lips, are you so hungry?

She was so disgusted that she couldn't eat it, but he had such a good appetite.

Why can't I eat less, God knows how disgusting those things are, she has to clean them up.

Chu Yin asked someone to report Lin Lang's movements in the capital during this period.

I went to his hometown with Fan Yiyue and stayed for more than ten days. I wanted to see what he was doing during these ten days, so I sent people to keep an eye on him.

Knowing Lin Lang's movements over the past ten days, Chu Yin chuckled.

"In a few days, I have to deal with the big and small affairs of the house." Chu Yin was not in a hurry to see Lin Lang, and waited for a few more days.

Early in the morning of the second day, Chu Yin began to exercise Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming.

From a family of military generals, Chu Yin knew that what they worshiped in their hearts was still the battlefield. If they wanted to go to the battlefield, their physical fitness had to be strengthened and exercised.

Chu Yin began to train them.

Seeing Fan Yiyue hiding aside and watching the show, Chu Yin also called her to train together.

"Mother, I am a woman." Fan Yiyue wanted to cry but had no tears.

Chu Yin: "Women are fine too. They can be slapped in the future. A slap will hurt more than others."

Fan Yiyue suddenly felt a burning pain in her face, thinking of the two slaps she had received, it was indeed more painful than others.

The surrounding maids watched their eyes, their noses, their noses and their hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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