Chapter 349 White Moonlight (8)

Jiang Shengran said in a hoarse voice: "Jiaqi, if you want to get angry at me, you can hit me or scold me, whatever you want."

"Aunt An, see off the guests." Chu Yin was tired and really didn't want to listen anymore.

"If you don't go out, push it out, hit it out, I can afford to pay for it if you break it!" Chu Yin said.

Only then did Aunt An let go of her hands and feet, pushing and shoving, and finally successfully pushed Mother Jiang and Lan Xian's mother and daughter out.

However, Jiang Shengran is strong and thick-skinned, so he is still here.

"I won't go, I'll stay here with you."

"If you don't forgive me, I have no face to leave." Jiang Shengran said.

Chu Yin looked at him.

"Go and buy me something to eat, it's my favorite place when we dated before." Chu Yin wanted to send Jiang Shengran away.

But Jiang Shengran was very vigilant: "I can't leave you now."

"I'm afraid you will do something stupid once I leave."

Chu Yin closed his eyes.

do something stupid.


To be honest, this body is limited.

Now this body can't support her to beat Jiang Shengran out.


"Aunt An is here, will Aunt An let me have an accident?" Chu Yin asked.

Jiang Shengran shook his head: "I just think you are too abnormal now."

Chu Yin sneered, "I should die or live."

"It should be painful."

"It's you who take yourself too seriously."

"But why should I punish myself for your mistake?"

"Are you worthy? Are you worth it?"

Chu Yin's words left Jiang Shengran speechless.

"I just want you to buy me something to eat right now, and I want a quiet space to relax, but you won't give it to me."

"Does your so-called love have to be so suffocating?" Chu Yin looked at him deeply.

Jiang Shengran couldn't refute: "Okay, I'll buy it for you."

"I'm willing to do anything as long as it makes you happy."

"I listen to you."

"Aunt An, I know I don't have the face to ask you to do anything anymore, but I still hope that you can take good care of her and don't let her have any accidents." He said to Aunt An worriedly.

Aunt An's expression was very cold: "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I can't let Jiaqi have an accident."

"I'm going, I'll be back soon, Jiaqi." Jiang Shengran reluctantly left.

Jiang Shengran walked forward, and Chu Yin immediately said to Aunt An: "Aunt An, I want to leave this hospital."

"You go and help me lure away the team that Jiang Shengran invited to stay outside. After I go out, you can find a chance to get out, and we will meet up and leave here together."

Aunt An laughed a little: "It's as if we were kidnapped."

Chu Yin pursed her lips: "Almost."

"If the person he hired finds out that I am leaving, he will definitely be notified immediately. If he knows, he will definitely not let me go."

"It must come back to pester me. I don't want to mess with him, and I don't want to have anything to do with him. I just want to get out of here quickly."

Things got annoying after tonight.

She didn't want to see Mother Jiang with Lan Xian and Lan Lan always wandering in front of her.

She also didn't want to see a scene where father and son were deeply in love.

I don't even want to see Jiang's mother and Lan Yuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a deep relationship, Jiang's mother and Lan Lan's grandparents and grandchildren have a deep love, and I am not interested in watching Jiang Shengran and Lan Xian's various ambiguous and sadistic relationships.

As long as you are there, it is the bridge for all their emotions.

The identity of Jiang Shengran's wife is the catalyst for all their emotions.

Chu Yin was not interested in being the catalyst, and now he has some strength, and his condition is better than expected after drinking the holy water.

As for leaving by herself, how their relationship develops has nothing to do with her.

Aunt An said hesitantly, "But if you leave, there will be no more blood."

"That woman, her blood type is as rare as yours, and now it's hard to find."

"Why should we get angry with her? Even if we use her blood to continue our life, what's the point of buying her blood if someone like her can even sell herself."

Chu Yin shook her head and said, "I think it's dirty."

After careful consideration, Aunt An said, "Jiaqi, don't make things difficult for yourself, you need blood very much now."

"Aunt An thinks that the body is more important than feelings, and besides, isn't it just what she wants if you leave now?"

"I can see that she is interested in Mr. Jiang. If you leave, you will make way for her and her child."

Chu Yin said, "Do you trust me? Aunt An."

"I believe you." Aunt An said, looking into Chu Yin's eyes.

Chu Yin said: "Since you trust me, then listen to me, I will be responsible for myself, and I have my own plans."

"Remember, don't try to convince me to accept her blood, it's impossible, I'd rather die than accept it."

Aunt An hesitated to speak.

Chu Yin said: "Are you going to let me live like this, to accept something that I hate so much?"

"A person's life is so short. I don't want to waste time on them. Do you want me to be stimulated like this every day? Do you want me to stay here holding my breath just to take the place of Jiang Shengran's wife?"

"You mean, you're going to get a divorce." Aunt An admired her a little.

From the beginning to the present, she has been very calm, and now she is extremely calm and planning to get a divorce.

Chu Yin nodded firmly: "Yes, I want a divorce."

"He has betrayed me, betrayed our love, I must divorce."

"Don't just let my life go. While I'm still alive and still have the energy to do these things, I must do it, otherwise I won't be willing to die. He makes me so disgusting that I can't stand it."

Aunt An was a little sad.

Mr. Jiang seems to be very affectionate, but he can do this kind of thing that hurts his wife.

Everyone outside praised Mr. Jiang as a good man.


Is he really good?
No, he's disgusting.

She could also tell that Mr. Jiang looked at that woman differently.

"Go and attract them," Chu Yin said.

Aunt An nodded.

After going out and thinking of a way, he lured away the nursing team arranged by Jiang Shengran, and Chu Yin slipped out weakly. When he got outside the hospital, he sent a message to Aunt An, telling her to come quickly.

Aunt An went back to the ward again, pretended to take care of it for a while, then came out and said to the nursing team: "Jiaqi has already fallen asleep, please don't bother her, I'm going to pick up Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang's car seems to have something wrong .”

After finishing speaking, Aunt An went to drive and picked up Chu Yin.

As the car was driving on the road, Aunt An asked Chu Yin, "Where should we go?"

Chu Yin leaned back, half-closed his eyes, and said with enjoyment: "The air outside feels a lot better."

"I love so much."

"As for where to's naturally a secret base."

"When my mother was alive, she bought me a house. She said that her daughter should have a private secret base that her husband should not know about. So Jiang Shengran didn't know about that place."

(End of this chapter)

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